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Orders to Cooperate

Posted on Wed 9th Nov, 2022 @ 7:27am by

1,615 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Captain's Ready Room, Deck 12
Timeline: MD 2, 0750

Elena stood at the window in her Ready Room, staring into the beautiful abyss of space. She had seen space her entire life, but for some reason, this particular view stunningly struck her. The Captain barely heard someone enter her Ready Room. She turned to see her new Yeoman entering with his PADD in hand.

Ensign Cowley greeted Captain Navarra on her first day in her Ready Room. "Good morning, Captain," he handed her a PADD. "Here are the things on your agenda for today. It's a short list for day one, but it'll grow fast. Would you like breakfast?"

"Good morning, Ensign Cowley. Yes to breakfast, and what is on the agenda for the day?" Elena had been a Captain for a bit of time, but she was still getting used to having a Yeoman by her side. But then she thought it was no different than having the assistants from her negotiations team.

"Several department heads would like to meet with you, and Caroline Post, our FNS lead reporter on base, would like an interview at your convenience. I did push her back a couple of days, however. She understands there may be one or two other things that come first." Matthew glanced down at the PADD he'd handed her, "Otherwise, it looks routine right now. Never can tell if it will stay that way, though," he smiled.

Elena looked over the PADD and was appreciative of the Yeoman's insight into her schedule. Especially with the reporter. The one thing Elena did not like was speaking to the press. They always seemed to find a way to get under her skin and focus on what didn't happen in the negotiation.

"Yeoman Cowley, let's start the morning off with some toast, eggs scrambled hard, and three slices of bacon," she said as she continued her gaze out of the window.

"Right away, Ma'am," Cowley responded, heading toward his desk. He gave her breakfast order to the Captain's Orderly, and it took only a few minutes to get back, perfectly finished. He walked back and set it on her desk, hearing a communications chime go off at his own.

"I'll try to get you enough time to eat that while it's warm, Captain Navarra," Cowley said, almost sprinting to his desk.

=^= Admiral Nechayeva for Captain Navarra, Starbase 109,=^= the notification came in.

Cowley frowned. There was no way he could delay an admiral. "Stand by for Captain Navarra," he said.

With a sigh, he stood in the captain's doorway and said, "I'm sorry, Ma'am, it's an admiral ... Admiral Nechayeva. She's over the whole Triangle area, and way above my pay level to delay."

"It's O.K. Yeoman, put her through." Elena wondered what the Admiral could possibly want so early in the morning. It's customary for the Starbase Captain to get a heads up on a meeting with their Admiral before it comes.

"Putting you through, now," Cowley said to the Admiral's assistant. He walked over to close the door to the Captain's Ready Room, pausing a moment to send the new commander a glance of sympathy.

"Captain Navarro! How's your first day going?" the older woman asked when she appeared on the screen.

"Admiral!" Eleana exclaimed. "So far so good. You are my first official call. How may I be of service?"

"I'm glad you asked, Captain. We have a unique opportunity there in the Triangle, an opportunity to work with some new allies. New to working with us on science, at least. I'm forwarding orders for you to make space in your aquadecks for an infusion of Xindus Institute scientists. Some kind of proto star research, very push-the-frontiers stuff," Rosalyn waved her hands.

"I've been keeping up with this through my science contacts, but I don't know what you know. I'm sending my analysts' scrutiny of the paperwork they've sent us. I know you're more about diplomacy, but this is fascinating stuff!" The admiral's enthusiasm for the project was evident.

The Admiral's enthusiasm was not rubbing off on Elena. She truly questioned whether or not the Xindi were to be trusted. In all her years of negotiating, the Xindi were a group she could never seem to deliver with.

"Admiral, why are we going to such lengths to appease the Xindi? What due diligence has been shown on their part to make us extend a hand? Am I not aware of something?"

Elena normally did not make a habit of questioning an admiral, but she was banking on her negotiating history to score her some points in this line of questioning.

