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Collateral Damage - A Sudden Detour Part VI

Posted on Wed 16th Sep, 2020 @ 3:33am by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena

850 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Uncharted Planet in the Thetacron Sector
Timeline: MD:16 1846 hours

It had been a couple of days since the crash at least according to the fall and rise of the sun for this planet. Elliot had no way of actually telling how long the days were here on this planet. He had managed to pull the replicator from the runabout and a couple of power cells that would keep it running. He also managed to program the replicator to produce more than just food, he was able to produce the materials needed to build a solar cell that would keep the replicator going during sunlight hours. The power cell had been exhausted and could not be recharged.

There had been no signs that any hostiles had come down to search for Elliot and Kiara and the runabout had not been disturbed when they went back to scavenge parts from it.

Kiara was marking the days so they would know how long it had been. It was nice to have food and light, but she was still concerned that there had been no sign of their attackers. Had it been a random shooting? Then why not loot the ship? Why just shoot them down and leave? It didn't make sense, and that caused her to be even more concerned.

Twice she went back to the shuttle to look for messages, but so far there was nothing. She knew she couldn't keep doing this. Either the power would die, or someone would notice.

She'd stop by the shuttle, then go with Elliot to look around. They found some fruit trees, but not much more. And no better place to make camp than the cave.

Had Dallas grown concerned by her silence, or was he too busy with his work and tracking down the killer to think of her? She thought more and more about him as the days passed.

A few mornings later, she turned to Elliot. "It's been a week and no sign of anything."

Elliot shook his head, but he had not given up hope, not even close. "It's what we expected though. I wouldn't be surprised if we were here another week, but they are coming, you can count on it." He gave a warm smile even though it was a bit boyish.

"It'll be another week before my absence is noticed," Kiara admitted. "I'm sure the starbase will be contacted to ask why I haven't shown up yet. By then, I hope there will still be a trail to follow. What do you think of sending out some sort of message in another week or two to see if we can get some attention? Do you think it'll be safe enough then?"

"I bet the Starbase has already been contacted and as far as a trail, there isn't one. They will have to follow our course and search every system and scan every habitable planet in those systems. They will have to deduce a starting point, probably whey you and Briggs stopped chatting with each other and begin there." Elliot paused for a moment, "If we go to the highest peak of the nearest mountain and set up a distress signal there, then we will have the best chance to be rescued. I can use one of the small solar cells to power it." That was the only option that Elliot could think of at the moment that would give them the best chance of being rescued in the near future.

She still had her doubts about Dallas missing her just because she hadn't spoken to him. He'd shown a marked reticence to spend time with her recently. It was just as likely he thought she was busy. "That would be a good place, but getting there will take a lot of time. Perhaps more than we have." And a starship should be able to detect a crashed shuttle. "An open area away from the natural buffer caused by the rocks might be enough."

"They would only be able to detect a crashed shuttle if they were in orbit and actively scanning and on the right side of the planet as the crash site at the right time." Elliot paused for a moment, "Finding an open spot that is free from any natural barriers would have to be located from an elevated vantage point. I think we should put the beacon on one of the smaller mountains if you think time is too much of a factor."

"One of the smaller mountains, then. It could take us a month to get to the highest peak--and we don't have the right equipment for that sort of climb," she said. It was a good idea, and he was right that no one would notice the shuttle unless they actually scanned for it.

"Let's try that smaller mountain over there." Elliot pointed to a mountain top of a much shorter mountain that was probably a half days walk to the base.

She looked at it for a long moment. "Okay. We'll leave at first light. If we make good time, we can be back by nightfall." At least, she hoped so.


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 25th Sep, 2020 @ 10:45pm

What an adventure these two are having. I like the insecurity (about Dallas) that comes through from Kiara and the calm certainty from Elliot - different issues, but good character development.