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Poker ... The Game Begins

Posted on Mon 5th Jun, 2023 @ 10:26pm by Greg Decker & Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Lieutenant Damion Ildaran & Sundae & Qaraq

1,074 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Neither Yours Nor Mine
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 10, 1915

Previously ...

"OK, let's get cracking here. Enough chatter and enough of everything else. I came here to play some cards," Captain Navarra said as she reached for the cards sitting at the center of the table. With the cards in hand, Elena began an elaborate shuffling routine she had learned many years ago while still in Starfleet Academy. "Would anyone mind if I make the first deal?"

And the game begins.

"Have at it, Captain," Decker nodded. "I'm anxious to see how this goes myself." Greg was a bit of an unknown to most people, and he liked it that way. He did pick-up jobs around the station, though he could have hired on with any number of companies. He was still searching for purpose in life, and poker seemed as good a way to find it as any.

"First game is old-fashioned Texas Hold 'em," Navarra said as she began giving the players their first two cards. "And remember, if you can't spot the sucker in your first half-hour at the table, then you are the sucker.”

Jade heard the captain's comment as she walked past their table, and it made her smile. She hadn't gotten to know the woman well, yet, but she liked what she did know. For a diplomat, especially, she seemed straight-forward and sincere, and had a touch of humor about her.

Paul smiled at Navarra's remark and glanced at the pair of cards he held. He memorized them and then laid them face-down on the table and shifted his attention to his right, where Qaraq slid a chip forward for the small blind. Paul then added two chips for the big blind.

Now that the game started, Kiara focused her attention on it. As she wasn't playing, she could soften some of her mental shields to enjoy the physical and mental play. At the same time, she was careful to receive and not project so that she didn't unfairly affect the game. Elena deserved to win on her own merit.

"It's good to have you back on the base," Paul said to Kiara. "How horrible of a mountain of work did you come back to?"

"Thank you." Kiara smiled. "It took me two weeks just to sort through everything and prioritize it. I've dealt with the most important, but it doesn't seem to be shrinking much. I now have an assistant to act as receptionist." The assistant was nice, but sometimes she missed the privacy of working alone.

After the play went around and all players posted the bet for the big blind, the pre-flop betting began. Decker felt a sweat pop out on his forehead. He definitely didn't want to fold or out-right lose, but how much could he afford to bet to stay in?

Picking up on his emotions, Kiara turned her attention to Decker. She was curious as to why he didn't want to lose. To some, Poker was a serious business and she wondered if he was one of those people or if there was another reason he wanted to win. Plus this was a good opportunity to get to know a bit about another person on the station.

"Decker, is everything O.K. over there? You seem to be ....... sweating on the table." Navarra asked after observing him and picking up on his indecisiveness. "While you decide on if you're going to fold or not, why don't you tell me a little about yourself?"

Navarra was curious to see if he would fall for her distraction. She had learned throughout the years that some people could not multitask while playing poker, and those were the ones she wanted to focus on first.

Greg thought for a minute, calming as he looked at his cards. "Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. I'm not folding, but nice try, Captain," he grinned, spotting a likely hope for holding out this round of betting. "What do you want to know?" he turned the question back to her.

"How about we start with the good stuff that's not in your personnel record?" Elena said. "Tell me something that's not in your file." Navarra made sure to keep a watchful eye on the others at the table, making sure to note any tells that came through.

Decker laughed, as he tossed in the chips and play moved around the table. "I like cats better than dogs," he said. "I don't think that's in there." He didn't mention a few other things the captain would probably be more interested in knowing, however. He sensed there was a fishing expedition, and he'd better keep his mind on the game.

"Hmmmmm, short and sweet, I see," Elena said as she gave a coy and calculated smile. "Smart man."

Decker was grateful to have kept his wits about him. He had no desire to have any kind of battle with the captain of the entire starbase! He'd just managed to move to Perry Gardens, and toward a better life, which he wanted to keep and expand. Time enough for a battle of wits when he had less to lose. He stared at his cards with intensity, but a slight smile, as well.

Qaraq's eyes widened when he saw the calico cat leap into Navarra's lap. He'd been so stoic up to this point. But remembering that cats were considered by some cultures to bring good luck, it dawned on him this particular cat had a part time home in a casino! Qaraq sighed. "I suppose the time has come to separate the men from the Broots," he said. "We certainly can't separate the cat from the Captain!"

Sundae meowed and nestled down on top of Navarra's legs.

Kiara needed to come to poker night more often. People watching here was more interesting than she remembered. And there was something about the cat...Sundae, if she remembered correctly...that was different. She would have to do some research on her humanoid. Then again, it may be that because Dallas was so busy with everything going on, she was subconsciously looking for something to pique her interest. She'd watch this first hand, then go for a walk along the river.

"No, she seems quite comfortable where she is," Paul agreed and tossed another pair of chips toward the center of the table when his turn came around after Captain Navarra had laid down the turn card. "She's got the best view in the house."


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