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Hammers Don't Fix Everything

Posted on Sat 4th Jun, 2022 @ 9:10pm by Chief Petty Officer Larry Kersenboom (Ret.) & Criswell Sandbags & Qaraq
Edited on on Wed 22nd Jun, 2022 @ 7:01am

1,337 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Hunted
Location: Qaraq's casino, Brown Sector
Timeline: MD-1, 1500 hours

Larry Kersenboom looked over the FNN news crawl on display near the psych and medical clinics in Brown Sector and noticed the want ad.

Wanted: Repairs and renovations in new casino, deck 2249 of Brown Sector. If interested, contact Criswell Sandbags at Criswell@Qaraqs.

He was always on the lookout for repair work to be done, and this looked like it could be a paying gig. Larry was happy enough to do charity repairs for people who desperately needed them; he was not willing to work free of charge--or ask his friends to--for a business.

He took out his comPADD and keyed in a message: Responding to your advertisement for repair work in casino. Trained, licensed, retired Starfleet work crew interested in learning more about this job. When can we meet? --Larry Kersenboom

The repair to the A/C duct in The Zodiac had been a nasty, dirty, long job, but the clog was cleared now, and the temperature had cooled nicely. Thanks to Marie and Renee, the nearby residents had been persuaded to figure out ways to shift themselves around so the paneling and deck plating near their apartments could be properly cleaned. The process had been a game of musical chairs. It had taken longer than Larry would have liked, but in the end he and his Sludgebusters crew had gotten the work done and had spent three evenings in a row gaming at The Hangman's Noose afterward, to celebrate.

Seriously, being retired was the life. Since then, he had set up a kiosk in Brown Sector's community center where people could input work requests that Larry or another Sludgebuster would respond to in the mornings. They rarely took cash payment, but payment in lunch or tea or pastries was more than welcome. Usually, the payments became gaming snacks.

Criswell had responded to their email within an hour, and Larry was there within an hour after that. Qaraq was there to greet him. Larry had not been expecting the goliath of a man. The horns and bright, illuminating blue skin made him that much more intimidating.

"Welcome, Mr. Kersenboom," Qaraq boomed. "I'm Qaraq, the owner of this casino. My assistant Mr. Criswell informed me that you are interested in helping with the renovations." His voice was louder than god with a hangover, but it had a friendly tone.

"Good to meet you, Qaraq," Larry replied with a nod. He glanced around the establishment, making note of possible needed repairs. "We're not trained in remodeling or interior decorating. What we can do is repairs. Like you could use some replacement lighting, better carpet. We could fix that spot in your wall where it looks like someone tried to punch a hole through it, and that spot on the corner, where it looks like someone knocked a piece of furniture or equipment against it and chipped it. We can put fresh drywall in and patch the plaster and spackle, then paint over the spot. That kind of thing."

"I definitely need someone to help me with that," Qaraq said. "Do you install equipment? This place is in dire need of new Dabo tables and other gaming platforms. The upstairs dining area, where the bar and buffet are, also needs a lot of repairs, as does the door to the holosuite, which won't open all the way."

"You mean like slot machines? Yeah, we can install those. You have to literally wait for them to warm to room temperature, but we can work on other things in the meantime, like moving in your gaming tables. What's your security set-up like? If it needs upgrading we can work on that, too. Your HVAC feels like it's working pretty well. How about your plumbing?" Larry began taking notes on his comPADD.

"Perhaps we should give them the tour?" said Criswell, who had apparently been there the whole time. Qaraq smiled, happy with Criswell's uncanny ability of going unnoticed.

"That's a good idea," Qaraq boomed. "Right this way, Mr. Kersenboom..."

"Don't mind if I do," Larry said and let Qaraq lead the way.

The tour lasted the better part of an hour, with the group starting on the main level which consisted almost entirely of the gambling stations and equipment. They were definitely in need of new slot machines, as several were inoperative and the ones that worked were falling apart. There were craps tables and roulette wheels that were scuffed and cracked, three Dabo tables had broken lights, one had no sound, and the others were in desperate need of a cleaning. The blackjack, baccarat, and poker tables were all in mediocre condition, but Qaraq knew they needed to be replaced.

Two of the four pinball machines were out of order. Qaraq's plan was to move the ones that worked upstairs, get new ones, and renovate part of the upstairs lounge into a small video arcade for the children, free of charge of course.

Toward the end of the tour, Qaraq asked, "Is there a possibility we could install an entrance from outside to the upstairs lounge? It would provide easy access for the children's classroom, and also would be convenient for those only visiting the bar and buffet?"

"That makes sense," Larry said. "I've had to replace doors a time or two when the ships I was on took fire. Do you want Fleet-standard pocket doors, or a door with hinges for the classroom entrance?"

"Fleet standard will do fine," Qaraq replied. "How long will renovations take, and what is your fee?"

"I'm gonna have to work on the fee and time schedule a bit. My estimate is no more than eight business days," Larry said. "Up until now, my group has done mostly volunteer work for Brown Sector residents. I'll need to draw up a contract for us to work with you so I can provide you with a formal quote for materials and labor. Yours would be our first paying job--if you're willing to work with us. If you'll give me about an hour, I can have a quote ready and sent to you or Mr. Sandbags here."

"Please send it to me personally," Qaraq said. "If no one else responds to our ad by the end of the day, I will give you and your people the job."

"Sounds like a plan," Larry said. "When would you want us to start, if we get the job?"

"As early as tomorrow," Qaraq replied. "Does that work for you?"

"That's fine. We can be here by 0800--er, eight in the morning," Larry said. "I'll get this quote worked out and send it over to you with a contract. If you like the quote and no one else offers you anything better, we'll be here in the morning."

"That's fine," Qaraq said with a nod. "I will notify you by ten tonight. Please send my assistant, Mr. Sandbags, a list of references before you write the contract. I'm not going to hire you without knowing your reputation."

Larry nodded back. "Gladly. The references will be mostly the same for the rest of my people. Four of us used to be an enlisted work crew in Starfleet, and the fifth person used to be a Starfleet enlisted guy who served on this station. I'll send those over shortly. Is there anything other information you need from me?"

"I believe I have enough for now," Qaraq replied. "If I approve the contract, you will meet Mr. Sandbags on the casino floor in the morning. From there, you may proceed with your duties as you see fit. I will arrive around mid-day and will check your progress before I begin my own work. From there, you may talk to me if you have questions or concerns."

"That sounds like a good plan. I will get you that quote now and hope to see you tomorrow around noon," Larry said. "Thank you for speaking with me, Mr. Qaraq."

"You as well, Mr. Kersenboom," Qaraq replied, giving Larry a firm handshake.


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