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The Valiant and the Vanquished, Part 1

Posted on Fri 13th Nov, 2020 @ 12:07am by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho
Edited on on Mon 14th Dec, 2020 @ 2:45am

842 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: Kendar
Timeline: Back Story, about a month ago

The beautiful black stallion that Elliot had named Goliath, just hours ago pranced down the small winding streets that led from the main castle to the walls that surrounded the small hamlet. The horse appeared to enjoy the attention he was getting from all the spectators that lined the streets, they too were all dress in black. Upon Goliath's back was the Black Knight, arguably the most important and influential single entity of the century or any century in the history of the Kendar.

The Black armor that Elliot and Goliath wore gleamed brilliantly in the midday sun. Following Elliot and Goliath were the Queen and her royal guard. It seemed that everyone in the village came out to wish the Black Knight well in his battle with Lord Bolton the Destroyer.

15 hours ago…

It had been a good day for Elliot. He really enjoyed and had a sense of purpose in being the Black Knight. He gave hope to the people that the future would be better than the recent past had been with the wars all around.

The evening was his or rather the Black Knight's. He arrived at the Great Hall dressed in a black tunic and black trousers, pretty much what he would wear all the time now. There were more than a hundred people sitting at long rows of tables ready to feast and celebrate Elliot and watch as he was anointed as the Black Knight by Queen Ann.

The queen was already seated in her throne and was waiting for Elliot to enter. She motioned him to her. “Let us begin the ceremony!” She called out and stood as he approached. “Elliot, take a knee.”

Elliot knelt down in front of the queen and one of her aids handed her a beautiful sword. The queen took the sword and touched each of his shoulders with it. “By the power vested in me, as your queen, I dub thee, Sir Elliot, the Black Knight, and the protector of Kendar. Rise Sir Elliot.”

The entire room erupted in loud applause and cheers and continued for a few moments.

Elliot rose and the queen embraced him and kissed his cheek before releasing him. She took him by the hand and led him to their seats.

They both sat down and Elliot admired the feast, after all, it was in his honor, and the Black Knight's. Everyone ate and drank their fill including Elliot. That was something he normally would never do, but he let the celebration carry him away. It lasted for hours and into the early morning hours.

A knock came at the door. It was of the queen's most trusted guards Ulrik with some very bad news. “My queen, Lord Bolton the Destroyer is here with a large portion of his army and is demanding your surrender. He is demanding that you take him as your king.”

“That’s preposterous,” Ann said to him, but she knew that she may not have a choice. Her army was fighting Bolton’s army in the north or at least that was what she was led to believe. Here in the castle she only had her royal guard which was no match for Bolton's army, not even a small one. Could her guards protect the castle from a siege until her army returned, she doubted it.

“Signal a parlay with Lord Bolton, I wish to talk to him about a challenge.” She said.

Ulrik nodded and quickly left to signal Bolton. Elliot stood with the queen and followed her out of the large room. Others began to stand and leave ad well the feast was over.

Lord Bolton the Destroyer was a large strong man and his stature demanded attention and respect. Even though he was evil he was a natural leader. Elliot stood by Ann's side as Bolton approached the wall. They stood high on the ramparts and down upon him, he still looked intimidating even from that angle.

He looked up at her. “Hello, Ann.” He didn’t address her as the queen but simply by her first name. “I have come for your hand in marriage.”

Ann laughed, “That’s just completely nuts, Lord Bolton. “You must have some pair, coming up to my gate and giving that offer.”

Bolton laughed himself, “That’s not an offer, Ann, that’s a demand. Your army is fighting in the north and you are practically defenseless here. Marry me or else…” Bolton let his words trail off.

Ann countered, “I have a better idea, to save time and lives I would like to propose a fight, one on one. Your best man against my best man.”

“A dual, to the death, Winner takes all?" Bolton smiled, “Tonight you will share my bed, Ann.” Bolton's eyes flicked to the man at Ann's side, “You must be the one that they are calling the Black Knight. Well Sir Black knight, I aim to make sure that you are not the Black Knight. Noon tomorrow we shall fight and you will die.”


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Comments (1)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Fri 13th Nov, 2020 @ 6:09am

Lord Bolton? Run away now!!!

I'm enjoying this immensely. :)