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Special Request

Posted on Fri 26th Mar, 2021 @ 12:12pm by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho & Lieutenant Meghan [Maggie] Jericho
Edited on on Sat 27th Mar, 2021 @ 5:23am

1,640 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Jericho's Quarters
Timeline: MD: 6 1230 hours

Meghan had packed the few things she'd acquired over the last two weeks into a small bag. She didn't have much, merely some spare clothing, toiletries, and a small silver rattle she'd fallen in love with at a trinket shop on the Promenade. Her quarters were visitor's quarters, so she hadn't done any decorating. She'd been in mourning for her husband and anything more than comfort and food was not on her list of priorities.

She didn't care if Elliot's quarters were smaller and less elegant; she wasn't going to spend another night in an empty bed thinking about what had happened to him. This time, as she packed, she was able to smile at the light fluttering that she felt inside, as their unborn child made himself or herself known.

Arriving outside Elliot's quarters, she found herself hesitating. Should she knock, or should she just walk in? She activated the chime and waited. She knew he was expecting her, but she didn't want to interrupt him if he was busy.

"Come in, please," Elliot called out. He had to leave her for a bit just to go check in with his Department Head for the day and give her the good news. He was still on light duty for another week and would spend most of it with Meghan. "You don't have to ring the door chime, these quarters are yours as well, at least until tomorrow."

"I'm sorry." Maggie laughed. "It feels weird, visiting my husband's quarters." She walked in and looked around. "Tomorrow, you said?"" Elliot had been living as sparsely as she had been. Maggie couldn't wait to get dual quarters where she could relax, decorate, and make a home. She was still wondering where home would be.

"Yeah." Elliot said as he looked up from his console, "It's only temporary quarters until the Admiral arranges a ride back to the Pegasus for us. He only allowed me to stay here while I searched for you since SB109 was the closest base to where you went missing. Now that we are back together...." Elliot let the rest of his sentence trail off.

"Well," she looked around again at the Spartan quarters. "As long as we're together." She took his hand with her left hand as she held her back. "My quarters were comfortable, but you weren't there - so it wasn't home." She put her bag down outside what she assumed was the bedroom door. "So, we're going back to Pegasus?" She found herself feeling a little disappointed.

Elliot furrowed his eyebrows, "That was the plan. I took the job as pilot knowing it would be temporary. I like it and all, but I thought you wanted to go back to the Pegasus. Do you like it here more?"

Maggie drew in a deep breath and exhaled. "I don't know if I like it more or if I'm just comfortable now." She smiled. She took the few steps to the sofa and sat down. "But I've been seeing the Chief Medical Officer for my obstetric needs and, as quirky as she is, I'm very comfortable with her. The Science department has invited me to join their team as a Science Officer. Commander Collins was one of the passengers on the ship that rescued me. She's reached out several times to ensure my comfort."

Elliot nodded, "Those are all valid reasons to stay here. And if you'd rather stay, we can contact Admiral Burke. The transport doesn't leave for a day, so now is the time to ask for a change in assignments. And besides, he owes us one." It didn't matter to Elliot where he lived as long as Meghan was with him.

Maggie smiled and kissed her husband. "As long as we're together, I don't care where we are." She reiterated again. "There are plusses to staying here and plusses to returning to the Pegasus." She curled up next to him. "We have friends in both places - I think the biggest pro about staying here is we won't be traveling for a while." Maggie was not looking forward to being on a ship anytime soon, especially a small transport that would take them back to the Pegasus even though she knew she'd be safe with Elliot along. "I suppose, I'd have to choose staying here."

"I do like it here better myself. It's more secure for a family and everything you could imagine is here. It's not just one city, it's several. There are so many activities to do here to include outdoor stuff... Indoors! A ship has nothing on this station," Elliot smiled, "It would be a great place to raise a family."

