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Haute Couture

Posted on Fri 15th Jul, 2022 @ 8:59am by Verelan i'Mhiessan t'Saeihr & Maiek s'Ethien
Edited on on Mon 18th Jul, 2022 @ 5:43am

940 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Hunted
Location: Maiek's Workshop
Timeline: MD 3: 0800

Verelan swept into Maiek's workshop, where he was lounging in a chair examining several drawings of wedding dresses that were a fusion of Romulan and human styles.

"You may have invented a whole new fashion trend, in finding your bride Nephew. Those are exquisite." The elegant woman said as she studied the drawings. Her elegant manicure in black and scarlet glinted as she flicked through the drawings. She sorted them involuntarily in elemental coloration, grouping like with like. The one before him at the moment was a sheath of white silk, with the glitter of iridescent beads that was Romulan style wrapping around it from right shoulder over the breast to the waist on the opposite side where it combined with the wrap of a cinched waist. The bare back was covered with a netting of the same glittering iridescent beads.

He startled out of his chair at her entrance and flushed brightly at the compliment she paid him. "I was considering the possibility of selling the designs themselves to various artisans, unless I want to remake my Name in the fashion industry.". He raised a hand in a Romulan shrug. "I may have gotten carried away."

"Mm. ". Verelan plucked one out and smiled at the lines of red and gold. She tapped it with a fingernail, very gently so as not to harm the paper on which it was drawn or smudge the lines upon it. "This one is particularly elegant. I think it would suit your intended very well indeed."

"It is my favorite at this moment, when I design thinking of Mary Elizabeth. It's like they pour out of me, without any effort. The humans call it a Muse. You would like their Mythology Aunt, it is intriguing." he acknowledged with a fond smile. "I cannot wait to get her into a fire robe, can you imagine her in scarlet, white and gold with those masses of black curls?" He made an appreciative noise deep in his chest.

Verelan smiled at him "I do think you are besotted with your mate, and that is a right and proper thing. I know you will defend her honor and your own. She is a unique choice, but I think a good one both personally and politically."

"Ekhesai?" His voice was acidic and he was halfway out of his chair before he saw her gently raised hand and settled back into it.

"Peace Maiek, I like the girl. Do not bristle at me, for doing what I do."


Maiek looked as if he'd swallowed a lemon, and the meal wasn't agreeing with him. The bruises had not yet faded from his face, from the last encounter with those who'd opposed their marriage for political reasons. His mouth was a tight line of suspicion, as he waited for her to speak, every line in his body tense.

Verelan looked at him and then sighed gently, settling down on the seat across from his drawing desk. She knew she needed to appease the young man, for her political strength was going to increase enormously if he was successful in this endeavor. Their marriage with her support was something that would ripple through the fabric of the New Romulan Society. The ambassador had no doubt at all as to the strength of their love, and she was devoted to him in a way that tales were told of. If she was truthful to noone but herself she was envious of her nephew and the treasure he had found. "I understand your reactions Nephew. I saw the beating you took for your clan's honor, and that of your mate. I was proud of your strength despite greater odds against you. You bled for her, and her fierceness will serve and protect not just you but your children as well. I will give your wife-to-be lessons on anything you think she needs, but I think you have chosen well."

Maiek blinked a few times, the words startled out of him in the uncharacteristically bold statement from his Aunt and the Romulan Ambassador. It wasn't often where he could see both sides of her in the same moment. Oft, one or the other would command her reactions. This, this was both and he was appreciative of the

"I have need of Documents to be sent to the Federation senate, along with the appropriate gifts to our Ambassador on the Council. I need my most trusted person to do so. I cannot be seen as shirking my appropriate duties even here in the lap of luxury. It is my understanding that your mate's parents are on Earth, yes?" It was a rapid change in conversation, a tactic to keep the attention soley on her words.

"Yes, I had intended to send a transport for them."

"Good idea my boy. Why don't you take the Jovith?"

Something blossomed in his eyes, something heated and primal that Verelan smirked inwardly to see. If their Vulcan ancestors were to see him, they would know it. "In the meantime, I should like you to make this one for me in ambassadorial colors." She moved his drawings aside and tapped on one that was hidden underneath the others. It would not suit Mary Elizabeth, there was too much of the high Romulan court stylings in it to be attractive on her body type. However, on Verelan, it would be a statement of Power. In Romulan society there was nothing more important than how one presented oneself in a high function, and their wedding was going to be one. Verelan at least was certain of that.


Ekhesai- Excuse me?!
Au'e- Yes.


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