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Rise of The Black Knight, Part 1

Posted on Thu 17th Sep, 2020 @ 5:03am by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho
Edited on on Wed 30th Sep, 2020 @ 2:07am

833 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Kendar
Timeline: About 3 weeks ago

Tamora meticulously prepared a potion, adding ingredients from various containers that only she knew their identities. She stirred the concoction slowly as it heated up under a small flame and only after it had changed colors did she know it was done. She added in a pinch of sempnar to make it sweet since she was the one that had to drink it. She like sempnar with all her warm teas so she didn't see why this would be any different and just might make the concoction bearable.

Tamora poured the mixture into a cup and began to sip it, making faces each time. The stuff tasted like pig piss, she surmised. Soon she was done drinking the entire potion and could feel the power emanating within her. She walked over to where the man lay on the floor and straddled him as she knelt down and sat upon his waist. She leaned down upon him and opened his mouth. As she closed her eyes and opened her mouth only inches from his, a force emanated from her mouth to his. The room glowed with the power as it moved from her to him and when the task was complete she fell off to the side of Elliot, exhausted and completely drained of energy. The two beings slept for hours peacefully.

Elliot stirred then began to wake. He had very elusive dreams, he could only remember bits and pieces. Much had to do with medieval times on earth like around the 14 or 15 hundreds. He sat upright, his back was killing him and then he felt the mattress/cushions that he had been sleeping on and they weren't much in the way of comfort. He also realized that it was cold and dark in this place and began to feel for a blanket, but what he found was a woman barely dressed laying beside him. She stirred and moaned softly when he touched her.

He wondered what was going on, did he get so drunk that he blacked out? Did he get drugged? He would certainly never do that on purpose. Then it all hit him, it came rushing in. Everything about the Prototype, the explosion, and Elliot ordering Meghan away for her own safety. Elliot had seen the look in her eyes where he told her to Run. She was very worried. He just hoped that he did the right thing, they were stronger and safer together.

The room that Elliot had woke it was still a bit dark and felt cold and a bit damp. He touched the woman on the shoulder and gently shook her. She moaned softly and he whispered, "Hey, where am I and what am I doing here?"

The woman woke and sat up, the blanket falling off her chest revealing a very thin type nightshirt she was wearing. "You sir, are in the queen's castle, specifically in my quarters where I just healed you, saving you from certain death." She paused for a moment. "Let me tell you a story, a bedtime story that has been read to me ever since I was little, it's about The Black Knight."

She looked Elliot in the eyes, "I knew from a very young age that I would become a very powerful sorceress, the one true sorceress for my queen so certain stories/ prophecies told to me and one day they would become true. They all began with a man that would come from the sky. That man would become the Black Knight. The Black Knight believed in truth, justice, and the fair treatment of all. He would rule over all the great land with our great queen and they would have many children."

"Their children and their children's children would also rule the lands justly and I think that man is you." Tamora paused for a moment to let what she had told him to sink in.

"That can't be me, I'm not from here, and besides that, I have a wife or at least I think I do." His thoughts went back to Meghan and his choice of ordering her to run away. We should have stayed together. He thought.

"It's an interesting story so tell me more of this..Black Knight." Elliot said.

"There is a special suit of armor and a long sword in the Queen's chamber for the Black Knight and when the time presents itself a powerful sorceress will enchant both the armor and the sword with special properties. A result of the powerful incantation is that the armor and the sword will turn black, hence The Black Knight" She paused for a moment then continued. "The Black Knight is believed to ride a black stallion. One such horse has been obtained only last week and is in the process of being trained."

Elliot couldn't really believe what he was hearing but took her word for it. There were a few commonalities that could be leading to something, but he didn't know exactly what.


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Comments (1)

By on Sun 20th Sep, 2020 @ 3:06am

I love the mix of scifi and fantasy you are doing. This is intriguing, simply because Elliot would fit the Black night so well!