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Post The First... Officer

Posted on Thu 23rd Nov, 2023 @ 2:52am by Captain Gordon Francis & Commander T'Venderath

1,394 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: O' the Cardiff Rose
Location: Captain's Office
Timeline: MD 1, 0800

Captain Gordon Francis' living arrangements were extravagant, to say the least. But with all this excess room, it was the master bath that made him feel the most lonely. It was nice, sure, but perhaps too much for a single man in his early sixties.

After a quick and cold morning shower, Francis was studying his face in the massive mirror above the sink. He was sixty-two, but his face looked more like a modest fifty. Father time still has a ways to go with this rooster's ol' mug! he thought.

In the reflection beyond his ol' mug, was a bathtub the size of a Denobulan's personality. Who needs a bathtub that huge? he thought to himself. What do they think I am, a walrus? His mind briefly led Francis into an image of himself with big, pearl-white tusks, basking and twisting the faucet for more hot water with one hand while the other held a rubber ducky.

Walrus Francis looked up with a stupid grin and declared in a high voice, "Koo-koo-kachoo.”

“Gesundheit," Francis replied to the thought.

It wasn't too different when he reached Ops at precisely 0800 hours. The command staff greeted him as a yeoman placed a PADD with various reports into his hands. Francis gave the usual lip service and then went to his office, which was just as luxurious as his quarters. It wasn't so much an office to him, and he intended to use it as little as possible. However, it seemed like the good location to interview his staff. He'd wanted to do it one-by-one. He sat down with a cup of replicated coffee and glanced at his ample schedule. He noticed his second in command, Commander T'Venderath, was up first.

At precisely that moment the doors parted and the XO walked in. Knowing she was scheduled for this time she had refrained from pressing the door chime. It was unnecessary and therefore illogical. Her hands were crossed behind her back, but as she stopped in front of the desk she brought them to her sides and stood respectfully at attention.

"Captain, good morning." Her tone was even, suggesting she really had no opinion on the matter.

"Thank you, Commander. At ease," Francis said, and gestured to the chair. "Have a seat."

T'Venderath glanced at the chair before her, then did as told. She occupied only the first two inches of the seat, hands in her lap and posture ramrod straight. She waited for him to speak first.

After taking a sip of coffee, Captain Francis said, "It's not easy being an old stallion in a new stable. You and I have been here for exactly the same amount of time. What is your assessment thus far?"

The XO cocked her head slightly as she contemplated her answer. "Station personnel are performing their duties acceptably. Operations continue apace. There is, however, always room for improvement. The Mesym freighter docked at pylon four has been there three days waiting to offload an anti-matter generator. No one seems to know the reason for the delay. Also, there has been a slight increase in thievery and other petty crimes in Brown Sector and other civilian occupied areas. Then, of course, there is the recent attack on the USS Comfort in the adjoining sector. Such a brazen act in such close proximity should cause us concern."

The elder Captain nodded in approval. "I'd like further information on the Mesym freighter. Three days is too long for a delivery such as that. As for Brown Sector, I'd like a report from Security on the matter." Francis sighed and rubbed his eyes before continuing. "This issue with the Comfort does indeed cause me great concern. Please make the investigation a primary obligation."

"Aye, Captain," the XO said with a nod. "May I also recommend enhancing our presence in this region? Such as patrols that are increased in frequency, range, and duration? It may also be wise to issue a travel advisory to civilians."

"This is a tough location for a starbase," Francis said. "We're within arms reach of pirates on nearly all sides." He sighed. "I don't want to over-exert manpower, but I do think we need a stronger presence here. Double our efforts on amount and duration of patrols. Do not increase the amount of advisories. I think what we need is better knowledge of citizen's affairs. This 'Brown Sector' situation might need more attention after all. What better location for shady deals and places to lay low?" He cracked a smile. "Let's find someone--relief volunteers, charity organizations and business owners, private security--anyone not in a Starfleet uniform, who knows the area who can point us to the more shady elements of the station. Let's get Brown Sector to help us while we help them."I

"Aye, Captain," the XO said again, this time with a slightly raised eyebrow. Additional uniformed patrols were exactly what she'd had in mind. Clearly the Captain preferred a softer approach. There was wisdom to it, but what kind of help could they expect from the Brown Sector proletariat? That remained to be seen.

As for the increased patrols, T'Venderath had a clearer idea of that in her head. She would get to work on that as soon as she was dismissed.

Changing tack, she said "The Medusan ambassador will be arriving in a few days. Have you given any thought to what diplomatic courtesies we will extend?" Some VIPs were easy to please. They demanded little more than three hots and a cot while passing through. Others, however, expected Starfleet to go all out with red carpet, dress uniforms, and a catered reception. And Medusans were on a whole different level. It wasn't every day you met a lifeform that had to be treated like a weapon of mass destruction.

Gordon smiled. "Ambassador Turrak is an old friend," he said. "He accompanied us on several missions back when I commanded the Timothy Dalton. I'm not authorized to give any details beyond that, but I will say he's got a mean poker face!" His words may or may not have been true. Few people had ever actually seen a Medusan, let alone anything that would resemble a face. Francis waved the remark away and said, "We don't have to throw him a big party, but when he arrives I will be there in person. See that you, Commander Graves, and Mr. Briggs--with a security detail--are there as well. And because Turrak is a Federation Ambassador, I want everyone there in full dress."

"Very good, sir. I will see to it." The ambassador had a sizable entourage that travelled with him. T'Venderath would also have to arrange several VIP quarters and have them cordoned off under the tightest security. "Will there be anything else, sir?"

"Actually yes," said the Captain. "Starbase 109 is home to well over a hundred thousand people, and as many as fifty thousand more coming and going every day. There are shops, businesses, restaurants, and plenty of other attractions to do around here. Heck, they've even got a full Tetraball stadium and a water park! So that all said, you and I are the top people in charge of all of it. That makes us noticeable public figures in a lot of eyes. So I came up with a little idea. Let's you and I go through these reports over breakfast. Let the civilians see us doing our job and enjoying ourselves at the same time. They need to see that we take everything about the station seriously. That includes supporting the people here trying to make an honest living. Would you be comfortable with something like that?"

The XO didn't believe she was as high-profile as he was. Nor did she think the public would feel slighted if they didn't see more of her. Still, the Captain's desire to make a deeper connection with the population was not without logical merit. It would be interesting to see if it yielded the positive results he thought it would. "Happy to be of service, Captain," she said with a raised eyebrow. Again, her tone of voice betrayed no discernible uptick in emotion.

"A Vulcan admitting they are happy about something," he said with a grin. "Already we're showing some trust with one another. Good!" He gave a nod. "Thank you, Commander. Dismissed."


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