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Grand Ole Opening, Part 1

Posted on Sun 21st Apr, 2013 @ 6:59am by
Edited on on Sun 21st Apr, 2013 @ 7:05am

1,230 words; about a 6 minute read

Location: Promenade, Deck 582
Timeline: MD 05, 1000

T'scholk had a large smile on his face. He felt on top of the world. After a few days of a 'soft' opening, today was the grand opening of his restaurant. He had ordered more exotic spices and ingredients - the Bajoran ingredients nearly cost their weight in latinum, the Klingon ingredients were exceptionally fresh. The cayenne peppers and other pepper varieties were fresh out of the make shift garden in his quarters. He had decided that this would be a good day.

T'scholk walked at a slower pace than the Starfleet personnel on the promenade, but he liked to savor the moments in life that he knew would not come again. He greeted people as they went by, many returned the greeting, others were confused about why a Romulan would greet them. And why one would be smiling. As he rounded a corner, his restaurant was in view. Members of the engineering department had hung up a large banner stating it was the grand opening. Granted they were Starfleet personnel and did it for free, T'scholk made sure each was given a few bottles of Saurian brandy. After T'scholk entered the access code, the large door opened and exposed his restaurant. The decorations had finally been hung and everything was spotless. The lights hummed to life, and he was officially opened for the day, and a good part of the night.

"I don't understand why Jade is helping the competition," Jenny said to Serena as they hurried down the few decks from Orchids & Jazz.

Serena laughed. "You think the same crowd we get is going to go to a Klingon restaurant run by a Romulan?"

"It's still competition," Jenna insisted. "Let him do whatever he wants. Why does she want to help him?"

"Come on, Jen, you've been with Jade long enough to know she helps everyone. That woman doesn't have a mean bone in her body," Serena said, stepping off the lift.

"Yeah, well ... maybe she ought to. I mean, really, a Romulan?" Jenna shook her head.

"Hey, you might like him. Fall in love. Settle down and raise little half-Romulan babies," Serena teased as they approached the open door of Targ.

Jenna just snorted and stepped inside, looking around and immediately spotting the man who had to be the owner. His eyes caught her attention immediately, a deep piercing blue. She felt as if he could see right through all her secrets.

"Welcome! How are you two?" T'scholk said as he passed a drink to a customer at the bar. "If you would like please have a seat anywhere you desire, I will be right with you. Oh, and help yourself to some tea, it's freshly made herbal tea."

Serena smiled and motioned to Jenna to sit with her on stools at the end of the bar.

"But we aren't here to have free tea," Jenna hissed at her. "We're here to work, if he wants help."

"Sit," Serena ordered. "The man's busy and we can't interrupt him. We'll wait until he comes over." She poured herself a cup of the fragrant brew and inhaled the steam. Sugar packets were in bowls along the bar, and she took two and added them.

Reluctantly, Jenna sat, but she refused to have tea. "You know that stuff is poison, don't you?" she said grumpily.

"The tea?" Serena asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No! That sweet stuff you ruin everything with!" the other woman flashed back.

Serena shrugged. "I like it," was all she said.

Jenna frowned at her and then looked away, watching the Romulan out of the corner of her eye. She wasn't sure why she was feeling grumpy. Walking in the door and seeing him, she felt instantly oppositional. There was no good reason. He hadn't done anything to her. If she were a cat, what she'd heard of cats, she felt sure he would have just rubbed her fur the wrong direction. But she was human, and he hadn't done anything at all. But he was Romulan, so he couldn't be trusted.

T'scholk kept his smile as he threw a towel over his shoulder and walked over. "What can I get for you today? Perhaps a cajun dish? Maybe Bajoran?" T'scholk could feel the tension in between the three of them. Something of a telepathic ability that Romulans had in common with Vulcans. "I'm sorry is there something wrong?"

"Not at all," Serena said, flashing a warning glance at Jenna. "Your tea is delicious, by the way." She put the cup down. "I'm Serena Alia, Assistant to Jade Lantz at Orchids & Jazz. this is Jenna Clark, also from Miss Lantz. Jade sent us to see what we could do to help you today. She thought it might be quite busy, and two extra pairs of hands could help."

Jenna tried to smooth her features into a pleasant look, but feared all she accomplished was looking vacant. Better than looking belligerent, she supposed. She was here representing Miss Lantz, after all. "What would you like us to do?" she asked.

"Oh, Jade did mention that she would send help for me, but I didn't know she was serious." T'scholk looked around. "I am sorry but I have most of the stuff ready..." T'scholk's face went to a look of nervousness. "After I had the kitchen changed to being open I could honestly use a woman's opinion. I will be right back." T'scholk went to the back storage room and came back with a box. "I am having an issue picking out silverware and dishes to use." T'scholk opened the box, the first thing he took out was a frame filled with his medals from the Romulan military and put it aside on the counter. "I have collected various designs over the years, let me ask you what your opinion is of these designs." He placed four different types in front of Jenna and Serena.

"I'm sorry, one second, I have to get a customer his drink. Please tell me which ones you like, and if you want order something off the menu, it's on the house for your trouble."

As he walked away, Jenna made a face. "I don't think Jade sent us here to pick out crystal and silver patterns."

"Jade sent us here to do whatever task the gentlemen needs to have done," Serena said, picking up one of the spoons. "I kind of like this one, but it isn't very practical for a restaurant. All these curlicues ...."

"He can just replicate more anyway, so what difference does it make?" Jenna asked. "You don't think they actually wash this stuff do you?" She picked up a different piece, turned it over in her hand. "Don't people get their hands pretty messy eating Klingon food? Do they even use silverware?"

Serena glanced around the restaurant, which was about half full of pre-lunch Beta-shift diners. "I'd say it looks about 50-50 right now. He serves other things besides Klingon food, you know."

"Huh. Why do you suppose a Romulan is running a Klingon restaurant? Doesn't that seem a little odd to you?" Jenna put down the piece and picked up another one. "I like the clean look of this one. It isn't ...."

"Girly?" Serena laughed. "I know, you like things plain and simple, and I like them fussy. So can we agree on any of these?"


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