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Final Business Plus

Posted on Tue 16th Feb, 2021 @ 5:09am by Sipov Boros

1,003 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 1, 2020

Previously, in Orchids & Jazz ...

Sipov gave a nod to the woman as she left. "I'll see you in a couple days then." A run to pick up flowers would be easy money, something he desperately needed at the moment.

"Well I suppose that starts the beginning of what is hopefully a prosperous business relationship with the lady, what say you and I come to at least a potential agreement as well?"

"It's a plan worth developing," Tieran agreed, gesturing to Jenna for a drink refill. "I have a few ideas."

And now, let's see what's stirring around in the Andorian's head.

While Jenna went for refills, the two men listened to the small six-piece combo billed as the Dendrobians. While they all lived on the starbase, Isadora Bee, the singer who had joined them on stage, was only there for a contract period. Her voice was sultry and warm as she sang, "Lover Man, Oh Where Can You Be?" Jade would have identified it as a 1942 hit, but neither of the men knew anything except what they were hearing.

After the drinks were set in front of them, Tieran warned, "I know Miss Lantz keeps things on the honest side, so it's probably best not to mix other kinds of business with hers, if you have something else come up. I give a little more leeway, I suppose. My own business will always be on the up and up, but if there's a chance for you, and you want to take it, with something under the bar, then just don't tell me about it."

He took a long swallow of his drink, and set it on the table. "Now, if you're interested, I'll get in touch with the sellers who have the tech I want. I suppose I need to see your ship, understand its capacity before I do that."

"I'll keep that in mind although, for the time being, I think I'll keep my nose clean. There's no point in putting a new and likely lucrative business relationship at risk. As far as a ship... well at the moment, I don't quite have one, I came via charter. I apologize if I gave the wrong impression, although I'll figure out a way to lease a craft for the time being. One way or another, I'll make sure I can start making trips in the next day or so."

Sipov picked up his drink and took a sip to force a natural pause in the discussion and to try to hide a bit of his embarrassment. While it wasn't typical for him to be this way, this man before him had given him not one but two opportunities and he felt like he'd walked in without the ability to make good on his end of the deal.

"If you're looking for a ship you can own before long, with successful trips, then I have a name for you. He's a salvage operator as a side to his job as a mechanic for Starfleet. He isn't in Starfleet himself, but is a subcontractor. I've steer business his way before, and haven't had an unhappy customer yet. It might not be the latest, but it will work perfectly. I leave the financing deal up to you, but he'll work with you, if you plan to be based out of 109. And it sounds as if you do." Tieran eyed the Vulcan for a moment.

"You know, there's no shame in starting over. Your skills are not lost, and what you've done once, you can do again. I know, because I'm the king of starting over," the Andorian joked.

Sipov gave a nod. "I would appreciate it, and I assure you at some point, when I'm able, I'll return the favor. I don't forget when folks help me out." Having a point of contact that was familiar with Starfleet procedure could be quite a resource.

"Starting over is never easy, and I'm glad to hear you understand, although I don't wish it on anybody." Taking another drink he considered a few ways he could help pay for a ship. Maybe run a few extra loads of cargo, run it for free along the same route of another paid job. There were a couple of ideas, and if need be he could always end up selling his ring. But he didn't know of anyone that could pay him what it was actually worth in pure latinum.

"So, how is business for you nowadays? Running a shop here on the station must be quite an adventure in itself."

th'Elex put his empty glass down on the table. "Oh, it is. You'd think it would be pretty dull, just selling technology parts, but I've had everything from smugglers to intelligence officers in my shop, and they all want something, so I have to be very careful where my footprints are. I've been here long enough to get to know some good people, and that helps." He nodded his head in the direction Jade Lantz had gone. "It doesn't hurt a bit to have Miss Lantz on your side, either. Having it known she'll do business with you is worth it's weight in gold-pressed latinum."

"Well, then, I'll make sure it's one business relationship I don't allow to go sour." While Sipov knew that discussing business was always important, he also knew that too much of it at once could be more detrimental than known. They'd spent the majority of the night establishing the ground work and knew that in time details would emerge and be agreed upon. In addition, being up earlier in the mornings were beginning to wear on Sipov, and he thought it might be best to allow the Andorian the rest of his evening to himself.

"I want to thank you for the meal and your time, the drinks. I see great things in the future for all three of us, and a lot of latinum to go along with it."


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