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Dinner For One

Posted on Wed 22nd Feb, 2023 @ 3:27pm by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena

1,233 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 7, 1320

Captain Navarra walked into Jade's Orchids & Jazz hoping to find something good to fill her belly. A home-cooked meal was something that she had not had in a long time. Although replicated food was healthy, Elena felt as if it lacked soul. She was looking for something flavorful and savory, and she heard that Jade's was just the place.

She entered the establishment and took a deep breath. The smells that encapsulated her nostrils reminded her of home to a degree. Elena smiled, thinking that she might be in the right place.

Jade stood talking to Reon Velasquez, the doorman, as she saw the base captain enter. Nodding to him to indicate she would take care of this customer, she turned to the woman immediately. "Captain Navarra, welcome to Orchids & Jazz and to Starbase 109. I haven't had a chance to speak with you since your arrival, so I'm so pleased you found your way down here. I hope you're a 20th century Earth jazz fan and will enjoy the music with your meal. Would you like to sit near the music, or upstairs with a view of the whole restaurant?"

The Captain extended her hand to Jade, taking it within her own hand, and shook it. "I have heard so much about this place, and to be honest, the smells alone are already confirming what others have told me."

As Elena was speaking with Jade, her attention was diverted to an individual sitting in one of the booths past the owner.

"Actually, Jade, I think I am going to crash a friend's lunch. Shall we go together?" Elena asked as she guided Jade over to the table by the hand.

"Well as I live and breathe. Kiera Lena, I guess you did make it through your last negotiation on Acamar III. How have you been my friend?" Elena asked she slid into the booth.

Lantz wasn't sure why the captain had all but dragged her along on this reunion, but she never turned down interesting conversations, so she slid into the booth, as well, and dialed up three lemon cokes on the auto menu. Sitting back, she prepared to learn something new.

Kiara looked up and smiled. "Elena! A pleasure to see you again. I have been fortunate to make it through a number of negotiations." The last being one of the more...interesting. "What path lead you to Starbase 109?" When she got her drink, she smiled her thanks to Jade.

"Well, since the Starbase is essentially in the middle of the Triangle boarding the Romulans specifically, the Admiral wanted someone with negotiation experience in command." Elena said as she looked through the digital menu.

"Better you than me," Kiara joked. Elena was well-suited to command, unlike Kiara.

"O.K. you two." Elena said as she perused all the delicious-looking items on the menu. "What should be the first thing I try here? You won't believe the hype this place has around it."

Today's blue plate special will be pork chops marinated in mesquite sauce, baby garlic roasted potatoes, spinach casserole and sour cherry pie. Drinks whatever.

Jade and Kiara looked at each other, and as one replied, "The Blue Plate Special!" Glancing at Navarra's puzzled, but smiling face, Jade left it to the diplomat to explain.

Kiara chuckled. "It's always the best item on the menu and you'll never go wrong if you choose it."

Jade smiled at the simple explanation. She'd always thought that simple was best, and the Blue Plate Special was another example of the principle in working order. "Today's blue plate special is pork chops marinated in mesquite sauce, baby garlic roasted potatoes, spinach casserole and sour cherry pie. Drinks are whatever you'd like to go with it. And today only, because I'm in a great mood," she grinned at both women, "it's all on my tab."

"That is most generous of you," Kiara said, smiling at Jade. "Thank you."

Navarra smiled and then laughed aloud at the two. "Either the two of you have practiced this before, or you are telling the truth. O.K., Blue Plate Special it is, and thank you, Jade, I really appreciate you getting this for us."

Lantz shrugged off the thanks. "If you can't treat your friends now and then, what's the point of owning an expensive club?" She sent the three orders back to the kitchen through her communicator, saving time and Jenna's feet by not requiring her to come to the table.

"So that's food out of the way. How do you two know each other? It sounds like you've spent time together before," Jade asked, leaning her arms on the table in front of her.

"We have. Diplomats tend to run into each other from time to time," Kiara grinned. "Did you know that her poker face is as legendary as her game? I once saw her face off against a Klingon, a Ferengi, and an Bolian."

Elena laughed as the memory came flooding back into her mind. "Oh my gosh. I had completely forgotten about that. We had a lot fun that day and delivered some much-needed relief for a few planets, if memory serves correctly. But, don't let Kiara fool you, Jade. You are sitting with the one person in Starfleet who tried to talk the Vulcans of Shi’Kahr into having a party. AND THEY DID IT!!! That, my friend, is the mark of a real negotiator."

It was Kiara's turn to grin at the memory. "It was a simple matter of logic."

Lantz smiled at the enthusiasm both diplomats showed for their shared past, and the job of diplomacy. She could learn a few things, she was sure. "I can't imagine any Vulcan having a party ... or what a Vulcan party might look like, for that matter. Too bad there's no holo of that! And poker? Do you have what I've heard called a "poker face"?"

"I have been told I have a resting Poker face." Elena said as she continued to chuckle. "That's why I am the remaining Senior Staff Poker Champion on my last ship. Speaking of which, are there any staff member Poker tournaments or anything of that nature around here?"

"There are, from time to time. Staff and non-Starfleet, both. Two years ago, SB109 hosted the quarter-final quadrant Poker Extavaganza, something anyone can enter, of course, if they have the game standings and the stake. You might be more interested in the unofficial games, though," she winked at her new friend.

"They meet right over there," her head nodded in the direction of closed French doors to the right of the stage, "every Thursday night. Anyone interested who's available shows up, and rank is shed at the door. There's a buffet throughout the evening, only synthahol is served, and if you think you might come, leave your name with Reon, my doorman, who is the unofficial organizer of the games. You'd both be welcome, of course," she included the ambassador in her invitation. "And I won't spread your reputation, but be aware, we have some fairly competent players here."

"It's no fun if it isn't a challenge," Kiara said. "I'd love to watch Elena play again. No one will expect her to be as good as she is. At least the first time."

Jade laughed, "And after that, an old earth saying, slightly butchered, 'Let the players beware'!"


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