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Kr'Togr pt.3

Posted on Wed 23rd Aug, 2023 @ 4:35am by Commodore H'tek
Edited on on Mon 28th Aug, 2023 @ 6:30pm

1,951 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: O' the Cardiff Rose



The order was given. Ten seconds later, chaos erupted.

Three Raptors decloaked, hot swapping batteries in to quick fire weapons systems even as they decloaked. A flurry of pulse fire from each filled their formation interior with arcing green bolts slamming into the golden shields of their prey. Under new orders, they each fired their full complements of torpedoes, twelve in all, impacting at the shield generators and engines. As planned, the Tv Aald had an extra surprise, and released a gravitic mine cloud in the path of the mighty cruiser.

This was the point where the plan makes contact with the enemy and falls apart. It was the razors edge where Kr’togr had learned how much better it was to stay fast and loose then committed to a durable plan. The Tv Aald had anticipated the Zakdorn to maneuver around the mines in its path but instead the burly command cruiser charged through them, sacrificing shields and taking hull damage in the process. A tactical move of genius as to be expected from the Zakdorn, as the Tv Aald was now squarely in its path and took four connecting beams from Type IX phasers. Credit to the Zakdorn for not getting caught by surprise, paranoia made ambushes much more difficult.

They nearly lost the Tv Aald altogether were it not for the Tv Hhan’s intervention, taking the hits meant for her sister in a swoop from the heavens. Tv Aald limped away as Hhan absorbed another series of shots, venting plasma in feint of death. Laying dead in the water, the captain of Tv Hhan played crippled to buy time and get his people off the ship. The plan had been for this limping vessel to take those shots, they had prepared to lose her. The only safe place was the Zakdorn Cruiser, so that’s where all of the people went. L’aun was a worthy captain but thankfully this ship had a destiny without her captain on board. Secretly he had no love for this decrepit pile of sheet-metal, this plan was a way out from behind the rickety chair. The final commands were pre-programmed as he sounded "Qapla!" and vanished.

Thirty Klingons, four humans, two Orions, a Bajoran and Risan were now on board their enemies vessel, with an armory at their feet.

The Workbee launch tubes were not pressurized so each soldier fastened the breather hoods in an instant. Personal shields counted for little in these affairs but in this instance it kept them from freezing. With little to no opposition they moved forward into the vessels interior, encountering a hatch after their long uninterrupted ascent. Scans showed close to thirty personnel on the other side of their airlock but plans said they were not waiting at this hatch and group kept ascending. Another eight people sparkled in with them, their number now closer to fifty to take this vessel of almost two thousand.

{Zaleef Class Cruiser "Aless-Hajik" 0131-V: Zakdorn Regulatory Arm}

The Zakdorn had a few ships so nice as the Zaleef class. It was supposed to be a show of might, a regal war vessel supposedly on equal footing to the capital ships of the quadrant. For the losses over the last year, the outfit which had preyed upon Zakdorn Sector shipping had eluded their searches. The local populace demanded action, but the pirates had taken great efforts to leave crew alive, but the ship stripped bare. Parts pilfered turned up in markets across the quadrant, with no intelligence garnered on who the brokers were. Such clever pirates had their flaws, and this day would see them matched with the mighty "Aless-Hajik" Flagship of the White Fleet.

They had been caught in the trap, but this was why they had come. The orders from Starfleet demanded expediency, and sound strategy had delivered them to him where others had hunted for months. The Zakdorn proudly patrolled their own sector and had many systems to their name. Starfleet allowed this, but the tension and rivalry was undeniable. Responidng to teh threat of priates in their own backyard took a high priority with fleet command. So they had set off the trap, and the first volley had focused on the comms tower, and shields. A common opening gambit, but a mistake as the far superior weapons systems fired on two of their attack numbers. Aless-Hajik disabled one of their attackers outright after flying through a pathetic attempt at area denial mines. Flying through the mine swarm had taken its toll as well to their shields, and hull integrity was compromised. For the cost of removing two of three attackers at the first volley, it had been a good tactical move.

“Overseer, they are refit Raptors, circa 2241. There is another circling at Z-4, X:44.5 Local. Cloak is imperfect we can follow their tracks.”

Overseer Ranahnd was pleased, this was going far better than predicted. Their feeble cloaks had given them away moments ahead of the attacks, and allowed for them to prepare for the incoming volleys.

“Do not destroy, we will need to interrogate. Engage with-” Ranahnd took note of the vessel marked with “B” who had saved the first vessel marked “A.” It has warped away only a short distance. Engine failure was a likely explanation, retreating so soon, but too late.

“Engage “C” send boarders to “A.” Are we contained in Engineering?”

A security officer replied from the cubicle station beneath Ranahnd, “There are many of them secured for the moment in Workbee Aft access. They will cut through to main engineering within a few moments.”

