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The Mediaries, Part One

Posted on Sun 11th Apr, 2021 @ 4:43am by Commander Zed

1,068 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Helicon System, In orbit of Helicon lll
Timeline: MD:3 1424 hours

Thunder Child dropped out of warp in the Helicon system close to the planet Helicon 3. Quickly, Zed ordered the ship to be placed in a standard orbit so the dignitaries could be transported down once they received coordinates.

"Hail the planet," Zed ordered once they were in orbit.

"Captain, we're receiving a message from Helicon III. The Prime Minister of the Kellios is responding."

"On screen," Zed ordered and looked up from her console at the Main viewer as an image appeared. "I am Captain Zed of Starfleet Vessel Thunder Child."

"I am Marda of Kellios. You were expected two weeks ago."

Zed nodded, "I apologize for our tardiness, but it could not be avoided. Thunder Child was dispatched as soon as we discovered that there was a problem and the dignitaries are here now and are ready to mediate the dispute without bias if you will still have them." Zed felt that for now, she wouldn't mention anything about the situation with Commander Lena.

There was a long pause. "Very well. Sending coordinates to beam down. An escort will meet you there. Marda out."

The main viewer went back to an image of the planet and leaving a perplexed look on Zed's face. She quickly shook it off and got out of her chair, "Number One, you have the Bridge. Have the dignitaries meet me in transporter room one." Zed quickly headed for the turbolift not waiting for an answer.

While onboard Thunder Child, Lissi hadn't had her boss to keep an eye on. She was still worried about what he'd gotten himself into. Now that they were going down to the planet, however, she hoped to find out, and keep an eye on the second ambassador assigned to the problem planet.. She had her Starfleet phaser, set on stun, but she also strapped a small but lethal knife on her left arm, under her uniform. She could get to it easily, and she knew how to use it. Soon, she was entering the transporter room.

In their shared workspace, Daeren Iril glanced at Miadze as the summons came from the bridge. "Sounds like we're on," he said and stood as Miadze joined him with his attache case. He had dressed in a modified version of a Trill business suit; Miadze wore an outfit closely approximating what they had been able to learn was local fashion. Soon they were in the transporter room, awaiting beam-down.

T'Vala dressed in her formal Vulcan robes, befitting an ambassador for her first meeting with the people of Helicon III. She knew a bit about this Marda, but not enough for her to make a proper assessment.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Tessa asked.

"Not this time. I need you to stay on board and relay any messages or information that may help with the negotiations. Keep looking for more information on the planet's origin and history. If it is permissible, I will bring you down later to look in the planetary archives."

Tessa was both disappointed and relieved. She wasn't sure she wanted to go down to the planet immediately, but she did want to see it. "Okay."

T'Vala nodded. "I will return before long."

She swept past her assistant on her way to the transporter room to join the others.

Zed stepped into the Transporter Room to find Ambassador Iril and Ms. Palel. She nodded to both of them, "Good morning Ambassador." Then she nodded to Miadze, "Ms. Palel..." she added.

"Good morning, Captain," Daeren and Miadze replied. "Any idea who will be meeting us down there?" Daeren asked.

T'Vala came in a moment later and bowed to the group before turning to Zed for her answer.

Regos moved in T'Vala's direction, taking up station near her. When they transported, she wanted to be as close to the ambassador as possible.

Zed smirked, "We are meeting with a neutral party first, the Tangari. Priminister Anthon has agreed to graciously host the talks on neutral ground so no one thinks we are taking sides, however, the Kellios spoke with us first so the task of being neutral just became difficult especially through the eyes of the Nassan."

T'Vala raised an eyebrow. "Indeed. It is definitely a delicate situation." She was personally for meeting with all three at the same time. But none of them, apparently, had that option. "Does this Marda know?"

Zed had a mischievous smile, "No, and I would like to see her face when I tell her where we are." Zed snapped her fingers, "I could use a really good empath." She paused for a moment. "I just wanted to run a little test to see who was so eager to take our hail first and now I know."

"Ambassador Lena is an empath," T'Vala said. "I would have liked to hear her opinion of this. There is much here we do not yet know."

"Interesting that they are being so obvious about trying to one-up each other--or at least that this Marda is," Daeren said. "Either she feels less secure than the other two, or she is simply more assertive about getting what she wants. I'm not an empath, but I will keep an eye on her."

Lissi wasn't an empath, either, but her eyes would definitely be on the leader of the Kellios faction ... and anyone else who could conceivably pose a threat. Others could be diplomats, she was the hidden viper's sting.

"It's only logical for one to look out for the best interests of one's people, wouldn't you agree? Perhaps she is only trying to do that, but in a negative way. She may not have many other choices." Zed replied.

"Quite possible," Daeren agreed. "We won't know more until we get down there."

"We lack sufficient information to make any conclusion," T'Vala added. "But caution is prescribed in any event. I look forward to getting all parties in a room together."

"I hope you have a good supply of popcorn when that happens," Daeren said dryly as he and Miadze stepped onto the transporter platform. "You might need it."

"With lots of butter," Zed replied as she stepped up onto the transporter pad and turned around. She was the last to do so. Once everyone appeared to be ready, she nodded to the transporter chief, "Energize." The group quickly disappeared in shimmering light and that familiar hum of the transporter.


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