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The Face of Her Rage

Posted on Mon 17th May, 2021 @ 11:21pm by

589 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Waging Peace
Location: Besm Enclave, Starbase 109
Timeline: MD 1, 1025

Home was a dim and heavy world, and the enclave housing the first off-world colony had been set up to be as much like the planet the Besm had left as possible. Aliens, such as the two Human visitors February Winter had been told awaited her, intellectually understood that the higher gravity meant they were carrying more weight around, but generally didn't appreciate that it also meant that weight fell faster toward the deck. Besm had the lightning reflexes to counter the shorter time before impact; Humans mostly didn't.

As the scarred pilot made her way around the corner, she was relieved to see Riko sitting instead of standing. While it could be managed to fall from a chair, it was more difficult than when standing. "Riko!" February called, her voice rougher than it once had been, due to scarring in her throat. She looked at the dark-skinned woman sitting next to the Science officer. "And you'd be Henry's little sister?"

Riko remained sitting. She was no stranger to the Besm gravity fields and didn't want to fall on her face. It was sometimes a close-run thing. "February, it's good to see you. Let me present to you Isabella Perry, who is, as you surmise, Henry's sibling. Isabella, this is February Winter."

Isabella extended her right hand out to February for a quick handshake as she began remembering all the stories her brother told her about the infamous Winter sisters. She always looked forward to hearing their stories in particular. "Wait, wait wait! You are February Winter? I hear your piloting skills are second to none!"

"I used to think so," February said, the iris of her clearly mechanical prosthetic eye closing slightly and then opening again in agitation. "I lasted less than a minute in actual combat." and killed my sister, she thought but left unsaid.

"That was ... not a normal situation," McCord said gently. "None of us did well against an overwhelming number of pirates. We did take some of them with us, but ..." she shook her head. February knew as well as she did what Riko would say, and there was no point in rehashing it.

"We still like you for pilot, though, and I still have faith in your abilities, though it's on a completely different kind of mission."

February raised a ridge of scar tissue which had once been an eyebrow. "That's going to need more explanation. You two want to find someplace less heavy to unpack it for me?"

"Orchids & Jazz?" Riko suggested. "We could always borrow an office from Jade if we need more privacy than the balcony. Or ... what about the ship?" she asked Isabella. "Kill two birds with one stone?

"And you," she said, turning back toward February, "can decide if any of your other sisters would be interested or helpful to our interests, as well. I wish November ..." she waved away the rest of her thought. No need to complete it.

"Jade's spot will work out nicely," Isabella said as she attempted to get used to the difference in gravity in the enclave. Even sitting, she found herself having trouble. "The ship could be the bonus if she says yes." Isabella gave a quick wink over to February.

Riko pushed herself out of her seat. "Orchids & Jazz it is," she agreed. "I haven't been there lately, and it will be a pleasant change from normal. As well as a good memory when we are eating from replicator stores day after day!" She motioned to February. "After you."


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