It was not good news. These Raiders had good gadgetry, anti scanning and transport signal blocking was standard Electronic warfare. A firefight on board was imminent.

“Initiate Red level protocols for counter intrusion. Bypass their signal jammers however we can focus on C with all weapons. One we have “C” in hand we will be able to apply force over time and decimate their forces. When will our signal restore?”

A sciences officer was proud of her work, “The counter signal is broadcasting from “C” and should we stop that, we will have full comms access right away.”

Ranahnd nodded, pleased with the efficiency of the crew reaction.

It was a bittersweet moment as it was the last time he was in command of this vessel. Blinding light overtook the bridge, EPS systems overloaded and the fire control systems failed to cope with plasma discharges. As an older man, such violent tossing was not easily shaken off, a dislocated rib in his chest caused such immense pain he forgot to track the battle.

“OVERSEER!” The pitched panic bright him back as green bolts cut through gray smoke. A Romulan stepped gingerly into the open area of the bridge, and behind him, a Human Klingon mixed species creature of legend holding a very thin, but razor sharp Kur’leth. Ranahnd saw his crew fall around him in a speed that was surreal. He barely registered a curious factor in that the bolts were not sizzling flesh with green energy, but yellowish and meant for the concussion and nervous shock only. The Kur’leth landed flat side on skulls, not splitting, but again, concussing.

This observation was causing calculations to run wild, so Ranahn took the initiative to reduce variable in his predictive model and ask a questions directly.

“What do you want?! Stop firing I will talk!” It was music to the boarders, who shared a knowing glance. They deferred to the half Human, so Ranahnd di as well.

“We want…” The Half-Klingon had his jocular affectations, “a bigger ship.”

The reports from stations going unanswered took the bridge offline by default. Ranahnd was grateful for the security measure up until the disruptor was under his chin. The Romulan was on controls trying to work them but utterly locked out so it fell to Kr’togr to get things moving again.

“Restore controls, call off your security teams.”

The Captain was galled at the audacity, “You are delusional! There are two thousand of us on this ship, you can’t expect to take this over?”

“Your people need air much like mine do. If I control Bridge or Engineering, I have their air. I have their air, they will do as I say. I’m not here to murder, I just need your ship.”

Ranahnd tried again, “I cannot, it requires all Senior Staff to report in, you’ve killed them, just like you’ll kill us if I cooperate.”

Kr’togr shook his head, “No you're not listening. They aren't dead, and my people in Engineering are trying not to kill anyone either. We want the ship, you decide how many die. You can choose to lose the game today and play tomorrow or lose the game forever.”

The Boarding team had cut through, advancing under heavy fire. They were facing withering odds in making a suitable stand against the well arrayed security personnel. Several warriors already had fallen, few of them Zakdorn.

The captain bared teeth at the pirate, “You don’t have the bridge it’s under lockout, and Engineering will hold. Our battle bridge will blast your remaining vessel, and my forces will consume yours.”

“Or, you shot a vessel I planned on sacrificing anyway, allowed a wounded attacker to regroup and come again, and have no plans to stop fifty marauding Klingons one wall away from the brain stem of your ship."

“Fewer than fifty young one, my forces can afford loss, can yours?”

This was a true enough read on Kr’togr who hastily replied and betrayed his anxiety. “I hold the Captain and Commander. We leave today with your ship or our pockets full.

“I will not turn my vessel over. Losses are to be expected-“

Kr’togr snapped a curt reply to but him off, “I told my guys to be restrained but your people are really making it hard.” The breach of the airlock had concluded in a victory for the boarding party. Nearly a hundred bound and gagged Zakdorn dotted the feeds, meat shields to progress further, faster. It was a depravity Ranahnd hadn’t remotely fathomed.

"You would use hostages as a shield, sound strategy for one who lacks any morals."

"It seems your people are the ones set to kill, mine are keeping their word, for now. I am no saint, but my goal is materials which can be replaced, not blood upon my knife."

A rumbling under foot announced Melikor’s success in bypassing the lockout. With exuberance he announced to Kr’togr, “Weapons disabled, I have deprived power to most of the systems by fooling it into an emergency repair cycle due to fire. The diagnostic cycle is only seven minutes, with no damage the lockout will re-impose itself.”

Kr’togr smiled with his famous laughing implications, “That’s enough time. Well done Melli. Continue to assist the boarding parties however you can.”

The handsome hybrid Human feigned nonchalance, speaking to the captain out of the side of his eye. “If you won’t help me, then I guess I have to go help them.” He made it very obvious that the power setting for his disruptors were at maximum.

"Mellikor, keep them all turned to the wall at the front of the bridge, get em to disrobe."

The Captain was being moved indignantly, "We will outlast you, you are a fool!"

Kr'togr was not worried at all. Tapping a comm stud on his wrist, the Captain-Knave reached out to Paur of the TV Uuld,

“Second Officer Paur, Tell me… is Gurn fed?”



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