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Morning Edition

Posted on Wed 12th May, 2021 @ 6:44am by

945 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Waging Peace
Location: FNS Studio
Timeline: MD 1, 0700

"Ready to roll in 3-2-1," the studio cameraman announced, pointing to her on the number one.

"Good morning, Starbase 109!" Caroline Post's cheerful voice greeted those tuned in to the morning news edition. "Wherever you are, and whatever your plans today, I hope it's a great one."

The cameraman, Handsome, pressed a button and the first news photos rolled out to the base watchers and listeners, as Caroline provided the voice-over.

"In Federation news today, rumors of Iconian Artifacts have sparked an archaeological Gold Rush in the Alpha Isles. After the recent discovery of Iconian Gate technology on Isles planet Theta 122, the region has become a new hotbed for independent treasure hunters and archaeological expeditions. Not all of them are sanctioned by the Federation, and a few of them appear to be outright pirating operations, there to steal whatever knowledge they can get to first. The planet's Atlas Base is scrambling to address the issues caused by both sanctioned and unsanctioned teams, and woefully behind the illegal operations."

A photograph of one of the gates appeared on the screen in place of Caroline's face. "Discovered by the Federation patrol ship, USS Arrow, the gates were neutralized, though it's clear they were no longer functional, as they are thought to be thousands of years old. The crew transported them to SB182, on their way to scientific centers in the Sol system, and other museums throughout the Federation. Scientists are eager to study these few completely intact gates to further their knowledge of the Iconian civilization."

Handsome flipped the photograph to one of the interior of a hospital with a ticker tape across the bottom. The words scrolling on the photo read, "An outbreak of food poisoning resulted in over 300 hospitalizations on Deep Space 224 last week."

Caroline's voice over continued. "We can all be glad we live on SB109, if we didn't already feel that way. Station officials on DS224 were forced to order the temporary closure of all restaurants in the station’s commercial sector. I don't know about you, but I have reservations at Orchids & Jazz tonight, and that would not make me happy. Officials have little choice in the face of the food poisoning which has seen hundreds of residents sent to the hospital on DS224."

The screen flipped to a picture of the commander on the deep space station, Captain Cascadia Rainier. In his own voice, viewers of the morning news heard, "I have ordered all restaurants in the commercial sector to close for two days. Until we get to the bottom of this situation, station security is authorized to clear the promenade and establish a cordon sanitaire."

Caroline's coverage continued smoothly, as the screen switched to show patients being brought into the hospital area. "Nearing midnight, DS224's Sickbay reported that 353 people were hospitalized, with nearly 50 of them in serious condition. The outbreak’s rapid spread placed a significant strain on the station’s medical facilities and personnel."

A photo, clearly several decades old, appeared on the screen and the newscaster's voice continued without interruption. "Around the Federation today, Tetraball fans mourn the passing of one of the sport's biggest stars, Taase Ripre. Ripre was 109, and her name is all over the Tetraball record books, holding more titles than anyone in the game’s history. That's not surprising considering that Taase herself discovered the game on a tour of Beta Antares IV more than 30 years ago. She was Tetraball's strongest advocate for the founding of an Interstellar Tetraball Foundation, and served as one of the founding members and representatives until her declining health in recent years.

"As the 2398 season is due to start shortly, a special presentation covering the life and work of Taase Ripre will be available for all Thunderbolt Sports Report subscribers, as well as viewable on all major networks during the event itself.

"The FNS extends its condolences to the family and will pass on well-wishing communications received."

The final picture for the report, before the first sponsorship spotlight, was Yankees Stadium in New York City, Earth. Shown with bleachers full of people, and an anonymous batter hitting a ball out over the stands, Caroline reported as the batter made a show of running the bases for his home run.

"Many of you will remember that the Deep Space 9’s Niners team did not compete for last year’s top prize in the Benjamin Sisko Memorial Cup. Due to injuries and the retirement of their manager, they chose to sit out last year, but fans, get ready for the new team! Hints have been dropped, but few facts are apparent, except that in this new decade's cup, to be played at Yankee Stadium on Earth.

"The Niners will be back to reclaim the cup from last year's surprising winners The Logicians, from the venerated Vulcan-only starship T’Pol. Of course, the Logicians have already said they’re determined to keep the crown, and that the Niners will have their work cut out for them if they mean to earn it back. With the Voyagers, the Binars and SB118's Trojans also likely to be in the line-up, it sounds like it's shaping up to be an exciting Sisko Cup season this year."

A video began running, with flashing lights and dancing couples, as the sponsor's spotlight took over the screen. Caroline glanced at the cameraman and he nodded, so she relaxed into her chair, pushing aside the news sheets already read. She took a sip of water and then said, without looking up from her next leads, "Good to have you back, Handsome. We'll have to get together and share vacation photos."

"That ain't happenin'," the laconic cameraman replied.


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Comments (2)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Wed 12th May, 2021 @ 6:58am

LMAO!!! Handsome speaks! And what a choice closing line!

By on Mon 7th Jun, 2021 @ 2:24am

Silent Handsome gets a line! Woo!