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Disturbing the Peace

Posted on Sun 14th Feb, 2021 @ 8:35am by Purulence Addams
Edited on on Sun 28th Feb, 2021 @ 4:09am

846 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: Addams Family Home, Deck 1554
Timeline: evening

Artists are here to disturb the peace. --James Baldwin

Purulence shook her head at the sketch she'd drawn of the man Zelda/Helle Alegari had described. He might have been handsome, even distinguished-looking, except for the look in his eyes.

Purulence walked down the upstairs hallway of Chlamydia's home and knocked on Ischemia's door. "Schemy, are you in there?"

She was, in fact, there but had been contemplating a nap. With a sigh, she sat up on the red and black quilt that covered her bed and answered. "Yes, of course, come on in. What's up?"

Purulence opened the door and poked her head inside. "I finished the drawing of the man your client described to me. Do you want it now?"

Feeling interest spark, Ischemia nodded and held her hand out toward her sister. "Definitely. I'm anxious to see this dastardly villain. Though I honestly hope I don't ever come across him in real life, unless he's in chains, and I'm acting as prosecutor."

Purulence handed her sketchpad to Ischemia. "I got the same feeling. If this is what he's like just from a description, drawing him in person would be ... quite an intimidating experience, I'd imagine. I'd want a nice, thick force field between him and me."

Ischemia looked sharply at her sister. "Don't even think about it. You should never be anywhere near him, not even if he can't see you. I don't know what all of his ... uh, abilities, I guess ... are, but I don't want to find out when something happens to you. You don't want to know what he did to Victoria Briggs ... or what we are pretty sure he did. I hope they will put him in stasis and take him all the way back to Earth for a secret trial and death sentence. You know I'd normally fight that sort of sentence, but this time ... he's done enough evil to enough people. There should be no chance he can ever do it again."

The barrister looked at her sister's drawing. "I forget from one picture to the next how very talented you are. What I see here only reinforces my opinion about the level of danger associated with him." She handed the art PADD back to her sister.

"Don't show this to anyone else except Damion Ildaran. Give it to him and erase it from all your files. Don't put your name on it. Tell him not to associate you with it in any way. I'm serious, Purulence. I don't want you connected to this man in even the smallest way," Ischemia said. Though she rarely said it, she loved both of her sisters. None of them tended to be overly demonstrative, but if she lost one of them ....

"I'll take this to Lt. Ildaran," Purulence agreed. "And I do want to know what you think Scary Guy here may have done to Victoria Briggs. She vanished while I spoke to her in my sleep. How could he possibly have had anything to do with that?"

Unwilling to tell her more innocent sister all she knew about the man she'd drawn, Ischemia said, "I don't know for sure, but something someone said during the questioning of Zelda Alegari indicated he had powers similar to our own Perverto Addams, neither being a man one wants to meet even on Main Street in broad daylight. And from what we saw at the time, Victoria did have some control over her wanderings. We don't really know what happened, and I'm not sure we want to, either. I just know that this man," she nodded her head at Purulence's drawing, "is one we do NOT want to cross."

"Well, someone's going to have to cross him," Purulence said. She saved the sketch and thumbed off her PADD. "Where am I supposed to find this Lt. Ildaran?"

"Intelligence offices, I'd imagine," Ischemia replied absently, thinking of what her sister had just said. "Yes, someone will have to cross him. Not you and not me, however. Keep yourself out of it. Lt. Ildaran will help with that." In fact, the middle Addams sister would make sure he did.

"I'll give him a call," Purulence promised. "I was going to make Helle some tea and serve some chocolate biscuits that Cousin Cookie made. Do you want any?"

Ischemia thought a moment and then shook her head. "No, I don't think so, thanks. You two enjoy each other's company and the snack. I have some work to catch up on now that this case is finished. Or my part in it, anyway. I think I'll head over to my office at the high rise and try to catch up a bit. I may sleep there tonight, but I'll be around for the big send-off. Wouldn't miss that for anything!" She turned at the door and said softly, "It's going to be a little quiet around here for a while. Let's not forget Six."

"Absolutely not!" Purulence said and went off to collect Helle Endrade.


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