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... Who Never Would Be Missed

Posted on Fri 23rd Dec, 2022 @ 8:54pm by
Edited on on Fri 13th Jan, 2023 @ 4:18am

1,650 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Intelligence Offices, Deck 16
Timeline: MD 4, 1725

Previously in "I Have a Little List ..."

"Captain Navarra!" Isabella said as she began to see what was happening. Why would Navarra bring up the Admiral in such a way? She had to know that Isabella and the Admiral had a relationship outside the bounds of Starfleet. And again, why was she willing to just throw them off of the station with no trial, unless ... she knew what was going on.

And now the Conclusion, "... Who Never Would Be Missed."

Isabella decided to take a gamble. "Commander McCord and I would like to confess and cooperate fully with you and Starfleet. I am willing to give you my contact and decrypt the files for you. Provided that you do exactly as you said you would and kick us off the station."

Ensign Crowley came out of the shadows and handed his captain a sheaf of papers, actual printed documents. "As you requested, Captain, a paper trail only." He felt some satisfaction in being trusted by Navarra, and being able to aide her in this deception of Starfleet. He didn't understand all the ins and outs of what was going on, but he had a feeling his understanding would grow. He also felt sympathy for at least one of the women in front of the captain. He thought perhaps she didn't know what her captain was doing, but was getting carried along by events she didn't control.

Although she felt as if her mouth was hanging open, in fact Riko looked calm and unphased by Perry, by the man handing the base's commander paper documents, and exactly who this admiral was. She felt as if she were treading in water over her head, but she looked competent and collected. She didn't grow up on Broken Drive with four siblings without learning a thing or two. There was nothing special that tied her to the station, now that Hikari was gone, and being barred from it presented no hardships. She knew there would be more to the punishment, and she hoped she could bear it all stoically.

"Excellent Ensign." Navarra said as she took the documents from Crowley and placed them in front of the two future former Starfleet Officers. "Sign these confessions, please." Navarra said as she waited patiently for the two to take the documents.

Isabella smiled as she shook her head as she took the documents and began to read over them. "Dishonorable discharge." She murmured as she read over the words. Even though she knew this was a part of her plan, she still could not help but feel a stinging sensation coming over her as she read the words. She loved Starfleet and loved serving in the organization. But, she knew there was a higher purpose to this plan, and she was committed.

"Is there something I can use to sign this with, Ensign?" Perry asked trying to have a feigned expression on her face.

"Blood, maybe," Riko quipped as she read the disheartening papers. She hadn't done any of the things that were in the confession.

Cowley looked at the younger woman in surprise. "Uh, no Ma'am. I had pens replicated." He handed one to each woman.

Riko actually laughed. "Ensign, that was a joke. Have you already lost your sense of humor on this base?" She shook her head as she signed the second page with a flourish and set the pen down on top of the papers. "For the record," she looked Captain Navarra in the eye, "none of this is true. I didn't do these things. However, I'm willing to follow my captain's lead ... and putting me on some prison planet would be a waste of my time and Starfleet's resources, so ...."

She shrugged her shoulders and leaned back, glancing at the Ensign. He seemed so young. Had she ever been that young, that enthusiastic about a boss? Yes, maybe ten years ago on Ross. Maybe. With a silent sigh, she waited for her boss to finish reading her longer text.

"Done!" Isabella said as she finished signing away her career. She sat back in the chair and handed the documents over to the Ensign.

"Computer." Navarra stated as she waited for the machines reply. "Stop recording, and lock transcription of interview, Authorization theta, alpha 1367274, Navarra 79"

The station computer took a moment to process the authorization but then gave the sound that it had complied with the request.

"Ensign Cowley, please step outside and make sure that we are not disturbed by anyone, for any reason. Is that understood?" Navarra asked of the young man.

"Absolutely, yes Ma'am," the ensign responded, stepping out and making sure the door slid shut behind him. He took the at ease position right in front of it, his hands clasped behind his back, and let his eyes wander the hall in all directions.

