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The “Milli-Cochrane Caper” {Act 1.1}

Posted on Tue 6th Oct, 2020 @ 2:15am by Renato Solis
Edited on on Thu 15th Oct, 2020 @ 3:46am

1,668 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: Brown Sector: Zodiac Deck 2248, Rotunda Anterior
Timeline: MD 1, 1030

Deck 2248 oversaw much of the Zodiac, and today was supposed to be a lively one. Renato enjoyed a pattern of walking along the satellite businesses and getting snacks, drinks, generally absorbing the energy of the day. These morning walks were informative, allowing him to be seen regularly and make regular observations. His network of well-fed children operated throughout the Zodiac as well coming to him for a piece of sweet treat, or the occasional coin for a juicy tidbit. Life in the Zodiac had a charm, where people could use technology in an obstinate resistance to prove the quality of one's own hands to create.

A layered pastry, Palmier, was today's surprise. Real ingredients, tirelessly mixed and baked together for such a delightful treat, were a small expense. Paying the vendor was another way of supporting life down here, so the change was always given as a tip. The large complex had been overtaken on the first floor, and now small shops and wares were also being sold on the second floor here, a sign of an emergent economy and improving citizenry.

One of his minions came running, so Renato pulled a chocolate from a small hip bag sensing the lad's run. Only a moment later, a stealthy cutpurse appeared at Renato's side. Without looking down, he revealed a chocolate, felt it taken out of his hand, and a small slip of paper placed in its stead. The lad vanished, even to Renato's sense, though they had a range of ten feet at best in such a crowd.

"Man came down at 0914; red shoes, went to mdm morbo 0950, left siskars at 0958."

The boy had spotted a clandestine meeting, and he had learned how to use the children safely to gather these clues. Seeing the man in red shoes was the final confirmation of the hypothesis, and the case could now rely on this as a fact. For the cost of a few candies, Renato had cracked a local attempt to organize crime.

=/\=Computer, submit Casefile 14 to Li Kainon. Priority message alert. Add caption to recent addendum, "Man with Red Shoes from the Fools Errand was meeting with Kit and Fisk, at Madame Morbo's. Secret tunnel connecting Morbo's and Siskar's Casino behind the painting in ..."

Li would be able to act on the information, but as he finished one case, another dropped in his lap. Two of Li's deputies were seen walking briskly.

Knowing a policeman only runs when crime is apparent, this was an easy track to follow. The two young men, one human, the other Rigelian, dressed in the Station's Civilian Security garb were clearly on their way somewhere.

"... behind the painting in Morbo's coatcheck."

Renato finished his report and moved to follow the two men right away. The Zodiac had plenty of corners and places to hide, so without being noticed, he followed the deputies. He listened to hear their conversation.

"I'm getting sick... stupid patrols ...." It was boiler plate 'hate my job' talk. The other one said something more useful, "They got shot, this is serious."

Continuing to follow, Renato saw that a caution tape demarcated a small zone around a dead body. The two deputies got close but didn't touch it, pulling a device to scan. Renato listened to them, gathering details. The body had been found early in the morning by residents on the block. The men discussed the case ... no witnesses to the event ... reports of two shots, with a green flash, late in the night ... varying reports of midnight to 0100.

This was when things went wrong, Renato was spotted. The eagle-eyed deputy saw his peeping form and called out, "Oi, is that you Rennie?"

Rennie was a name from the past. Law enforcement down here who had tussled with an intoxicated Renato would all know that name. It was a reminder to boot. He was tucked around the corner of a four-way intersection, but had been spied all the same, so he stepped out.

"Unfortunately so. You are ... Kiro, right?"

They didn't have time for a junkie. Kiro barked back, "Yeah, well leave here right now, or we may connect you and hold you for questions, feel me?"

The other deputy was dressed differently, had a nice uniform fringe that Kiro didn't. Logical conclusions lead to him being a detective, especially since this one didn't bat an eye at Renato, leaving the lower rank officer to handle the junkie.

"Your conclusions are wrong, that body was definitely moved there. He wasn't shot in the back, and he doesn't live in Brown Sector."

Kiro wasn't listening, but the other one suddenly was. The Rigelian looked at Renato intently, "Explain what you know.”

