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The Avenger

Posted on Mon 7th Sep, 2020 @ 8:30pm by Sorra Yarime (Yari)

1,129 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Brown Sector Deck 2245
Timeline: MD:13 2318 hours

Sorra Yarime aka Yari, was many things. A Casino owner, a hotel owner, a smuggler, an entrepreneur in the black market, and what he considered to be a shrewd businessman. He was well known by all, respected by most, and liked by just as much. He was considered a public figure in the Brown Sector and he had a secret that very few kept for him. Yari believed in honor and his word. Without either of those, a man was nothing. He also believed in justice and fairness. He conducted all of his business with such values that he acquired from his late uncle.

There were times when he had to send out muscle to persuade customers to honor their contracts, Yari did give them every opportunity and then some to come up with solutions on their own.

Over the years that Yari had been on the station in the Brown Sector, he had witnessed many forms of injustice and cruelties, so much so that he had secretly created a way for victims to voice their concerns. This evolved into something totally different. It became a secret message board to request help.

Rumors began to surge about an Avenger or guardian that’s dressed in black garb that would dispense justice. Sometimes he would show up when thugs were in the act of some brutal acts and he would stop them. It wasn’t all that often, but the riffraff had started watching their backs, the Brown Sector is simply too big for this Avenger/Guardian to watch over all the time and he had his life to live and could not draw attention to himself.

The Avenger used the secure Jefferies tubes to move about the Brown Sector undetected by anyone except for his Tech Guy, who watched the Avenger’s back and was his eyes, ears, and Gatekeeper.

On one night that the Avenger had decided to dispense his justice, he had turned in early and headed back towards his Quarters and made a sharp B line for the Secure passage that led to his secret equipment room. He dressed in his black clothing and double-checked his gear before heading down the Maintenance corridor.

Tonight, it would seem that the action would begin a little early. The Gatekeeper had his cameras on a group of thugs that were acting very suspicious and following a young Bajoran woman. The group of four thugs consisted of all Bajoran criminals out doing no good and having fun the way they knew how terrorizing and robbing women.

Delray Robin had just got off of work at their family’s café. She stayed late by herself to close up since her Mother was not feeling well and had already gone home with her brother. She carried a sack with some of her hot, delicious soup that would surely make her mother feel better. The only thing about going home at this hour was all the danger that lurked behind every corner. People came out at this time of night just to create mayhem.

Robin knew she was being followed and began to feel the panic well up in her throat and she began to walk faster. By this time the side streets were nearly empty so the thugs were a bit more brazen.

Robin quickly turned down another side corridor in hopes of losing the thugs, but that was a mistake because it was a dead end. The group of thugs easily followed her and began to shout Bajoran profanities at her.

She stopped and turned around with nowhere to go as the thugs continued to approach her. Her legs felt weak and began to shake, she could barely stand and she certainly couldn’t run and try to break her way through the thugs, she was doomed for whatever the thugs wanted to do to her.

The thugs surrounded her and continued their verbal assault with the profanities and what they were going to do with her. She dropped the bag that had the soup in it and the soup spilled out onto the floor.

One of the thugs grabbed Robin roughly and began to tear the clothing from her shoulders. At that moment the lights flickered in that area and went out…
The sound of metal sliding on metal echoed in the corridor. It wasn’t loud, just a bit different and Close! The thugs sounded surprised by the sound, never hearing it before and not being able to identify it, they gasped. “Who….who’s there? Iden…identify yourself.” One of the thugs had managed to speak up and pulled out a knife from his boot, “Tell…me or I will cut you up.”

There were sounds of scuffling in the darkness and the sounds of thugs or someone getting hit by something…..hard. BAM! POW! WHAM! POP! BANG! KABOOM!

The emergency lights began to flicker on in a red heugh and a dark figure was cutting down the team of thugs with what appeared to be metal sticks or clubs. The dark figure closed on the lead thug after all of his friends were down and rolling on the floor in pain. The Avenger didn’t see the soup that had leaked out of the floor and slipped. That was all the thug needed to lunge at the Avenger with his knife.

The knife went in deep on the Avenger’s left side just under the ribs and the Avenger reacted with lightning reflexes and pulled the knife out of his side and returned the favor by sticking it in the side of the thug. The thug cried out in pain and fell to the ground with the rest of his thug friends.

The Avenger grabbed his side and pulled away a bloody glove and winced from the pain. He offered a hand to the young woman and hesitantly took it. He hauled her to her feet. “You should be safe now to go home.” He no sooner got the words out then doubled over.

“You’re injured badly and you need help. Let me help you.” She knew who he was, the Avenger. “We can’t let anyone see you like this.” She pulled a shirt off of one of the unconscious thugs and then pulled the Avenger’s shirt off and put the new one on. “There, that should help, now to get rid of that mask of yours.” She pulled the mask off and recognized him immediately and smiled. “Let’s get you out of here so no one see’s that it’s you.”

Yari nodded and then the woman with some difficulty helped him to his feet. She put his arm around her neck and they began to walk awkwardly down the corridor.


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