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Down the Hallway

Posted on Fri 18th Sep, 2020 @ 2:39pm by Renato Solis & Mozatholm Zaldekulmu
Edited on on Tue 22nd Sep, 2020 @ 12:11am

1,990 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Refugee Center Midnight (Renato PI office)
Timeline: MD 14, 1900

(Down the hallway)

As Kya and Dr. Anderson continued their chat, Renato and Moz needed to conduct affairs away from the eyes and ears of everyone. Little Haksin had other plans as he hugged the black pant leg of Renato's slacks sitting on his foot. This little one was coming along and didn't care to argue the point.

Mozatholm had to laugh at the way Haksin clung to Renato's leg. "I didn't know you had taken up weight training," he said to Renato as they walked down the hallway.

"Oh yes, the finest in ankle bracelets, this is the Haksin5000, but I plan to get a 6000 unit soon." He tickled Haksin to a laughing fit to get him off his leg before going into the dark room. Renato turned on the lamp, and faced Moz, "So if not the cake, business then?"

"I just wasn't in the mood for candy," Mozatholm explained. "I did not mean to seem ungrateful." He picked up Haksin, who was being a wiggleworm at Renato's feet and hugged him. "Did you like your shoulder ride, little one?"

"Unthinkable, not to want candy." They both enetered the spartan office, a desk and chair essentially in their classic positions. Two other chairs were opposite the desk, simple wooden captains chairs, accenting the simple wooden desk. Renato spoke to Haksin who was beaming up at both of them. He had no idea what the grown ups were saying but knew he was the center of attention, so he made mouth sounds back at them. With a wink Renato tossed a small coin purse with Acta crystals inside, worth about 13 slips GPL presently. Acta crystals grew on their own and each carat was worth a slip easy. Moz was good with numbers, investing would be a game for him.

"For the advice on Dr. Anderson. You are getting very good in your character estimations. Kya is soft pitching our cooperation now, thanks to you."

"Thank you. I like her," Mozatholm said but didn't immediately reach for the bag, as he was still holding Haksin. He burbled back at the little boy, which made Haksin laugh.

Seeing the slice of life he always wanted but never had, this was a keeper of a memory. For Ullians, memory was sacred, and his flawless recall had created a feedback loop of misery consuming six years of his life. Paul Graves had helped him out of it, and now he was here, and very happy. For once. Renato realized he was staring at the two of them, and hoped it wasn't off- putting.

"He adores you Moz. I think you've got big brother stamped on your forehead."

"I already have two younger brothers; I don't need a third--but Haksin is tempting." Mozatholm tousled Haksin's hair. "What sort of good trouble have you gotten into, today?"

With a look of unbridled joy at his feat, Haksin showed a red ball in his hand. Renato laughed, "Lexy is beating the tar out of Chiicha and Aber to find that thing. You little devil!" Haksin beamed with a giddy delight at causing such trouble for everyone. Renato moved back towards the door, their brief meeting interrupted by a joyous bundle of chaos. "Let's get him back out there... was there anything you needed Moz?"

Mozatholm suddenly looked directly at Renato. "Yes, there is. After we get Haksin back to the others."

Renato took the boy's face in his hands, "Haksin, take this ball to Lexy, and say, "I found it!, say it back to me, "I. Found. It."

"Fombit" Haksin tried but speech was hard, there were no schools and his education was lacking.

"I. Found. It."

"I fumbit!"

Renato pressed a finger to his temple, and then focused on Haksin, "I found it, Lexy. I found it for you."

With sudden clarity, Haksin smiled, "I find it Lexy, ball!"

Haksin went charging out of the room, "LEXYYYYY I fomb yor balllll!"

Almost at tears for how much he adored those kids Renato was reminded of the matters at hand. "I love seeing you with kids Moz, you are a good big brother. So... what are we talking about today?"

Mozatholm didn't answer right away; he was too busy laughing at Haksin, who was admirably clever on the uptake. "He will be a sneaky one when he gets older. You are training him well to use his advantages." After a moment or two his merriment died down, and he looked back at Renato. "That Andorian who visits the Zodiac sometimes--I saw him earlier today while I was reading. He was walking along the Drift, looking at the apartments."

"Oh I see. Was he limping, and what color was his Chronometer, leather strap?"

"No limp, and his chrono strap was silver colored, made of little pieces that could be stretched apart so he could pull it over his hand," Mozatholm said. "His wrist was too thin for it, so the face hung down."

Renato clapped his hands suddenly, "Splendid. Thats a good observation. Let me show you what we have just done."

An overlay of Brown Sector showed up on the monitor flat panel, several purple highlights showed population zones. With the new commands entered an update to existing marks on the map formed into lines showing the Andorian's footpath. Two of the purple zones had not been visited yet; the others had all been hit three times independently of one another.

