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Unwelcome Pests, Part 2

Posted on Sat 14th May, 2022 @ 6:09am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Renato Solis
Edited on on Sat 14th May, 2022 @ 6:11am

553 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Good Day to Hunt
Location: Chief Counselor's Office
Timeline: MD-3, 1515 hours

Previously, on Starbase 109:

"So what are you carrying?" Paul asked, indicating the moving bundle of cloth in Renato's lap. "I don't feel that it's alive."

Renato displayed the well-bashed machine, barely in one piece. It looked too much like a dead spider for anyone's comfort, and he set it down gingerly as though handling a once living thing worthy of dignified treatment.

"Easiest mystery I've had in a year. Lieutenant Commander Baro let loose some devices to find the hidden spots in Brown Sector. I presume they didn't all return, and here is a reason why. The scoring at the seam over the central orb here would indicate an improvised entry to power and memory systems, rigged to shock anyone who tries to open it, no prints or DNA, much of the other details are lost, I'm afraid; Tannis has a heavy boot. Can we have her take a look at the core programs, see if we can find out who repurposed this little thing?"

"I'm sure we can," Paul said, peering curiously at the well-stomped device. "I'm amazed it can still move." He tapped his combadge. "Graves to Commander Baro. If you're not in the middle of something, could you report to the Chief Counselor's office on Deck 83, please? One of your spider devices has been found."

Renato was grateful, the only Starfleet officer he felt comfortable with was Paul Graves. Even gentle, sweet, Alora intimidated the hell out of him, a natural response from one accustomed to running from authority.

"I couldn't get any DNA other than Hasskin's, and they leave no footprints, so I can't even tell where it got inside from."

"What do you think this device was repurposed to do?" Paul asked. "From what I understood, they were supposed to use machine learning to map out Brown Sector. Where did you find this one?"

"Judging from dust content in its prismatic lens, somewhere in the air ducts which are sorely in need of cleaning above the community center. I saw evidence of forced access on the sealed rivets down the pipe, I'm assuming they are in the ducts and mechanical workings. However this one was also modified to carry extra data, I can't crack the lock on the computer though. Alora should be able to bypass given she designed their software, hence my coming here."

Paul nodded his understanding. As a civilian, Renato couldn't just go walking into Operations. "If someone's tampering with the rivets on our air ducts, that's something we need to know and figure out the reason for. Thank you for the work you did on that, Renato."

Renato gave a small bow, mostly head and neck, stopping before heading through the door to say, "My usual fee applies, doughnuts, glazed, unadorned this time, pairing it with Joja wine and jazz will be the kick to set it off... until then."

Paul blinked as Renato headed out the door. "Doughnuts with wine? Are you pregnant?" He waved his hand. "Forget I said that. Computer, what planet is Joja wine from?"

Cantine Campoverde Joja is a dry red wine originating from the Calabria region of southern Italy, on Earth.

Paul muttered to himself as he waited for Alora to respond. "Dry wine with glazed doughnuts. He really is pregnant."


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