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Lightening Shuffle

Posted on Fri 23rd Jun, 2023 @ 2:58am by Elizabeth Anderson M.D. & Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Sundae & Qaraq
Edited on on Fri 23rd Jun, 2023 @ 2:59am

1,565 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Neither Yours Nor Mine
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 15, 1350

Reon poked his head into Jade's office door. "Miss Lantz, there are people who want to see you."

With a sigh, she dropped the papers in her hand to the desk. "I know, and I owe it to them to have a word. I had hoped to leave without fanfare, but I guess that was too much to ask."

The doorman nodded, "I believe it is. You've been here a decade. Everyone knows you, knows the club, and wants a piece of the goodbye. Most people still aren't sure you aren't joking about the closure."

"I'm not joking," Jade emphasized. "I'm going home, and it's way overdue." She shuffled the papers together, tapped them on her desk, and laid them down again. "Alright. Who's first in the queue?"

Glancing down at his PADD, Velasquez said, "Dr. Graves has been waiting the longest."

Nodding, the club owner said, "Bring him on back, then, and we'll go from there."

Paul glanced up as Reon beckoned to him, and he followed the doorman back to Jade's office. "Hello," he said. He paused to look directly at her. "I heard the news." He let out a breath. "You've been here for ten years, Jade. I hate to say good-bye to you."

"It's hard to go," she responded. In many ways, however, she was ready for something new. "You'll always be welcome if I decide to open a new club ... or just a friend to visit on Earth. A club isn't part of my plans right now, however." Standing, she made her way around her desk and held out her hand. "It's been a pleasure having you as a friend, and as a customer."

He itched to ask what was her plan, but more people waited outside, and he didn't want to take too much of her time. Paul took Jade's hand and clasped it. "It's been lovely to have you as a friend, and Orchids & Jazz holds a special place in the hearts of many of us here. Good luck and much happiness with whatever life brings you, and I do hope to visit you on Earth."

Captain Navarra poked her head around the corner of the restaurant, unsure of what she would find. "Hello, anyone in here?"

"Back here," Reon responded, turning to go get the Captain. She wouldn't have to wait.

Jade smiled distractedly at the doctor as she turned left out of her office, thinking she might as well head toward the front. She had only a few more things to get out of the office, and the place looked like the ghost of a dream now. It was the ghost of a dream.

"So, I hear that this is the end of an era, huh?" Elena asked as Reon brought her toward Jade's room.

"That's what people are saying," Lantz agreed. "To me, it's simply moving on when the time comes. It was so nice of you to come by when you've barely gotten to know us. At least you got to play poker once!" She took the Captain's elbow in her hands and turned her toward several people waiting. "I hope if you're ever on Earth, you'll come visit me in San Francisco."

"It's a date Jade." Elena confirmed as she gave Jade a final hug. "Good luck with your future."

As Jade moved through people, she found herself repeating the same words over and over. Did she really expect to ever see any of them on Earth? Then she spotted the one person she thought she might actually see again.

"Elizabeth," she greeted her friend who was significantly more than a friend after the last several years. "I'm so glad to see you here."

"You didn't think I'd let you leave without wishing you well, I hope?" She reached for a hug and gently patted Jade's shoulder.

"No, not really," Jade pulled back. "I could wish you were leaving with me."

"You could, but you know if I need to come, I'll be there. In the meantime, have a good trip." She patted her friend's hand and left without looking back.

Lantz watched her for a few seconds before the next person claimed her attention.

Sundae, the calico cat--usually seen with Gary Thirteen--had snuck in a few minutes prior, though she went unnoticed until now, when she and Jade were finally alone. Remembering all the delicious tuna she'd consumed in O&J, Sundae sat at Jade's feet, looking up at her with her big green feline eyes. "So long," the cat said. "And thanks for all the fish!"

It might not have been the strangest thing an animal ever said to her, but the El Aurian was used to running into things that were different from the expected norm, and there had always been something ... communicated from Sundae. She smiled and said, "You're welcome.

The soon-to-be-former occupant of the space that was now almost empty looked at the room, which now appeared very much as it had the first time she'd ever seen it. So many hopes that decade ago ... most of them fulfilled. It's why she needed to go. This adventure was finished, and knowing when to say goodbye was part of being El Aurian.

Kiara found where everyone was congregating to bid farewell to Jade. She didn't know the woman well, but she'd spent time in Orchids and Jazz and would miss the place. "You've made a positive impact here," she said when it was her turn to speak to Jade. "You will be missed, but I hope your future will be all you wish it to be."

"What a lovely wish," Lantz said, a little surprised as she took the hand offered to her. "I know there will be many adventures for you and my other friends here, and wish you the same joy in living them. If you're ever on Earth, please do get in touch. You could find yourself in need of a retreat, and I'm having a guest house built for visitors to enjoy. It's up in the mountains to the east. Please come," she urged with a final squeeze of her fingers as the next of the few remaining visitors closed in.

"Thank you." Kiara gave Jade a smile and moved off, knowing there were plenty of people who wanted to talk with her.

Commander Henry Perry made his way through the crowd and to his friend. While walking toward her, they locked eyes and Henry opened his arms to her.

"So, this is it huh? You really are shutting it down?" He asked sadly.

Jade nodded her head against his shoulder. "I really am," she agreed softly. "This work is done. I've been feeling restless ... even a little bored. Everything follows a set routine smoothly. I need something more challenging, and another Orchids & Jazz won't even fill the need." She pulled back, and patted his shoulder absently. "I'm not sure what that will be, but step one, closing here and moving on, is almost accomplished. I'm so glad you stopped in, because I have a special invitation for you."

Reaching into her pocket, Lantz pulled out a small data disk and handed it to Henry. "Guard it with your life," she joked. "It's how to find me on Earth, longitude and latitude, a docking facility which will always be free to you. If you want to visit, need a hiding place, repairs, or help of any kind ... even just a time out ... come and see me." She pressed the disk into his hand, noting everyone else had drifted away, even Reon, and they were alone.

Henry clutched the data disk as a tear fell down his cheek. He leaned in and kissed her forhead. "Thank you!" He softly said as he gripped her hand tightly. "This place has been a refuge for many of us. I am sad to see it end, but everything comes to an end at some point."

As Perry turned to walk away, Jade smiled at his back and called out, "Or it comes to a new beginning, Henry. Think of this as a new beginning." She saw his shoulders straighten as he waved a hand over his head at her, not turning around. She watched him walk through the door into the Promenade. He closed softly behind him, and she was alone once more.

With a soft sigh, she headed back to her office. Loading the last of the paperwork and items there, she held the container under her arm and looked around at the space that had filled so many of her hours. As the now former owner of a popular jazz club, Lantz walked out the door, pulling it closed behind her, and went down the hall toward the empty bulkhead that was no longer a popular restaurant and music location.

No one else was in the area, and stiffening her spine, Jade approached the main entrance-that-was. "Computer, open the door, turn out the lights, and lock the entrance behind me. You've functioned well and helped me build a wonderful business and memories I hope I'll always remember."

If a computer could have emotions, they might have been heard in the reply. =^=Thank you, Miss Lantz. I wish you well in your new home.=^=

When the door closed, her soft voice added, =^=Maybe I'll be the one who stops to visit you on Earth.=^=


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