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The Nebula

Posted on Sat 29th Oct, 2022 @ 7:07pm by LUCY & Sorra Yarime (Yari)

980 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Hunted
Location: Conundrum in Unknown Class 11 Nebula
Timeline: MD 12, 1535

Three months after initial crash ....

Aezash began to stir, grasping his helmet. He woke with one hell of a headache. He coughed and cleared his throat as he sat up, "Lucy, report?"

=^=Conundrum is still in the same area as before, but hiding in an unknown Class 11 Nebula. Shields are currently raised and at 78% efficiency. There was an attempt by an enemy ship to transport everyone, but I managed to evade and escape, and transport people back, losing two of our crew before I had to raise shields to vanish. We have sustained some damage, but are currently stable with life support and weapons.=^=

Lucy was a high-functioning AI program programmed to be independent in an emergency, to make decisions that benefited the most number of passengers. She was also programmed to be under Aezash's command when he was functional, which it now appeared he was.

Aezash realized that he was in the Med Bay with the others, they seemed to be still out of it. "Activate the Doctor," he said.

"What is the nature of your emergency?" asked the programmed EMH, looking at the man in front of her, at the same time she ran a medical tricorder over his body, making a tsking noise as the readings came up. "Oh, you must have a headache, but it isn't reading a concussion." She reached for a hypospray and moved toward the man's neck. "This should help."

Aezash heard the soothing hiss and quickly his head stopped hurting. "Lucy, scan for any nearby ships." He looked around the room and saw the others. They seemed to be sleeping, "How are they doing?"

The EMH glanced over at several of the crew, and one green-skinned Orion woman, filling other biobeds. "They'll be fine. They were all affected by the same kind of mental pulse that knocked you out. I don't think they'll even have a headache, and several have already come around and been sent back to quarters to rest. They should be back to duty within two hours if needed."

Turning back to the captain, the EMH ordered. "Now off you go to rest in your quarters for a couple of hours."

Aezash shook his head, "Negative, we must find Yari and rescue him. I'll be on the Bridge." It was essential to pick up the trail before it grew cold. He had no idea how long he was out, but he had to get to work immediately.

As Aezash entered the bridge, Lucy spoke to him. =^=One ship found marked 'Friendly' by the ISI*, about 1 light year behind us. It's possible that it's the trade ship with which we were conducting business, but it's odd we received little to no help from them.=^=

"Not really," Aezash said bluntly as his mind began to work. "They may have been damaged in a fight with the slavers and are making their own repairs. They may not know where we are, since we have been hidden in the nebula. Take us to them, so we can verify their status ... if anyone is left aboard the ship."

As an artificial intelligence, Lucy had no authority, but she felt a stirring in her electrons that she identified with what she thought was almost a biological sense of unease. Even as she made ready to carry out the order she'd been given, she had to ask, "Are you sure that's wise, Sir? What if the attacker is hiding somewhere nearby and we show up? We aren't at full strength yet."

"If it's a trap, then it will have worked well since we are going there. If it is not a trap, we must pick up the trail, before it's too late." Aezash tapped a few commands on his wrist console. "I have activated my suit's stealth capabilities so that sensors should not be able to pick up my bio-signs. If they are out there, they will simply think that you are on autopilot until it's too late."

Not having the ability to nod, Lucy contented herself with carrying out the orders given, and hoping that Aezash was safe in his precautions. He was normally fairly logical for a biological construct, and logic told her that this would not prove the exception to the case. Yari was important, and they weren't in the habit of abandoning their people, even if it put them in danger.

One light year took more time to cover than most people would estimate, but at warp 5, which they were still capable of doing, it would take over a day to retrace their steps. Having set the course, Lucy turned her attention to the repairs she could make with the robotic assistance on board.

Aezash had become pretty handy with a hyperspanner over the past couple of years and got busy making repairs that he knew he could. Keeping busy would help pass the time until he could get answers and find the others. The day began to pass by quickly and they were close before he knew it.

=^=We are approaching the stationary ship previously identified. I have raised our shields, and they are currently at 79% capacity. Slowing to position as at transporter distance,=^= Lucy announced over the ship's intercom. =^=Standing by for further orders.=^=

"Do you detect any life forms aboard?" Aezash asked as he headed for the transporter pad.

Lucy hummed mechanically as she searched for several seconds. =^=No life forms found.=^= Her voice was, of course, unemotional. Whatever senses she had didn't include empathy or sympathy. She could question biological life, but she couldn't feel emotional.

Aezash pulled both his disruptors and stepped onto the pad, "Lucy, transport." He was gone in an almost instant transfer.

To Be Continued ....


*IGI - Interstellar Identifier - a code given to each Federation ship, but non-Federation ships don't have it, so are automatically identified as non-Federation, and possibly foes.


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