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Once More Into the Breach

Posted on Tue 17th Jan, 2023 @ 7:55am by
Edited on on Tue 17th Jan, 2023 @ 8:00am

1,250 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: WV Nomad
Timeline: MD 4, 1900

"Riko, I have to say, if you could have seen your face throughout the whole interrogation," Isabella said using her fingers to make air quotes as the two former Starfleet Officers crossed the threshold of the starbase, onto their vessel, Nomad.

McCord eyed her captain. "I'm sure," she agreed. "I was starting to get spitting mad, and that doesn't happen to me very often. I think the captain already had it all figured out, though. The admiral's doing, ya think?"

"I agree, every bit of her doing," Isabella said. "That is one woman who can think 10 moves ahead. But, let's head to the Bridge. It's been a while since Verrana has heard form us, and I bet she is about to storm the station."

"Yes, so would I be. Instead, I'm ready to leave it behind. As soon as we're out, I'll replicate something else to wear, and we can plot our next step ... unless you already have?" She raised an eyebrow at Isabella. "It wouldn't surprise me if you were a few steps ahead of the admiral herself."

Isabella chuckled a little and returned Riko's look. "I did learn from the best, you know. We are heading directly to our new base of operations, so that the crew can get oriented with their new digs. I also have an idea about the clothes that I want to share with you, but that can wait till we get to our new home."

As Riko and Isabella approached the door to the bridge, Isabella could hear yelling through the door. "I don't care what you say, Podkayne. They have been gone too long, and I am tried of waiting. I am going onto the station and getting our people back. You can come or stay."

As Isabella walked through the door, she found Verrana standing face to face with Podkayne with her finger inches from Podkayne's nose.

The humaniform was the first to notice the entrance of their missing officers. "Too late, they returned on their own." Somewhat smugly, considering she wasn't human, she added, "As I told you they would."

Riko couldn't help it. She laughed, shaking her head at Podkayne. "You sound like my little sister, Midori. How do you do that, when you've never even met her?"

The AI didn't answer that, but she had a knowing look on her face that might have worried Riko if she'd been paying attention. The pilot hurried to her seat. "Are we leaving again?"

Taking her chair at the Science Station, McCord flipped on the sensors and the screen came up instantly. Lights across the board quickly turned green. "Things look good here." She glanced at Nemis, who was staring at the captain.

"I presume someone checked us for damage?" the science officer asked.

"Well!!??" Nemis exclaimed as Isabella took her seat in the Captain's chair. "What in the world happened? You two have been gone for hours!" Nemis walked over to Isabella and gave her a huge hug, almost collapsing into her arms.

"I was on my way to get the two of you out, but Dudkayne over here was adamant about us not leaving the ship." Verrana walked over to Riko and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Riko, I know you will tell me what happened."

"We got busted. Literally. Check our collars. We are O-U-T, OUT of Starfleet, and kicked off the base. I imagine we'll be hearing from our friendly voice-over announcer any -"

=^=Warp Vessel Nomad, this is the Port Authority. Prepare to leave your docking position at the count down from 30, =^= said a familiar disembodied voice. =^=Your ship will be led out and I'm told you will not be returning.=^=

"Right on time," muttered Riko.

"O.K. crew!" Isabella stated as she stood from her seat. "Podkayne, set course for ???? at warp five after we clear the starbase. Verrana, make sure you are familiar with this ship in its entirety. I want to be ready for any and everything as soon as possible."

Verrana nodded her head and turned back to her station, pausing for a second. It was then that she realized she hadn't been to ???? in years but had fond memories there during her recovery from the torture she endured from her people. She was curious to know if her room was still hers. She did leave a lot of her personal items ... parts of her life there. Did Isabella toss her life out of the room when she left?

Verrana turned to look at Isabella and was startled to find Isabella looking back at her, as if she knew what was going through her mind. She ashamedly turned back around to her console and began checking the systems for the hundredth time since waiting for Riko and Isabella to return. She almost jumped when she felt a hand on her right shoulder.

"You know, I meant what I always said all those years ago," Isabella said, looking into Verranas eyes. "You could have returned and used the house as you pleased. Your access codes are still in the system, and your room is as you left it."

"I do remember." Verrana answered solemnly. "I just ... I hadn't come back, because I needed to find myself again after everything that happened. And, I left my stuff there to make sure I had a reason to return. It's just ...."

"We are now on Port Authority Exit Protocol One, leaving dock," Podkayne announced. "Awaiting further orders from ..." her voice faded as she muttered the finish, "... someone, anyone."

"???? will always be your home Veranna! There will always be a place for you there," Perry said as she squeezed the hand that rested on Verrana's shoulder.

"Besides," Isabella said as she started to walk back to her command chair. "I'm not gonna clear all that crap out of your room V! I mean, what do I look like? Your maid?"

Verrana shook her head in joking disgust. She turned to look at Isabella and gave an annoyed look."You know how to ruin a moment, don't you, my love?"

Before Isabella could respond, a familiar voice came over the comm system. "Bells, this is Henry over an encrypted line. I don't have long, so listen. I love you and be careful out there. You and your crew need to look out for one another. You are all you have out there. I will send encrypted upgrades along with schematics to ???? for Nomad. I gotta go, before someone picks up this communique. Good luck, Nomad crew."

And with a beep, he was gone. Isabella smiled as she felt the love from her brother coming through his message. She looked over her crew as they tended to their duties, knowing they were her responsibility, and confident that she was up to the task of their mission.

"Riko, are we all set to go?" Perry asked as she checked the panel on her chair.

"Four by four, Captain!" McCord responded smartly. Ready to go, but ready for what's coming? That's another question, entirely!

"Oh, we are ready." Isabella said with confidence in her voice. "We are ready, because we are together and have each other's backs. Podkayne, are we clear the dock?"

Waiting a moment before responding, Podkayne finally came back with, "Out of the inner harbor, but not yet exited the starbase. I estimate another 13.5 seconds before we are through the outer harbor."

Isabella smiled. "Then in 13.5 seconds, punch it my friend, and off we go!"


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