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Posted on Fri 11th Feb, 2022 @ 7:28am by Purulence Addams
Edited on on Sat 14th May, 2022 @ 5:13am

504 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Good Day to Hunt
Location: Addams Home, Queen Anne Villas, Tivoli Gardens
Timeline: MD-5, 1900 hours

One can never start planning a special event early enough!

Chlamydia's skeletal finger skimmed across the volumes on the shelf and then paused at a slim volume marked "Manual of Arms, Argent Addams." In a thoughtful tone, she remarked, "It occurs to me to wonder if we should begin preparing Six for her sabre mazurka."

Purulence's eyes lit up from where she sat on the sofa. "I had such a good time practicing for that when I was a girl. The sabre bit was scary, but the mazurka was fun--and so was getting to practice screaming." She gave Chlamydia a curious look. "Do we have enough soundproofing? I wouldn't want us to be disturbed by starbase security."

"You don't think they've put us on the 'don't bother' list by now?" Chlamydia asked.

Purulence laughed. "You have a point--and if Six starts practicing now, she should be well ready by the time she's old enough. She's a fast learner."

"That she is," Ischemia joined in as she came through the door and laid her legal case on a side table. "I expect she's ready. She's always ahead of the curve. Are you going to teach her, Chlamy?"

"I suppose I'd best," Chlamydia answered. She remembered the family gatherings for each of their generation's mazurka, and the... unique solutions... her younger sisters had presented to the test of preparation for adulthood as an Addams. She had never before -- or since -- seen anyone who could scream someone else purple in the face. "Unless we know any other qualified sword instructors?"

"I don't know of any sword instructors, but I'll volunteer to provide the music," Purulence said. "Something by Chopin, perhaps, or would you two prefer a different composer?"

"I have no preference on that," frowned Ischemia, "and, though I'm sure there are good sword wielders here on 109, I think it's best if a family member does this instruction." She glanced at the other two. "Chlamydia is, by far, the best of us, though we can all handle ourselves. And she and Six have always had a ... special relationship."

"Six with a saber could probably wipe the floor up with me," Purulence agreed. Her eyes lit up. "Ooh! I could make melás zómos for the meal!" She paused. "If I can find real pig's blood. I'll have to check." She rolled her eyes. "I'd rather get it from Federation butchers because then it would be genuine--but they have such delicate sensibilities, sometimes. It's easier to buy from Klingons, but targ blood tastes awful."

Chlamydia laughed lightly. "We have years. I'm just considering starting to teach her. Discussions of music, or of blood, are premature." She paused. "On the other hand... discussions of blood are never premature."

"At least it can be cooked; we don't have to go full-on Dothraki," Purulence said. "Anyway, yes, I think starting to prepare Six for her sabre mazurka is an excellent idea. She can't learn proper screaming technique too soon."


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