Not missing the subtle way that was phrased, he started by introducing himself.

“My name is Renato Solis. I have lived in Brown Sector for nearly ten years, in various roles and guises. This area is busy late at night, so a lack of outcry would indicate he wasn’t shot within sight of anyone, at a time it could go unreported until morning. As there are no witnesses, suggesting he was probably alone, and I have never seen him before but enjoy photographic recall of faces.

"Therefore, he doesn’t live here, as is also evidenced by the fact that, nearly twelve hours later, no family member or loved one has come to weep over this body, and all my friends and enemies are where they ought to be. He was … I presume ... shot with a disruptor given the flash marks and level of trauma to the body, twice, one to cover the evidence of the other. His fixed rigor indicates he had become rigid prior to the killer placing the body. I can keep going, but I’d like to see the body up close, if possible?”

Kiro only looked annoyed, tuning out the words Renato spoke with ease. The other one had fully tuned in however.

“Nice to meet you, I'm Rickards Kaccy. I should ask you where you were last night, but let’s skip the formalities. You aren’t the killer. How do you know what you know?”

Renato smiled, “I’ve seen it all, in life and memory. After a while, flawless recall makes you or breaks you. May I?”

Rickards glared at Renato, but nodded begrudgingly. “Do not touch it, as the coroner is on the way up now. I’d take this time, while you have it, to tell me more.”

Kiro looked on with disbelief as Renato knelt at the side of the body. “Blood pooling is wrong, rigid limbs aren’t in the right place, as I thought. His eyes are in uneven stigmus from time of death, eyelids as well….”

He ran his hands over the body surface, barely interacting. Kiro moved to stop him, but Rickards grabbed his wrist to let Renato continue. “The exit wound from behind has force marks directed inwards? They shot the exit wound to cover the forensics of the first shot, so that’s why two .…”

Rickards shifted his weight slightly. Renato had started finding new truths already in this case.

“This man was shot in the back, while running. The Killer flipped him over and shot him again ... no, dragged him first. See the burns on his fingertips as the beam grazed by? His arms were upraised from being dragged. Look the rub burn on his forehead. Can we scan the carpet for the trail to where the shot occurred?"

Rickards looked as though he was entertained by all of this, “Yes, we determined it lead to a formerly used workstation at 249-f. That room has been cleaned pretty well. How are you at reading data?”

Kiro protested, “Sir, this man-“

Rickards spoke over Kiro, “Has already been more help than you. Please standby.”

Deciding to show off a little, Renato continued, “Do we know name or occupation, anything found with the body?”

Rickards hesitated before deciding to allow this experiment to continue. Kiro’s reaction indicated this man was not worth their time, but so far it was apparent there was more than met the eye.

“Theophilus Boule. Has quarters in 2008-a block. Assigned to analysis of medical and technical data recovered from the B’aku expedition. No Friends, few associates, all accounted for last night. Body found at 0400, ETD at just after midnight." Rickards seemed to be holding back, likely to see if Renato could work out the rest. Since this was a good day for games, he indulged the detective.

"Theophilus Boule may have been a researcher by day, but what was he up to by night? His clothing is replicated, boots are newly made, yet he was far from home. New boots, for a far-off walk? No, he didn't wish to have evidence come home with him. New clothes for a new day's work.

"Brown Sector has no research labs, and he has no tools or equipment. What friends he has were not with him, no toxicology of note, unlikely drugs, or gambling ... sex? Also unlikely given the state of his fashion and occupation. Humans wear wedding bands on the left hand, yet nothing adorns him or has been taken off."

Renato saw something on the deputy scanners, "These are electrical burns? I would imagine a post mortem would reveal this man was tortured before being shot to death."

Rickards looked to the man with a new eye, that was a new insight. "Torture huh? Bad day. You ever talk to Li any?"

Renato shook his head, "I've got a past here. I send what information I have, and he does what he does."

Kiro spoke up, "Rennie over here has spent quite a bit of time in holding. I’m calling up the coroner, unless you’ve got more to say on this?"

"I think you have one more minute Mr. Solis. When the coroner arrives, I'll be taking what I have and building a case. Feel free to contribute some more."

To be continued ....


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