As soon as the young ensign cleared the room, Navarra sat in one of the chairs that were across from the former Starfleet officers. She stared at them for a moment before she spoke. She wanted to make sure that she was going to say the right thing.

"The two of you are either the bravest people I've recently met or the craziest." Navarra stated. She looked over to Isabella next and asked, "When did you realize it?"

"When you asked if it was what the Admiral would want us to do." Isabella replied. Navarra smiled and nodded her head.

"The Admiral has read me in on your operation. I must admit, I had some reservations, but the Nechayev can be very convincing. As of now, you are no longer Starfleet officers. I am using a rare executive privilege that bypasses your trials and lets me kick you out of Starfleet. Your interrogation has been sealed and classified. From here, you will be escorted to Nomad under a heavy security detail and you will leave the station."

Riko looked at the ceiling, then glanced at her boss, and down at her own hands. They were remarkably steady for having just been told her Starfleet career was over. There was no guarantee something wouldn't happen that would keep her ... keep them ... from ever being reinstated. She hoped she didn't regret whatever happened next.

"Before the two of you leave, please take this." Navarra handed the women an isolinear chip. "If all the chips are down and you desperately need help, activate this chip through your com systems. It will send an encoded message directly to me here on the Starbase. When I receive it, I will do what I can to get you some help."

After hesitating to see if Isabella took it, Riko reached for the chip. "Thank you, I guess," she said. "It sounds like you know more than I do about what's going on, but I'm still grateful," she glanced at Perry, "and I'm sure that the commander is, too. We'll do our best not to use it." She stuck the chip into a small pocket in her shirt sleeve. She was still wearing her Starfleet uniform. "

"We'll get out of these uniforms as soon as possible. May Elvis bring you peaceful times." McCord stood and walked toward the door. "I'll wait outside, in case there's anything you need to discuss without me." The door slid open, causing Ensign Cowley to whirl to face her, his hand on the phaser that he'd forgotten he wasn't carrying.

Immediately, Matthew relaxed. He nodded at the woman and stepped out of her way, hearing the door slide shut behind him as she stepped through.

"Sorry, didn't think about startling you," Riko said.

Cowley just nodded and returned to his watchful stance, while she moved a foot down the corridor and leaned against the wall there. McCord needed time to mull over the last hour of her life.

Navarra looked over Perry and wondered what would set such a young officer down this path of secrecy. Although she appreciated this type of officers, because they had peddled unofficial messages and equipment for her during her own various negotiations throughout the years.

"Well, you are now Captain of Nomad and in command of your own vessel. If I may offer you a word of advice?" Navarra asked as she placed a hand on Perry's shoulder. "Take care of your crew and normally they will take care of you in return. I have learned this throughout the years."

Isabella nodded, appreciative for the words of advice.

"Thank you Captain! I hope that we will do everyone proud and stay safe." Isabella turned to walk towards the door, but stopped and turned back to Navarra. The stamp of Starfleet uniform boots trickled through the door as what seemed like a herd of wildebeests halted outside the interrogation room door.

"Ma'am, one request, if I may?" Isabella asked. Navarra gave a head nod okaying the request.

"If you could, please look after my brother, Henry. Now that Riko and I are leaving, he won't have any family here. Just look after him for me please," Perry asked.

"I will look out for him for you, Isabella. Good Luck!" Navarra said. "Oh and Perry, to keep your cover going, how can I expect the information promised in your confession?" Navarra asked.

"Oh yeah." Isabella stated as she reached down to her bracelet to input a code on the hard light display that emerged from it. "I just sent an encrypted message to your Ensign along with the decryption key. My contact is expecting to hear from you soon. Take him into custody when you get to him. He is actually in need of protection from some gangs that are tracking him. He is completely content with being in a Federation prison for protection."

Navarra smiled. "Thought of everything have we?" she asked, impressed with the detail of Isabella's plan.

"I try," Isabella replied as she walked out the door.


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