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Science, the Best of All Worlds

Posted on Thu 1st Jul, 2021 @ 11:39am by

1,012 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Waging Peace
Location: Nomad
Timeline: MD1, 0950

Previously, on the ship's tour ...

"What else do we have big brother?" Isabella asked, excited to see the rest of the ship.

"Next up we have one of Riko's most favorite parts of the ship, the science lab."

Henry walked between the two women and made his way out of the vessel's medical bay, moving diagonally across the hall into the science lab. He looked behind him to make sure the others were following and, after they both entered, he started the tour. "The science lab has been broken down into four wall-mounted stations that work independently of one another. The main table here in the middle of the room is for experiments. You can emit a level 10 force field around the table for your more volatile experiments out in the field."

McCord whistled, "Level 10? You have high expectations of our experiments! Hopefully, we'll never need that much, but better to have it and not need it ... though I don't suppose anyone on our ship will experiment with fullerenes, unless September is still working with Sarah on them. What else have you got for us in here, Henry?" She moved emotionally away from thinking about the Winter sisters.

Noticing Riko's discomfort, Henry followed her lead and moved on. "Actually Riko, not much is in here at the moment. I have sent an equipment listing to your quarters. Take a peek at what kit you may want and we will have it all installed. Just make sure that you take a detailed look at the list. Not all of the equipment is federation technology. We have to keep up appearances with the different tech onboard the Nomad.

Making his way out of the science lab, Henry turned right out of the door and stopped. He pointed to the room at his left. "This your head, equipped with a sonic shower."

"You can never have too many showers on a ship of all women," Riko nodded, glancing in.

Henry kept moving down the corridor, which only had a room on the starboard side and a room to port. Pointing at the rooms across from each other, he added, "Here are two smaller cargo storage areas, and directly to port is an airlock/storage area. You know how you smugglers, or whatever your cover is, love your storage space."

Isabella chuckled as she peaked into the rooms. "O.K. Where are they?" she asked as she looked to her brother with a sly look on her face.

"Whatever do you mean?" Henry asked her as he tried his best to look innocent.

"You know what I am talking about," she said as she walked over to Riko. "When we were kids, we watched all these different science fiction shows where the smugglers had hidden compartments all throughout the ship." Isabella went over to the different panels on the wall of the ship, checking them. "I know my brother wouldn't be able to resist putting some of those same smugglers' holds in on this baby. So where are they?"

McCord laughed, remembering some of the things she and her siblings had played at before life became serious. "You can't have too many hidey-holes in our business, cover or reality," she said.

Henry chuckled as he looked down to his feet. "Your standing on them. Riko if you are wearing your new comm bracelet, activate it and whistle this tune." Henry whistled a short earth tune for Riko to mimic.

"Wait, is that Blue Skies you were whistling?" Isabella asked with a curious look on her face.

"Guilty as charged sis. I've always loved that song. Riko, give it a shot."

McCord groaned, "Henry, you know I can't whistle for anything! Is there another way to access the code?"

"Don't worry about the whistle my friend." Henry said. "Your access code entered from any station in the ship or comm bracelet can release the lock on the cargo holds. You know I believe in options."

Henry quickly checked the time on his very own comm bracelet and realized that he was due for another meeting shortly.

"Let's quickly make our way down to the third level crew quarters so that I can make my next meeting. What do you all think of that?" Henry asked.

"I'd like to see where I'm going to live for months on end, possibly," McCord replied. "And how much room there is for personal life here."

"Personal life?" Henry smirked. "The closest thing to a personal life around will be movie night."

Henry took the Starfleet officers down to the third level of the vessel and began the second portion of the tour.

"Well, I guess we should start off we the quarters of this vessel's captain. Isabella, this is where you will be laying your head. What do you think?"

Isabella walked into the room and did not quite know what to think of her new quarters. The word luxurious instantly popped into her head. Rather, luxurious by Starfleet Standards. Through the years as a Starfleet operative, Isabella had stayed in castles and mansions. On the other hand, she also remembered the days and nights sleeping under the stars, not knowing where her next meal was going to come from.

Sheplopped down on the bed and bounced, testing the softness of the mattress. "I don't know about this bro. Isn't this a little bit much? Riko, what do you think?"

"I think it's a suite fitted for a sneaky captain," McCord laughed. "I bet her first officer doesn't fare half as well."

"No one fares as well as the Captain," Henry smirked back as he checked the time again. "O.K. ladies, I am going to have to cut this short. Everything else you will need to know is on your PADDs . Take some time to explore your new home away from home. You may find some surprises tucked away somewhere."

McCord quirked an eyebrow a Isabella. She well knew about Henry's little surprises, but they'd always been good ones. "I look forward to that," she told Henry.


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