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Two Owners Meet at a Bar

Posted on Sat 3rd Dec, 2022 @ 7:08am by Qaraq

1,721 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Orchids and Jazz
Timeline: MD-3 1300

A Broot immediately stands out like a sore thumb while walking (more like barreling) into Orchids and Jazz. Their large frame and blue-horned face are not the look of the establishment's usual clientele, so naturally Qaraq caught several stares from various staff and patrons, as well as the attention of the AI bouncer at the door, who might not be a match for the hulking giant but didn't have the ego to think otherwise. Qaraq acknowledged him with a nod on his way in.

However intimidating he may have been, Qaraq was not here for a fight. His reasons were half business, half curiosity. Since his arrival a few short weeks ago, he'd heard many people, mostly humans, rave about the place. As he walked in, his first impression was nearly the opposite of what he expected. The whole place looked... clean? He couldn't quite think of the right word. This was a place very foreign to him.

To the right, there was a band playing an odd kind of music, with a well-lit dining area. Qaraq was surprised to see families with children sitting, eating, and socializing. There was a human boy toddler standing on the seat of one of the booths, surveying the place with almost the same fascination as Qaraq's. When the child saw Qaraq, his eyes widened, looking like tiny pearls. Qaraq smiled at the boy. To his surprise, the boy smiled back! Qaraq had never seen a human child so young, but he was impressed with the boy's fearless response. The meek appearance of a small human, the bold prowess of a full-grown Broot. This was a human to be respected.

Qaraq now glanced to his left and found exactly what he was looking for: the bar. Qaraq sauntered over and found a nice, empty spot at the edge of the bar. "I'll take one of your finest ales," he roared. "And I would like to speak with the owner of this establishment!"

Jade hadn't missed the entrance of the large individual. How could she when he was truly massive, and not a species she'd crossed often in her journey through the stars. She looked up at him and made a quick determination that he had no evil intent, so she smiled before she spoke. "Finest depends on taste, of course. I have heard that Romulan Ale is finest to Romulans, but I can't offer that except as synthohol, of course.

"I can offer you true Andorian Ale, Yridian Ale, and a nice Hooky Bitter, if you want the mildest of buzzes. For my money, though, you want Amber Falls Ale, and," she tapped the bar lightly, "this is the only place on the entire base where you can get it. Our brewers use crystal malts from earth to enhance the flavor, which has a full-body taste, caramel notes, and additional flavorings which are highly guarded secrets, passed down for generations in Wales. That's a little geographical region of earth, not well known out here on the edge of things.

"So what sounds best to you? First drink is on me. Oh, I'm the owner, Jade Lantz." She held her hand across the bar, to shake, as Terrans habitually do.

Qaraq returned the shake with a firm grip. He'd gotten into that habit ever since he came aboard, and quite liked the gesture. He felt that you could tell a lot about a person through a firm shake of the hand. Jade's handshake contained a confidence one would find in a good bartender.

"I must have the Amber Falls Ale!" he declared, startling the patron nearest him. Noticing the poor man's jump, Qaraq finally realized he stuck out like a sore thumb. He added, in a quieter voice, "I mean, may I please have an Amber Falls Ale? And my name is Qaraq, owner of Qaraq's Game Room in Brown Sector. We also have a unique ale, the Korfmager, made from my homeworld and created by my late wife. My establishment is a little... louder than this one, but your first ale is on the house as well."

As she poured the Ale into a chilled glass, from the tap near where Qaraq sat, Jade smiled and said, "I will have to try that when I come visit. I'm overdue, as I haven't been down there since you opened, but I've heard a lot about your place. It sounds interesting and I'll be sure to explore it soon." She set his drink in front of him. "I'm going to check on my other customers, but I'll be back to see what you think of this and check on you, too."

Jade moved off to check on three other customers scattered the length of the antique bar, only one of whom wished for a refill at that moment. She also cleared and wiped a spot where a customer had departed before returning to Qaraq.

"How does it compare to your ... Korfmager?" she asked, remember the name he'd mentioned.

