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Be It Ever So Humble

Posted on Fri 13th Jan, 2023 @ 7:29pm by

985 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Captain's Office, Deck 12
Timeline: MD 7, 0930

Elena sat in her office, staring at the large wall screen which portrayed the image of space outside her office viewport. She found herself doing this often now, as she kept reading reports of Brown sector's shortcomings. She pressed one of the coms buttons on her desk and waited for the beep to finish. “Yeoman Cawley, step on in my ready room, please.”

Matthew stood up, taking his PADD from the corner of his desk in the same movement. In seconds, he was pushing into the captain's office. "Yes, Ma'am. What are we up to today?" He stood at rest in front of her desk, pushing the PADD to life.

“Brown Sector,” Elena stated as she stood up from her seat after pressing a button on her desk which brought up rolling images of that area. “What exactly is going on down there? The most important question is, how is this happening on a Federation Starbase?”

Nodding, Cowley punched in a button on the PADD to reach Brown Sector notes he'd made in a couple of tours of the place, both with a guide, and on his own. "As to how, I don't know. I'll track it down eventually, but I don't have an answer right now, What I saw when following Dr. Marshall around was ... eye-opening.

"I have to say, there's no outright neglect of the people, and most of them seem to have adapted well to circumstances. They shouldn't have to do that, though," Matthew said. "

Some people are making lives for themselves, getting out of the Sector, but some people treat it like ... like a home base, or a planet they might live on - they want it to stay their home, and they want to develop what's there. Is there an area you are particularly concerned about, other than medical? Which is already improving, by the way. Dr. Marshall is a man of his word."

Navarra sat there, contemplating her Yeoman's question. What was she particularly concerned with? The medical situation did hit her as the first concern because of the pandemic.

“Everything in its entirety bothers me about it. Let’s start with the name of it. Is there anything a little more lively that it could be called? You mentioned Marshall being a man of his word. What about the word of the Federation? Are we living up to our word and standards of decency?”

Making a back and forth wave with his right hand, Matthew said, "That's a sticky question, Captain. We haven't broken any promises to the people since taking over 109 again. They are fed, they are housed, they are educated. None of those may be the way they'd prefer, or what they'd prefer, but they are covered.

"The name? That seems to be something someone stuck on the area during the civilian administration, and no one has made a noise about changing it. I don't yet know the story behind it, or why it hasn't become a concern. Maybe it's just too far down the list? Now the Zodiac, I know, was named for the fancy hotel that was going in down there, based on 12 symbols of Old Earth's own zodiac. It fits what's there, and separates it from the Brown Sector."

The ensign scratched his chin as he thought. "I suppose we could have a renaming contest, maybe offer a prize to five winning choices and then have the people vote? It might be a way to get a census started, too. We aren't sure exactly how many people there are down there. Estimates range from 3000 to 5000, and your guess is as good as mine as to whether which, if either, is closer to reality. I'm not even sure that Solis fellow knows the answer to that, or would tell us if he did."

He thought another second, and then added, "Of course, changing the name doesn't really change anything, and someone is sure to point that out."

"Well, the main thing that needs to change is the culture," Navarra said as she turned her gaze back to the image of the starfield outside of the station. "Cowley, how about we take a journey down to Brown Sector and meet some of the good folk there? Let's talk to them and see what they want or need."

"Get it from the source, as it were?" Matthew said thoughtfully, nodding after a moment. "If we want to know the truth, that seems like the best way. An average of answers from a variety of sources ought to teach us something. Should we take a security officer with us?"

"No security!" Navarra responded adamantly. "We want to go in with open arms and show that we are a part of the same network. Besides, I don't think anyone would intentionally target us. We may have a little favor with the medicines that got delivered. What do you think, Cowley?"

He took a moment to think about it. "Yes," he said slowly, "that could be in our favor. I haven't been here long enough to know the people down there, or know what to expect from them. I've read some security reports, watched a few holo-vids, listened to FNN reports by that Caroline Post ... but I feel I know nothing. I guess a fact-finding mission is called for if we really want to know out anything. Rumors aren't going to serve us well, I'm afraid. I'm ready if you are."

Elena slowly stood from her chair and walked toward Cowley. When she got closer to him, she leaned into him. "Cowley, do advise security of our plans to visit Brown Sector and have a team on standby ... just in case something happens."

Matthew nodded in understanding, sending a voiceless message over the computer system, logging their intentions and the captain's orders. He nodded when it was finished and waited for her to precede him through her office exit.


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