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[Backpost] Qaraq and Khellian Follow-Up

Posted on Wed 21st Aug, 2024 @ 9:39pm by Criswell Sandbags & Qaraq & Khellian s'Siedhri MD

1,976 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: The Phoenix Gamble
Location: Qaraq's Game Room
Timeline: Backpost

[Note: The events in this post pick up toward the end of the epidemic in Brown Sector, about two weeks before Captain Francis' and Commander T'Venderath's arrival on the Starbase. -CF]

The Doctor was, to put not too fine a point on it exhausted. Yet, the meeting with Criswell hung in his mind like a cloud. Not like a storm cloud, but as refreshing as the rain. He'd practically decimated his supplies in the first wave of the influenza that had ravaged the Brown sector. His clinic had been bursting at the seams, in a manner he was unaccustomed to. His feet found themselves turning towards the Casino. He knew where it was, even if he wasn't a gambling man himself.

Criswell Sandbags saw Dr. s'Siedhri at the entrance of Qaraq's Game Room and beelined his way to greet him. "Doctor! It's good to see you again," he said with a broad grin. He extended his hand, which still felt odd to Criswell, having grown up in a Ferengi environment where handshakes usually were meant for more than just a greeting. Still, Qaraq had told Criswell to get used using the gesture in such a casual way, and since Qaraq paid the bills, well, who was Criswell to argue?

Khellian glanced at his outstretched hand, and remembered the human greeting after a moment. He clasped his hand warmly as was the custom and then released it. Humans had odd introductory gestures, and he was sure he would never fully acclimate to the culture. "Good evening Mr. Sandbags."

"Are you here for business or pleasure?" Criswell asked, then added, "Or both? The last time we talked you were hesitant to accept Mr. Qaraq's offer for donations."

"Both, I think" he answered with a sigh of defeat. "I was not anticipating an epidemic to make me eat my words so promptly after my hesitation, and yet..."

Criswell nodded. "Mr. Qaraq was quick to install medical scanners outside the casino as well as sanitation kiosks at every table. Some of my... well, some people I do business with... have been hit very hard by the epidemic," he lowered his head, "and they owe me money."

"Many have been devastated, many more will have lingering health issues for some time." Khellian sighed gently "Death would be kinder for some so afflicted, and may yet bear them away."

"I would want no one in a condition where death is considered 'kind,'" Criswell said. "Brown Sector is fortunate to have your clinic."

"Agreed." The silence stretched out between them and Khellian was loathe to break it, as he was accustomed to the quiet and serenity of his own thoughts.

To Criswell it felt like hours while their conversation seemed to decompose. He forgot how awkward it could be trying to make small talk with a Romulan. Thankfully, it wasn't long at all when Qaraq appeared with a smile on his face.

"Jolan tru, Doctor!" Qaraq boomed. "I am Qaraq, owner of this establishment. It's nice to finally meet you!"

The Romulan winced slightly, though wether it was from the greeting or the volume from which it was delivered none but Khellian could say. "May the elements always align in your favor Qaraq." He bowed slightly "I have been anticipating our meeting since your Mr. Criswell tendered your offer of aid."

Qaraq nodded. "He informed me you had some concerns. Completely understandable," he said. "But business can wait, I think. I've been on my feet for six hours and could use a meal. As it happens, our buffet is kept fresh 24/7 and makes a good rack of ribs. Would you care to join me?"

Criswell piped in. "We also have new items in our salad bar, if you are vegetarian!" he said with a bit of enthusiasm.

"I am not. My clan tends to be omnivorous, and as a boy my grandsire's family raised h'lai." he smiled gently "I have never had a rack of ribs, and I find myself intrigued by the scent. It is quite pleasing indeed."

"It is one of my favorite Earth foods. It comes from an Earth pig. Some humans find calling someone a pig to be an insult, but I have found some of my favorite foods derive from that animal." Qaraq led the tired doctor over to the buffet. "Our chef makes the ribs very tender. They literally slide off the bone. The sauce, from which it gets its scent, is called Barbecue, a sweet and spicy sauce often made with Earth tomatoes and other spices. We also have it with Earth chicken, which I also recommend."

"I am not a person that prefers to gnaw on bones, so the fact that it separates easily is a pleasant thought." Khellian's lips quirked upwards in amusement. "It is not considered polite to eat with one's fingers in public, in Romulan society. If I were at home, I could eat like that" he nodded to the tangle of people eating, with what could only be a rib between their fingers.

"Broots are quite the opposite," Qaraq said. "We see a messy dinner in public as a sign of a good time! Of course, such things are frowned upon in an establishment like this. Tell me, what is a h'lai? It sounds untrustworthy..."

A chuckle erupted from the Doctor, and he shook his head. "A h'lai is a large mostly flightless avian species from Romulus. They and their eggs are edible, are farmed regularly for their down and their meat and are quite tasty. I hear the farm has a few eggs brooding ... Maybe you can try it someday."