"So we'll need to get with the Commander and make sure she's alright with us staying. We'll have to request an actual transfer, and we'll need better quarters," She laughed as she indicated to the entire room with her hands. "This is great for now, but..."

Elliot nodded and began inputting commands on his computer console and shortly the Image of Admiral Burke appeared. "Elliot." He said as he smiled, "It's good to see you. I got the good news, where is your wife?"

Elliot turned the computer screen to face Meghan, "There she is." Burke said when she came into his view. "Welcome back Lieutenant, it's very good to see you. Elliot has kept me up to date on your situation. I must say, he searched for you and you were right there just waiting for him to find you. Of course, what you had to endure on the shuttle was no walk in the park. I'm glad you didn't give up."

"It's good to see you Admiral." Meghan smiled and gave a little wave with her hand. "I'm just glad to be back where I belong. I don't think I want to see another shuttle ride for a while, but we came through it."

"I also hear that Congratulations are in order. You two are expecting. Congratulations to both of you! I could never imagine what you went through and being pregnant must have made things worse or may have been the inspiration to keep hanging on. Depends on how you look at it, Lieutenant. I am impressed," Admiral Burke was nothing but smiles and happiness for the couple.

"Thank you Admiral. I think the answer to that is both. It was difficult because of the baby and the worry that my situation was harming my baby, but I believe I fought to keep my little one safe. Believing my husband dead, it gave me something to fight for," Maggie smiled because she was happy that everything had worked out and everyone was safe.

"Now." Burke began, "What can I do for you two?" He knew that there had to be a reason for them to contact him. He had already talked to Elliot about getting Meghan back and he would stop by and visit them on Pegasus once they got back and settled in.

"Well, I think Elliot will explain better than I could." Maggie said and looked to her husband to explain what they wanted.

Elliot spun the computer screen back towards him, “Sorry sir, hope I didn’t make you dizzy.”

Burke laughed, “Nonsense, please continue.” Admiral Cameron Burke had a soft spot in his heart for the Jericho’s. He had watched each of their careers as they progressed. His heart had broken when they both had disappeared on the dangerous mission on which he had personally sent them. He was happy that both of them had survived and were back together.

“Well, sir, the wife and I had been talking, and we like Starbase 109; we'd like to stay here. It’s a stable environment and a great place to raise a family. I like the job I have and Meghan has been offered a position that interests her.” Elliot had looked up at his wife once or twice as he explained to the Admiral.

Burke nodded as he listened to Elliot, “You’ve already made a pretty good name for yourself. Commander Lena spoke highly of you and doubted she would be here if it weren’t for you on her trip,” Cameron thought for a moment, “Granted, but I may still need you once in a while. I'll have the orders cut right away.” He saw the smile on Elliot’s face, “I assume that by the report I read that you are still on light duty for another week or so?”

Elliot nodded, “Yes sir, about a week.”

“Why don’t you two go somewhere nice, a beach, maybe, and relax. You'll have new quarters when you come back,” Burke said as he smiled back.

Elliot nodded, “Okay, Admiral we'll do something and thank you for the transfer.” Elliot turned the computer screen back towards Meghan.

"I thank you, Admiral, for all your help in this. It's only been a few weeks, but I've become accustomed to the station. I can almost find my way around," Maggie was glad that the Admiral had agreed to help them stay. She had one more question for the Admiral. "Sir, When I was rescued, I was pretty much out of it. Two of the command crew of the ship were experienced in the type of mission that we'd been on," Maggie didn't want to say too much as she wasn't sure the channel was secure. "The object that I had in my possession was given to the Captain for safe keeping, " She paused. "It was supposed to be transferred to you through 'back' channels."

Burke nodded, "I did get the package just yesterday via a special courier. Your mission is complete. Now, if there is nothing more, I have some orders to cut." Burke smiled and the screen flashed to the familiar Starfleet symbol.


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 3rd Apr, 2021 @ 4:34am

And that's a happy ending if ever there was one! You two write so well together.