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Posted on Tue 26th Sep, 2023 @ 9:16pm by Lieutenant Ricardo Shepard & Greg Decker

991 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: O' the Cardiff Rose
Location: Plasma Conduits
Timeline: MD 1, 1320

Greg Decker stood next to his new mentor, Lieutenant Shepard. He was nervous, but trying not to let it show. He'd been trained by several people over the years, but no one from Starfleet, and no one of the knowledge and quality of Shepard. He decided maybe he should put his ignorance out there, just so the Starfleet officer had an idea what he'd bargained himself into.

"I know the electro-plasma distribution network is the primary method of energy distribution on starships, but I'm not sure how that relates to 109. " He pointed to the EPS conduits. "I'm still struggling to see how all these connect the system. Is there just one system?" Greg winced at how ignorant he felt.

"Oh there is one main EPS system, but multiple subsystem and juncture points and......" Ricardo stopped as he saw Deckers face dead pan at what he was saying.

"I am sorry about that. Sometimes I get excited talking shop with people, and I just go on a rant. I tell you what, why don't you show me exactly what you've got going on, and let's see what we can do about it."

Greg rubbed the back of his head, where the hair was short and prickly. "I'm not really sure. I know it's working as matter is converted to energy at the warp core. Before it gets here," he waved his hand around the area containing the conduits, "it isn't working. I don't know how that can happen. Once it's energy, shouldn't it stay energy until it gets to some place that needs it?

"And what about the warp field? We don't need that on a base, as far as I know, so what happens to all that energy? Are we storing it somewhere? But how would that work? There's just so much I don't know!"

Decker sounded frustrated, because he was. It suddenly seemed impossible for even a Starfleet officer to mentor him, and help him learn all he didn't know. Why had he ever thought he could move up here, make a life outside of Brown Sector, and learn to be someone other than a worthless refugee from war?

"You seem to be well versed in this," Shepard said, impressed by Decker.

That made Greg stare at him, at the same time, straightening his back and standing a little taller. =^=He's impressed with what an idiot I am? How much nerve it took to ask for help when I'm clueless? I couldn't make it as a cadet floor scrubber!=^=

"And, you are absolutely right. Energy stays energy until it is used or placed somewhere. Walk with me," he said as he continued to the turbolift.

"And as for your other question in reference to the warp field, we don't need one here. Starbases are moved with thruster power. Any excess energy is used for other functions the base needs. If there is too much energy, it is safely stored in energy cells."

Greg nodded his head. "I guess it's a good thing we have room to place those cells, if we need them. Is that something Starfleet can sell? To ... help pay for the running of the base?" Already, he was learning and asking new questions. Maybe he wasn't completely foolish.

Or maybe the officer ... =^=What was his name again?=^=

"Oh, yeah, Shepard." He hadn't meant to say that aloud. Glancing at the man next to him, he saw he was being observed in kind. He just grinned and shrugged his shoulders. "Bad habit, thinking out loud," was all he said.

Shepard, lost in thought for a moment snapped himself back. "Sorry, was thinking on your question about Starfleet selling those cells. I don't think they would sell them, but I am sure they wouldn't mind distributing the extra power."

Rico looked over to Decker. "Is that something we need to discuss?" he asked with a smile on his face.

Greg was confused. He didn't know if the officer was asking his opinion, thinking of explaining that process to him also, or inviting him to criminal activity, so he asked. "Is that process something that falls into mentoring? Something I need to know how to do? Because I don't know what it would entail, but I also don't know if that would ever fall under my responsibilities."

He thought a moment longer and decided he could go ahead and ask Shepard another question about this. "Is there a process whereby people like me, or you, can dispose of extra power? I mean, do we have permission to do such a thing? Who would normally be in charge of doing it?"

"Oh, my new friend." Rico said. "That's why I am here. Let me bring the situation up to my superiors and see how they would like to play this. As long as we are not overloading the EPS system, we should be fine."

"So you think they would put those resources at our disposal? I'm thinking how they might be used by the refugees, mainly ... have you been to Brown Sector? It's not a bad spot to live, but there are things that could be done to improve the lives of some who are older or alone and could use a helping hand."

He thought about Granny Waldron, a wonderful woman who simply had no one to take care of her. She'd been a friend of his mother's, and, in some ways, was like a second mother to him.

"We can disperse the energy to wherever it needs to go, as long as there is enough. Ricardo replied. "I tell you what. Let me show you how the process works, and then I will take it up the chain of command tomorrow.

Excited to think he might be able to help Granny Waldron, especially, in the place he'd worked so hard to leave for a more productive position, Decker nodded and said, "I like that plan."


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