Qaraq set down his nearly finished pint and smiled. "A bit on the sweeter side compared to the Korfmager," he remarked. "But bold. This is a well-made ale!" He finished his drink and set the glass mug down firmly on the bar. "I'll have another!" he exclaimed and, nodding to the rest of the bar, added, "And another round for them as well... on me!"

"I guess you do like it," Jade smiled at his noisy enthusiasm. Orchids & Jazz had good sound muffling tech, and it was past the lunch rush, so she didn't see any harm in him enjoying himself. She whisked his glass away and replaced it quickly, then served the other three men ... huh, all men today, she thought.

Coming back to lean against the counter in front of the mirror, Lantz asked the happy Broot, "So tell me about your place." She'd heard gossip, but if the owner were sitting here, she wanted his own description. Being an owner herself, she knew others didn't always see what she did.

Qaraq sat up straight and took a swig of the tasty beverage. "It's not quite as rowdy as the bar I managed on Delavi, my homeworld," he said. "Our main attraction is games. We have all kinds, from blackjack to pinball! So far, we have the second-largest selection of alcohol on the station, however our selection covers more worlds and cultures than any other bar or restaurant on the starbase. We have a large, all-you-can-eat buffet with an extensive menu with all real ingredients, no replicators. During the day, our holosuite doubles as Brown Sector's only classroom, serving the children of Brown every weekday. This is a temporary arrangement of course, until another space is found." He turned and nodded to the small band on the stage. "Live music would be good at my place. I wouldn't have them play something as... 'tame,' as this. Something louder and lively."

Jade laughed. "When that song was written, it was considered pretty loud and lively," she grinned. They listened to "Sweet Georgia Brown" for a minute, but she turned back to the interesting man at the bar. "1925, Ben Bernie. Rumor is he wrote the lyrics, but I don't know if that was ever proven. What kind of 'louder and lively' would you have in mind?" she asked, curious what his culture would appreciate more than jazz.

Qaraq's eyes lit up. "Human music is fascinating," he said. "It seems like there's a different kind of music for every mood one can experience. Broots enjoy music, but we are not musicians. We don't write poetry or play instruments, and we don't dance the way other species enjoy dancing. But if I could choose one human band to play at my casino, I would choose a band called the Beatles. Have you heard of them?"

"Oh, yes. Third Quarter, 20th Century, I think? 40ish years after Sweet Georgia Brown that just ended here. I like them, too. I see that with your music appreciation, and your actual food cooking, not replicators, we have some things in common." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Daneel Olivaw move into the area and serve the few lunch customers remaining at this end of Orchids & Jazz, so she could relax for a few minutes.

"So what's your favorite Beatles song?" Jade moved closer and leaned on her arms on the bar near Qaraq. "I kinda like their Rubber Soul Album. "Norwegian Wood" always seemed to be a perfect song showing the ... vagaries of human thinking?"

"I don't think I've heard that song," Qaraq said. "I enjoy the songs that I can play loud, like 'Twist and Shout,' 'Revolution,' and 'Help.' I also somewhat identify with the song, 'Get Back,' as I have struggled to find a place to belong after my wife passed. To be honest, those are the only four I can name. I've been listening to their work for only a week, after one of my patrons suggested them. He described the Beatles as a 'rock band.' The term strikes me as highly honorable!"

"It does give a feeling of strength, and perhaps you can envision a rock fight, as well," Jade said.

Qaraq's deep eyes lit up. "I love to fight!"

Jade smiled. "You appear to be a man who can defend yourself and enjoy doing it. I know three of those songs. The Twist in that song was really a dance in the 1960s. People twisted their bodies in all kinds of strange ways. Probably threw out a few backs," she laughed. "If you like those, though, try It's Been a Hard Day's Night. I think it will fit right in and you'll love it."

"A Hard Day's Night," Qaraq repeated. "That does sound like something I could relate to. I will hear this song!"

Jade noticed his second ale was nearing the bottom of the mug. "Can I get you another, or would you like to try the food? Lunch or a slice of Chef Marin's apple pie, perhaps? Or there's always Death by Chocolate."

Qaraq's eyes illuminated themselves once again. "Chocolate that can kill you?!! I must have it! I have never come across a chocolate I couldn't conquer!"

To be continued...


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