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Storms and Mountains and Pirates, Oh My, Part 4

Posted on Sat 16th Jan, 2021 @ 3:11pm by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho

1,106 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: Uncharted Planet in the Thetacron Sector
Timeline: MD: 2, 1115 hours

After what seemed like hours, the door opened. "Your friend should be dead by now." He walked into the room and stumbled over the cloth and swore. "Not very nice," he began, then he tripped over the chair and fell.

Kiara swung at where she heard him land, hitting him hard with the chair leg. She hesitated for a moment, listening. It felt like she hit his head. She slowly moved until she could prod him with the leg. Nothing. She felt around until she found his arms and tied them behind his back, then tied his ankles together. Only then did she make sure he was breathing. She didn't want to kill him if she could help it. He was still breathing, but she could smell the iron tang of blood.

She began to search him for anything of value. She found a knife, a blaster of some sort, a communication device, and something that might be a way to open the door.

She had nothing to attach the knife to, so she left it in a corner. With the blaster in one hand and the key device in another, she went towards the door. It opened as she got closer. She slipped it into her bra and moved forward cautiously.


What seemed to be hardened pirate spoke up. "Don’t hurt him anymore and I will help you. He's my brother."

"No Dirk! We can't help this man, he's the enemy." The injured one replied.

"Your woman is being held on our ship. We figured that we'd question her and sell her for good profit. You we were hunting for fun." Dirk explained.

"That didn't work out well for you, did it." Elliot said, but got no response.

Elliot walked over to Dirk and helped him to his feet. "I think it's time for you to return to your ship and you're going to help me find my friend....


With the disruptor firmly in one hand, Kiara went from room to room, looking for anything she could use--and for something to wear. The rooms around her were all empty, and smelled like they could use a good cleaning. Once she ducked into a room when she sensed someone coming. She waited for long moments waiting for whoever it was to find the man in her room, but no one raised an alarm. So, after a time, she headed out again.

She finally found a room that was occupied and took a shirt. The pants were too big, as were the shoes, but it was better than walking around in her underwear.


Elliot took Dirk with him to the back compartment where he took off several access panels and began to sabotage several systems before leading Dirk back up to the front of the ship. The small ship lifted off.

Dirk piloted the ship up into the atmosphere then his panel sounded. "They're hailing us." He said as he turned to face Elliot.

"I damaged your coms so that you can send messages only. Inform them that you have captured me and that I killed one of your team All of which they can verify easily with their sensors. You don't need to say anything else; I'm watching." Eliot was watching over Dirk's shoulder to make sure he said nothing else.


Kiara heard someone coming down the corridor. "She'll be around here somewhere." It was a voice she knew well. She raised the blaster, making sure the switch was on heavy stun. When they passed, she opened the door and shot. Three men fell. She again searched them, taking their weapons and tech. Then she drug them into the room and locked the door so they couldn't get out. She now had three blasters and two knives, in addition to another device to let her pass through doors. She needed to find Elliot.

Dirk did as instructed and sent the encoded message to the larger ship as instructed. "Okay, they got the message, now what?" Dirk asked.

"Now, its time to dock with your ship. I assume that you have a Shuttle Bay. Let get in there. Remember, if anything seems funny to me, you guys will have a bad day." Elliot held the disruptor to Dirk's neck and applied pressure, "Do you believe me?"

"I do." Dirk said softly.

"Good, take us in easy like," Elliot said as he watched everything Dirk did carefully. The shuttle sized craft entered what was the aft Shuttle Bay and set down softly. Elliot observed several men in the Shuttle Bay and had to duck down behind Dirk to avoid being seen.


The farther she went down the corridors, the more people she found. She was continually ducking into quarters. She'd been fortunate they were all empty. Until now. "What are you..."

Kiara didn't wait for an answer. She stunned the woman rising from the bed. "Sorry. Hopefully you won't wake up with a headache." Too bad she wasn't Vulcan or she could make the woman forget she'd seen the diplomat.

However, as the woman was about Kiara's size, she rifled through her clothes until she found a pair of pants and simple shirt. She quickly changed, found a pair of shoes, and left the t-shirt behind. At least now she would blend in better.


Elliot hit Dirk over the back of the head when the guards weren't looking. He pushed the unconscious Dirk out of the seat and sat down. He ran his fingers all over the control panel trying to find different menus until he found the transporter controls. Unfortunately, the transporter was offline and Elliot didn't have the time or experience to repair the alien device. "Great!" He said as he slammed a fist on the console, "I'll have to do it the hard way."

Elliot tried to access the ship's sensors but they were also offline. "The day keeps getting better and better." He picked up the disruptor and stood up before heading towards the door. He prepared himself the the firefight that would ensue. The door to the shuttle hummed open and a small cylindrical device about 6 inches long rolled down the ramp and onto the bay floor. Several pirates glanced down at it confused. A blinding flash and massive sound wave erupted from the device, many of the pirates covered their ears instinctively and were blinded by the flash. Elliot stepped out with a disruptor in each hand.

Lines of green energy lit up the Shuttle Bay as Elliot fired both his weapons rapidly at his targets. The pirates never really knew what hit them as they went down without a fight.


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