"Hmmm, yes, I see your point, Captain. The fact is, these aquatics have been quite, uh, quite convivial with their, uhm, with their research. They've shared their results in research and experimentation, quite liberally, so far. We'd like to keep this trend going, of course, even increase it. 109 already has aquatic decks," she pointed out. "It isn't requiring anything except some minor renovations to bring them in line with what the Xindi aquatics need."

The admiral used a calming, patting motion. "Of course, Starfleet will increase your operating budget to allow for those changes, and you have the people you need on board to make them. I'll be sure you and your people don't sacrifice anything."

And there it is! Elena thought to herself. It always comes down to resources and money. Who has the most and who can race ahead. But Elena was used to this, and she knew when to push to get what she wanted.

"I am glad you mentioned resources, Admiral," Elena said with a smile on her face. "We are equipped with materials for the aquatic decks, but we will need more resources to complete them in the time specified. Since I am doubling shifts and shifting other resources, I think now is the appropriate time to request several of the Model Tripp 295 worker bees and additional medical support for Brown Sector. As you know, Brown Sector has been hit hard by Andosian Flu, along with a few respiratory viruses. Since Starfleet personnel and the civilians of Brown Sector will be working together, it may be prudent to get a jump on this."

Isabella knew she was asking for a lot on day one, but both requests were valid and important to the Admiral's goals. She would be hard-pressed to say no to items that supported her cause.

The admiral looked slightly taken aback, but then a smile spread over her face and she shook her finger at the captain, "I see why everyone said you were so good at negotiating. I suppose this is what you do to those poor folks who think they can outmaneuver you in negotiating treaties. I better come prepared when we have something to work out together!"

The woman laughed and shook her head. "Alright, I think I can swing at least three of the 295s for you, delivered shortly. As for that refugee mess you call Brown Sector, I hadn't heard they were suffering from the flu epidemic that's hit some of the bases around the quadrant. However, I can send you ... let's say three lower rank doctors, twice as many nurses, and a full ... 75,000 doses of the vaccine. That should give you enough for Brown Sector and another 15% of the population there. If they aren't mixing too much, that should be plenty." Rosalyn hoped she hadn't given away how closely she watched the population of her favorite starbase.

"Thank you, Admiral. It is nice to know that you keep such a pulse on the inner workings of Starbase 109. I will be sure to keep you abreast of our status on both fronts." Elena said as she let her smile take over her face. She just found one of the Admiral's tells, and she knew how to make it work to her advantage.

"Admiral, should we expect your presence closer to the time the delegates will arrive? You know you are always welcome here. It would be good to meet you face to face." Elena could not resist giving the invitation to Nechayev. What better way to learn more about your commanding officer than to have them with you face to face.

"Oh, I hadn't thought of coming," the admiral frowned, "... but let me see what I can arrange. I'll consult with the keeper of my schedule, and be roundly reprimanded, no doubt, for daring to cause upset in his careful schedule of my time." She smiled slightly, relaxing now that she had the agreement she needed. "You'll find out, if you have a yeoman keeping your schedule now."

"Yes Admiral, I think my Yeoman is the same. Navarra out." Elena sighed and then took a bite of the bacon that was sitting in front of her. "Well, I learned a lot in that conversation.: Elena thought to herself. She pressed the comm button on her desk.

"Yeoman Cowley, come in here." She stated as she continued eating her breakfast. As the Yeoman entered, Elena started rattling off her orders.

"Contact the Doctors down in Brown Sector and let them know that there are vaccines inbound to help them with their fight down there." She then stood with a piece of toast in hand and went back to her window and stood before it, gazing back into the abyss.

"Also, contact Lt. Cmdr Alora Baro and tell her I have secured her a few of the latest model of worker bees to help her along the way. She will need all the help she can get. That is all Yeoman."

"I could get used to this sight." Elena said as she finished off her piece of toast.


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