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Just Another Daily Briefing

Posted on Sat 3rd Apr, 2021 @ 7:56pm by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro

1,590 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Security Briefing Room
Timeline: MD:4 0800 hours

Lieutenant Commander Ming Wah had gotten off the transport only a day ago and had been briefed on what had been transpiring on SB109. Dallas Briggs had left to confront a would-be assassin in order to find a missing diplomat. Starfleet had given their blessing only if he found a way to take backup with him and he did, ingeniously.

Ming had received an update of the situation and Briggs had survived the meet with the Assassin and now the Klingon ship had the location of the missing Ambassador and was en route for the rescue. Ming felt an enormous pressure released from her shoulders as she was about to call for a briefing. Now she could inform the department of some much-needed good news.

She called for the briefing and then entered the Briefing Room with a piping hot mug of green tea and sat down in a chair at the head of the table and waited for others to arrive.

Ensign Sarah Thatcher entered quietly, as was her won't, nodding to Ming, found a seat, and placed a PADD on the table in front of her.

Ming didn't recognize the Ensign in a Security uniform and had been trying to familiarize herself with the Security personnel on her shift, but there were a lot of them. "Hello Ensign," She said, "I'm Commander Ming Wah, the acting Chief of Security. Make yourself at home. I took the liberty of replicating coffee, juice, milk, and various muffins and cakes." She indicated a table adjacent to the briefing table, "Please helo yourself."

"Thank you, Ma'am," Thatcher replied and went to grab some juice and a muffin before returning to her seat.

Zoe Albright walked in, carrying a chocolate-iced doughnut. She smiled at the others and took her seat.

Shortly after, Pete Riley came in. He nodded and sat down. He was tired and wanted to get this over with.

Ming nodded to those that had enter thus far, "Just waiting on a couple more to show up, then we can begin." So far first impressions were good. Everyone seemed to be a bit early.

O'Dell, whose promotion, promised after her undercover assignment, had just come through, hurried in, nodding at the acting Chief, and sat down as quietly as she could. She hated the idea that she might be the last to arrive.

Lieutenant Daniel Hightower was the last of the group to arrive, "Sorry I'm late, Commander." Daniel quickly sat down.

Looking around the table, Shanna knew everyone, to one extent or another. She had missed a few briefings on her previous assignment, but it didn't look like the players had changed any.

"Okay." Ming began, "Feel free to grab a pastry and a beverage if you feel inclined to do so. This briefing is informal and shouldn't take long." She paused for a moment, "I am Lieutenant Commander Ming Wah. I have been assigned as the acting Chief of Security while Lieutenant Commander Briggs is off station."

"Cool," Pete said, nodding to the woman before he grabbed two pastries and again took his seat.

"Ma'am," O'Dell asked, raising her hand slightly to identify herself. "Do we have any idea how long that's going to be?"

"Well, let me ask you this first," Ming said as she shifted in her seat, "How much do you know about the reason behind Commander Briggs leaving the station?" She needed to find out how much they knew so far before she gave up any information about Commander Briggs.

"I think it has something to do with the assassin," Zoe said. She didn't know all the details, but they were connected somehow.

"So none of you knew he left to go fight the Assassin? A fight to the death?" Ming said as she watched their reactions.

Thatcher shook her head, she heard rumors but officially all she knew was he was off on a mission.
Briefing Ensigns was not usually big on a Senior Officer's to-do list unless they needed to know.

Zoe's eyes widened. "He didn't tell us."

"Nope," Pete added. "He knew we'd tell him it was a stupid idea."

Zoe glared at him. That was not something you said to a superior officer.

"Humm, It says here that he did inform you that he was going on a mission and that he was going to fight a man to the death." She looked up from her PADD, "No matter, but in case you were worried about Commander Briggs, he will be fine. He survived the fight and the Assassin is dead. Commander Briggs should be back on the station, but light duty in about a week or so. Any questions on that subject?" Ming wanted this part out of the way before she continued with the briefing.

"I'm sure he told someone," Zoe said. He generally wasn't the type to just disappear. "I'm glad he survived."

"I hope that means the other guy didn't," Pete added.

Thatcher shook her head, pleased her Chief had survived.

O'Dell kept her own counsel. She hadn't been on board when the Commander left, but if he'd told her, she would have echoed Pete's advice. It wasn't the smartest thing he could have done. But that was Commander Briggs. He was very hands-on with everything and not good at delegating. The more dangerous something was, the more likely he was not to delegate it to someone under him. One of these days, he would realize his experienced self was worth more than anyone he might send out on a job, but until then, she expected he would continue to take the dangerous tasks himself.

"Okay, on to a new subject then?" Ming began. "There have been a few disappearances going on, on this station. It has brought up some panic alarms. Most of them are down in the Brown Sector and are not in our jurisdiction. No one knows exactly what's going on. It could be people that just leave and not tell anyone, young teens that run away from home or it could be something bad like the slave trade. It's starting to come up out of the Brown Sector and into the rest of the station, slowly. There have been several reports of missing teens, so while you are out and about I need for you to pay special attention to any type of activity that is the slightest suspicious."

"There has been a rise in muggings on the Promenade. Some have just been the ol' bump into them and take their mini PADD. Some have been inside the maintenance corridors on the Promenade where the victim is forced to give up their items. Right now that is out of our area as well until we are asked to help out with the situation." Ming paused for a moment and looked down at the notes on her PADD.

"Last night's blotter report has 12 drunken disorders across our area of the station, 5 domestic disturbances in which one was a possible rape. Ensign Eugene White is in the Station's Brig and being held there until he can be transported back to Earth for a Courts-Martial. Lieutenant Barbra White is pressing charges against her estranged husband. She claimes that they are separated and awaiting a divorce. He allegedly broke into her quarters and forced himself on her. I'm still waiting to hear back from the Doctor on her condition, but she was roughed up pretty good."

"What does the video in the corridor show?" Zoe asked. "Anything that could help with the charges?"

Thatcher sat there trying not to glower, if it's one thing she hated it's an innocent being hurt. She refocused when another officer asked a question.

"The video shows Ensign White entering Lieutenant White's quarters at 0113 hours and departing her quarters at 0142 hours. He didn't seem to force his way in, but once inside things could have changed for the worse. No other persons had entered her quarters within a 24 hour period. An investigation is now underway into the alleged incident."

"Has security examined the video?" Zoe asked. "Especially his appearance when he left? Maybe there are signs that he was in a fight, bruised knuckles, angry expression, etc."

Ming nodded, "Investigation Teams are going over all evidence to include the videos to see if we can piece together what happened and use any of the evidence against Ensign White if he did what was alleged."

"Yes, ma'am," Zoe said.

"Does anyone have any questions for me right now?" Ming asked.

O'Dell didn't ask anything. She'd just come back and was still catching up on what she'd missed.

Thatcher watched the discussion, listening as well. She had an interest in joining the investigative teams but figured she could do so later.

"Nothing at the moment," Zoe said.

Pete wasn't sure. He wasn't sure he was awake enough for questions.

"Ma'am, any additional information that may affect our upcoming shifts?"

"Mainly just minor stuff that is on your PADDs. The major stuff we just went over. All I ask is that you make your assigned rounds and report any strange activities. Most of all use your judgment. I will always back you for doing the right thing." She looked around the room to see if anyone had anything else to add or ask.

Zoe looked over her PADD and nodded. It looked good. She glanced at Pete. "That doesn't mean you have carte blanche."

"I don't have a cart," he rejoined.

"It was a joke, Pete," Zoe said with a sigh. "Never mind."


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