"Our man, makes three passes down these corridors. Wearing a black leather watch with a Diamond at 12 on the silver plated face, another time, wearing a flex strap athletic wrist mount, and a clasped piece of polished brass. He limps with the Diamond watch only. Here is why, they are cameras, able to see through walls. Not every scanner can pierce every object so he must obtain three scans to compile for accurate image enhancement through walls. He limps, because the power requirements are enormous for particle scanners like the diamond watch, and the shoes house a battery."

"Meaning one shoe houses the battery, and so he seems to limp?"

Leaning back into his chair, Renato asked out loud, "What is he trying to find? What are you looking for, or whom?"

"Whatever he's looking for, he is putting an awful lot of effort into finding it," Mozatholm said. "It must be very valuable, difficult to distinguish from other things, or he must require great accuracy. Most people would be satisfied with just one scan; two at most. This person wants to get it right the first time."

"So Moz, now we must determine what the object of his hunt is. He will hit the Zodiac tomorrow at 0900 and..." He stopped. Smiling at the boy, he continued, "and you tell me... which stores will he walk past. Which ones will he linger to perform what we now know is a scan? Check the patterns of his previous walk through, he is very predictable once you know what to look for."

"He'll go by the food stalls," Mozatholm said immediately, but that was obvious. He frowned at the computer monitor with concentration and thought longer about the rest of his answer. "The places where you can get very cheap food--ration bars and credit vouchers." Mozatholm pointed to a couple of areas highlighted in purple, including the worst apartments in the Drift. "These places are where the apartments front the street. He won't have to scan through as many walls, and what walls there are, are thin."

Renato was thrilled, the boy was astute. "Yes, yes, yes. Outstanding. So we haven't seen any accomplice yet, no transfer of goods either. They are casing the place, but not for theft. My theory is we have a hunter, looking for their quarry. Our Andorian needs a name, and we can do some research from there. Be on the guard for counter-surveillance; practice the safer than sorrier ideals."

He looked at the spots highlighted for their population flow. Seeing the path, it was obvious they were still looking and could discount places he had already gone to. "The ideal place to take someone and hold them will follow certain rules; Strict access control with locks and alarm; Absence of windows; Electromagnetic shielding, protected electronics or none at all, few cables that can be easily controlled; minimal furniture, acoustic isolation..." Renato trailed off, his mind racing on the problem it had to consider. "I'd say this is his next scansite, following the grid pattern. We will know he has found what he is looking for the day he doesn't complete his grid search in that area. So, do you feel up to another day of playing the game?"

"Game?" Mozatholm asked with a wry look. "So you think he's after a person. Makes sense, considering how often he goes by the food stalls. He's looking for someone without much latinum. Yes, I'm up for it. This is my home. I don't like people being kidnapped from it." He pointed to a location on the map. "Should I go here? I can look dirt-poor and munch on a ration bar. You'd be amazed at how long someone can make a ration bar and a cup of tea last."

Having played the wretch too many times, and becoming one for a time, Renato knew just how long a ration bar could be stretched. He nodded in reply, adding further, "The game is afoot... a phrase sacred to Private Investigators. Don't forget it. You've got the talent, skill and heart Moz, and your plan is good. Stake yourself out there, keep doing what you're doing, I anticipate in the next day or two we will see a change in the pattern, and we will play the game some more."

"I'll go dirty up some clothes," Mozatholm said. He shot Renato a wicked look. "Mother will not be happy."

Renato loved the devil's grin on the boy's face, and hoped he wasn't becoming a bad influence on him. Moz had already learned the ways of the street and knew better than most even at a young age.

He winked at the boy, "I'll include expenses in the next payment, just be safe, stay far away, do like we practiced to stay nondescript... never let anyone get directly behind you... you know the drill..." He headed to the door, glad to hear Haksin terrorizing Chiicha in the common area, "...and it's best if Elizabeth thinks we were just doing business for work around the shop for now. We will let her decide how much farther she wants to get involved as the time comes."

Mozatholm nodded. "So when do you want me to be sweeping?" he asked, for those within earshot.

Carrying the charade as they returned to the scene Renato supplied, "Oh anytime after final meal, but before 10 as Kya likes to tidy it all up by herself if it isn't done. Please take food to your family, I want to sleep knowing they are sick of our cooking."

Kya wrinkled her brow overhearing her name. She knew what Moz did, and that she still would be the one sweeping at the end of the day if this silly man had his way. "Well, glad to have some help... Moz." Her glance to Renato updated the situation so Renato understood he would be sweeping.

"Hello, Miz Kya. I'll be back in a couple of hours," Mozatholm said. "I need to tell Father where I'll be. Mother's working the late shift at the Noose tonight."

Kya nodded her head, also responding, "Give Lifiaden my best, see you tomorrow."

Renato watched the boy leave, then turned to Elizabeth and Kya, "If we ever need to be reminded..." He stopped himself before he got too sophomoric, "Sometimes we are lucky enough to like what we do. That boy, and others like him deserve every chance to be who they ought to. That's how we get this place better."


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Comments (1)

By on Tue 22nd Sep, 2020 @ 12:13am

Nice interaction between these two and a bit of mystery to keep it even more interesting! Thanks!