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Putting the Pieces Together

Posted on Sat 26th Feb, 2022 @ 7:52am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark
Edited on on Sat 14th May, 2022 @ 5:45am

1,388 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: A Good Day to Hunt
Location: Chief Counselor's Office, Deck 83
Timeline: MD-7, 0900 hours

Despite the Commander's offer of meeting at Andrew's office, Andrew thought it was only fair for him to make the trip up Graves' office this time. They both thought it best to compare notes and impressions on Theo, currently being held in the brig, and discuss the next moves. Additionally, Andrew was keen on getting the Commander's view on the individual from Brown Sector who was assisting them in the investigation, Renato Solis. So far they had worked well together, but Andrew's lack of knowledge about the man and his dealings in Brown Sector gave him pause, right or wrong. Andrew strolled up to the doors that led into the Chief Counselor's office and rang the door chime.

Paul went to his office door and opened it, a mug of steaming raktajino that smelled of cinnamon in hand. "Andrew, good to see you. Come on in," Paul said. The door slid closed as Eberstark stepped through. "Come have a seat at the coffee table," he invited. "May I get you anything?"

Andrew followed Graves to the coffee table and caught the familiar scent of raktajino. He was tempted to have a cup but decided against it. "No, thank you. I've already had a few cups of coffee today. Need to show some restraint."

As he sat, Andrew placed the PADD he brought with him on the coffee table, "Although that has been the only thing keeping me from falling asleep at my desk reviewing reports these days. I'll be glad when this Theo business is over and I can get a decent night's sleep."

"He is one unpleasant guy," Paul said, shaking his head. "I'll be glad when we can get him off this station and into some kind of maximum-security incarceration. A man who thinks nothing of using thalaron radiation in a populated area as his version of an industrial cleaner does not belong out among other people."

"You and I both," Andrew nodded in agreement, "I'm happy we were able to finally track him down, but the amount of damage he's done already is concerning--to this Starbase and wherever else he left in his wake," Andrew agreed, thinking back to their interaction with Theo, "Besides the connection to the retired Dobbs, did you get a sense he was isolated in his research? Since the immediate concern at the time we spoke to him was for the Starbase, I didn't pay much mind to the possibility he had another accomplice or backup plan and was giving us info in order to hide something else."

Paul thought about that. "Boule was convinced he had a back door--and I don't think it was his wife. Unfortunately, just reading his emotions doesn't give me any accurate information about what he had in mind. However, he hasn't been able to communicate with anyone--that I'm aware of--and the back door he contemplated during your interview with him was immediate. He felt that he could outsmart us all. My impression of him is that he is able to think out a reasonably good plan, but he doesn't always consider what might happen to his plans when he engages with the enemy."

Andrew nodded, "I hope you're right. Don't want to leave any loose strings with this situation. I'll be glad when we go a week without hearing from him or his experiments and we transfer him off 109," adding, "I guess we also have to thank that gentlemen in Brown Sector for his assistance. Wasn't sure how much of a help he would be, if I'm being honest."

"Renato has ... an interesting, complex, and sometimes tragic history," Paul said. "I'm quite sure he hasn't told me all of it. I sometimes think his talents are wasted in Brown Sector, and at other times, I think Brown Sector is exactly what he needs, as much as it needs him. At the very least, I think his efforts with the community center down there are helping many of its residents, and he is also helping mend relations between Brown Sector and Starfleet, which is very much needed."

"So you do think he's an asset that we should try and cultivate a more...formal relationship with?" Andrew asked, "Brown Sector itself is something that definitely brings variety to the Station but also invites individuals like Theo to set up shop here."

"Yes, I think Renato Solis is an asset whom we could formalize a relationship with," Paul said. "I would daresay he knows Brown Sector like the back of his hand, and he has an interest in solving puzzles--which often lead to crimes. That's going to bring him into frequent contact with us, I suspect. One goal I have is to normalize relations between the community of Brown Sector and Starfleet. I think Renato could be of immense help in doing that."

Andrew gave a small shrug, "No denying his abilities, at least based on recent experience. His impulsiveness seems like it leads him to make some rash and emotional decisions, though. I'd rather not have that variable in a crisis situation. I got the sense he wasn't exactly thrilled with our large presence in and around Brown Sector," pausing, "Then again, I guess I should be thankful he worked with us at all."

"His impulsivity is a problem, yes," Paul said. "It diminishes how he is perceived when he has to speak before others. I think most of the Security department found him a bit of a trial to work with. And no, he wasn't happy with our large presence in Brown Sector--no one down there was--but frankly, it couldn't be helped. We had to do a systematic search, and we had to do it fast. We had the training and the ability to communicate with each other quickly and reliably enough to get the job done. I would not have trusted the search to the crowd I fielded questions from in the community center."

Andrew nodded in agreement, "All valid points. Well, whatever form normalizing relations with Brown Sector takes, I hope you'll be on hand to help ease the tension on both sides. Even with Theo in custody, I'm spread pretty thin coordinating with the acting Chief of Security. Besides, I'd imagine the relationship you have with Mr. Solis will be invaluable in both appeasing him and getting the rest of Brown Sector to have a formal dialogue," shrugging, "It also helps that you won't be some form of Starfleet Security. Better optics when extending an olive branch."

Paul chuckled. "Yeah, I prefer to walk softly and keep my big stick well hidden." He sipped from his raktajino and leaned back for a moment. "How much longer is Boule expected to remain at 109, do you know? I'm eager to get him off of this station and sent someplace with tighter holding cells than we have here."

"The transport coming to transfer him to the penal colony should be arriving within the week," Andrew answered. "And I agree. I don't think anyone feels totally safe with him still around, considering how much damage he could have done. Although, the remaining time does allow us to question him again and see if he is as forthcoming with other information regarding his agenda and possibly his connection with Admiral Dobbs. I still think there's a lot more to this than what we were able to uncover."

"We are discovering that Dobbs had his fingers in a lot of pies," Paul said. "Based on what Boule and his ex-wife told us, we've started discreet investigations through Starfleet CIS into the people he's worked with during his Starfleet career. Most of them are fine and are continuing to do valuable research in and out of Starfleet--but five of them have retired, and Starfleet has either lost contact with them, or they have outright disappeared. That is worrisome knowledge."

"Let's hope they stay discreet to avoid any additional heat coming our way," Andrew replied and shrugged. "I'm all for investigations and getting to the truth. I just want a little down time before stirring up another hornet's nest, if you'll excuse the expression," adding, "Here's to hoping Theo goes quietly and there are no more surprises between now and his scheduled departure."

"I am all for no more surprises," Paul agreed and raised his raktajino mug to Andrew in salute.


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