Qaraq beamed. "It would be my honor! It sounds very similar to a terran bird called chicken. They too are used for their meat and eggs. Have you tried chicken before? We have some different kinds of preparations in our buffet. My personal favorite are the habanero wings. Very spicy!"

"I love spicy." He agreed "But yes, I have tried chicken before. It is one of my go to Earth foods. Chicken and Turkey."

Qaraq gave a hearty laugh. "Food is one of my favorite subjects! My late wife and I used to run a pub together on Delavi. We learned a lot about different kinds of food. After decades of that, I thought I knew everything, but coming here and learning about terran food has been a fascinating experience! Have you ever tried macaroni and cheese?"

"Oh aye! It was delicious, much to the intense dismay of my digestive system. I am I found lactose intolerant. I tend to avoid earth dairy products, but there are supplements to make such things digestible. " He was quietly enthusiastic about the subject "I have tried to teach my daughter of our traditional foods. She has been a good study."

"Really?" Qaraq said as they approached the buffet. "How old is your daughter? I have several children myself, though they're all grown."

"She is well grown, and is 20 terran years. You have seen her, if you have been watching the clinic. My Makila is quite the capable doctor. " He practically glowed with pride in her accomplishments.

Qaraq was stunned. "Twenty years old and already a doctor!" he boomed. "You must be extremely proud! I am glad someone with her skills is helping the people of Brown Sector in such a positive way. In fact, I'm trying to do the same myself. I have provided a classroom for the children of Brown Sector. I don't want to come off as a greedy casino owner. I want to give back to the people too."

"She's learned a great deal at my knee, and the fact that she has an iedetic memory helps immeasurably."

"I would imagine so," Qaraq said.

"She is a formidable woman, and I am proud to stand beside her and say I played a part in the formative years." Khellian smiled softly and mused about the idea of her furthering their clan. Or him doing so.

Qaraq nodded. "I like the word you used. 'Formidable.' It is a good way to describe my own children." Qaraq's mind went to his youngest son, estranged from him. Qaraq often wondered where he was and what he might be doing.

Changing the subject, Qaraq asked, "How do you like the habanero wings?"

Realizing that he'd been lax on eating his food, he tried one. He popped the boneless wing into his mouth and chewed carefully. The flavor was first sweet, then held a rich burn that made his tongue tingle. "That is lovely...what is the sweet flavor that proceeds the burn?"

"Do you like it?" Qaraq asked. "The sweet flavor keeps the taste interesting, but you'll be breathing fire for hours!"

"This is not as warm as some of the romulan spices, though I wasn't heavy on the hot spice." he smiled softly and bit into another boneless wing. It was delicious.

"Doctor s'Siedhri," Qaraq said, pronouncing the name as best he could. "I would like to do something to help your clinic. This epidemic has hit my business rather hard, and while I seem to be immune, it does pain me to see something so ugly happening to so many unfortunate people. I understand your refusal to my offer of assistance, but I think things are very different now. Think of it this way: your clinic and my establishment have the same clientele. I believe it is in both our interests they stay alive. So may I at least offer financial assistance to your clinic during this epidemic? My assistant, Mr. Sandbags..." Qaraq held out his hand and Criswell, who'd been standing there unnoticed for some time, handed Qaraq a PADD., "...has used his accounting skills from his upbringing on Ferenginar to come up with a plan that profits you while keeping my own establishment up and running, for as long as the arrangement is needed."

Criswell smiled. "That length of course will be decided mutually between you and Mr. Qaraq," he said with his usual gushing enthusiasm. He had worked very hard on the plan, and felt like it would be irresistible, especially considering the epidemic.

Qaraq handed Khellian the PADD and waited for his response.

"That's a very generous offer indeed. I started the clinic with less resources than you're offering here.". Kellian tapped his lips softly in a gesture of thought.

"Ultimately it is up to you whether you accept my help," Qaraq said.

"I think I have little choice in the matter." he answered honestly, the deep green eyes lingering on the much taller man in front of him.

Qaraq bellowed a laugh. "I'll take that as a yes," he said with a jovial, horn-rimmed grin.

Criswell tapped fervently on his PADD. "Of course, we will need a report on all necessary supplies items and shipments, no more than..."

Qaraq waved a hand. "Give him what he needs, Criswell! Leave payments to me."

"Yes, of course, sir," Criswell said forcing a smile, knowing full well it was ultimately he who would be handling the transactions. He still didn't quite understand Qaraq's idea of charity. Then again, Qaraq was rich enough to be so eccentric. The medical supplies wouldn't even dent his accounts.

"I have kept extensive records of what i have used so far in the clinic, if that would aid your man in his assessment of my needs." Khellian spoke but softly, glancing up at Criswell. Briefly he wished his daughter was here to get a 'read' on the situation.

Criswell gave his best, most charming smile, which despite his being human, couldn't have looked more Ferengi. "That would be very useful," he said. His smile stayed, but his tone of voice sounded very "human genuine."

Khellian was unphased by the tone or the smile. "I shall have it made available to you."



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