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Getting to Know You

Posted on Thu 9th May, 2013 @ 3:41am by Lieutenant Jareth Dalton & Maia Dalton

923 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Orchids & Jazz Deck 400

Jathen and Rhiannon held hands under the table and glanced at each other periodically through their appetizers. The three had shared polite conversation through the course and Rhiannon was as enchanted with Maia as Jay had always been.

Maia finished off her fruit compote and was swaying to the music quietly in her seat. The smooth jazz was relaxing and she'd forgotten she was out in public for a moment. She even stopped staring at her brother and his date. It didn't bother her having Rhiannon along but she wondered how long they'd known each other and why Jay hadn't introduced them before now. But the music had made her forget all her questions and she had escaped to a strange new world for a little while. Her thoughts were interrupted by Jenna when she came to take their orders.

Seeing that the appetizers had been cleared away, Jenna stopped to see what else the trio at Floorside Table One might want. "Have you decided on dinner preferences? Everything is made with the freshest ingredients, by our own chef, very little of it is replicated," she assured them. "Don't forget to save room for dessert, though. In fact," she winked at the youngest member of the party, "sometimes I skip straight to dessert."

Before allowing Maia to make that decision, Jareth gave his order. "I already know that I want - the Filet Mignon, medium rare."

"Eww, you're going to eat a poor cow in front of me?" Maia spoke up, visibly upset at the thought.

"Maia, we've discussed this." He looked at her. "I've allowed you to eat your way for the last six years. You need to allow me and others to eat the way we choose as well...without comment." He sounded like a scolding father.

"Yes, but you know how I feel about animals.." She looked at the menu and back at Jenna. Still frowning, she gave her order. "I just want a salad, house dressing, no mushrooms.

Rhiannon had been set on the Filet Mignon as well, but looking at Maia and knowing it was upsetting to her, she smiled at Jay before turning to Jenna. "I'll take the spinach and cheese ravioli, meatless sauce if you would." She gave Jay a wink and then smiled when she saw the grin on Maia's face.

Jenna tapped on the PADD, sending the orders back to the chef. "Perfect choices, all of them. Our meatless sauce has zucchini and yellow crookneck squash chopped into it, very healthy. That'll take about 10 minutes to put together, so enjoy the music while you wait. If there's anything else you need while you're waiting, just push this button," she leaned in and pointed to an inconspicuous blue button at the bottom of the menu, "and I'll be right over." She left them with a smile, moving on to another table several feet away, hidden by a tall rubber plant with an orchid twining around it.

"Well what do we do while we wait." Jathen looked at the women. "Mai, want to dance with the old man?" He asked with a grin.

"I don't dance." Maia shook her head and blushed.

"Oh come on, you used to love to dance with me." He stood up and put his hand out toward her. "I'll even let you stand on my feet if you have to." He teased. He laughed and teased until Maia finally gave in and took his hand. She followed him to the dance floor. The band was playing a tune that was unfamiliar to Maia but she swayed her hips and moved to the music.

Jathen smiled as he watched her move. She was a beautiful young woman and he loved to see her open up and have some fun in public. When the song ended, she laughed as she covered her face with her hands and moved back to the table.

"Maia, you dance beautifully." Rhiannon told her. Before she could get a thank you out, their dinner was served.

In moments, Jenna had set the appropriate dinners in front of each person at the table. "Here's a bowl of sour cream, one of real butter," she said as she put the dishes down in the middle of the table.

She smiled at the youngest of the trio and set three cruets in front of her. "Ranch, Italian and Red Wine Pomegranate," she said, touching the lid of each one. "None of them have any animal products in them."

The server took a tall pepper grinder from the tray that had held the meal dishes and set it between the couple. "A blend of red, green, white and black peppercorns." Her last offer was to Rhiannon directly. "Would you care to have fresh grated Parmesan on your ravioli?"

"Thank you, yes." Rhiannon nodded.

Jenna grated the Parmesan and then smiled at the three of them. "Anything else you need, use the call button." She took the tray and the serving spices and returned to the kitchen.

The three enjoyed their meal together before relaxing and enjoying the music. Jareth and Rhiannon shared a dance to a lilting tune Rhiannon recognized from Earth called, A Japanese Lullaby .

"I think Maia is enjoying herself," Rhiannon whispered as they danced.

"Maia seems to find a way to enjoy herself wherever she is. My concern is, are you enjoying yourself?" He looked into her eyes.

"I'm having a wonderful time." Rhiannon grinned and leaned up to kiss him.

"Good." He smiled at her again.


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