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Day Watch Briefing

Posted on Mon 31st Aug, 2020 @ 8:30pm by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs
Edited on on Tue 1st Sep, 2020 @ 5:56am

1,231 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Security Office
Timeline: MD:16 900 hours

Dallas had a restless few hours of pretty much useless sleep after his talk with the Assassin. Now he had to inform the day watch senior officers of his plans. He had gotten a hot coffee along with scrambled eggs and toast, but just pushed the eggs around on his plate with the fork as he waited for the others to arrive so he could begin his daily meeting. It might just be his last meeting ever.

Ensign O'Dell wasn't sure what the morning's meeting was about, but she brought her PADD and all the activities from her sector into the Division Watch Room to see her boss sitting with a partly-eaten breakfast in front of him. "Good morning, Sir," she greeted him, putting her PADD down on the table and wandering over to see what was on the food table. Snagging a cheese danish and some cold milk, she came back to the table and seated herself down a little from the LCDR. She wasn't next in rank, and wanted to leave plenty of room for the one who was.

Zoe Albright came into the room and said a cheerful hello to everyone before grabbing herself a chocolate milk and a chocolate-iced donut. She took her food to the table and sat down.

Lieutenant Daniel Hardgrove came in and greeted everyone before he sat down, "Hello, sorry I'm running a little late, the gym was packed." Every day before his shift began he spent about an hour in one of the station's gyms working out. He really liked to keep in shape.

Pete Riley was last to arrive. He was tired and just wanted to get the meeting over with. He nodded, "Hey, Boss," before grabbing something to eat and taking a seat. "I hope today is going to be boring."

Dallas chuckled at Riley's comment, "Don't jinx it, Riley." He looked around the room at his co-workers, realizing that this may very well be the last time he saw these people, but found comfort in the fact that even if he died, he did have the word of an assassin that Kiara would live.

"This meeting won't take too long, I have a lot to do right after, so station business first. The biggest one, and most concerning at the moment, is the rapist. He committed another act last night, so that makes six women in the last two weeks. So far he hasn't killed anyone, but the acts that he's committing are just as bad as killing, in my opinion, and deserve the proper attention."

Zoe's mouth tightened, but she said nothing.

Dallas tapped a few commands on his PADD, "I just sent you the updated list of victims." He paused for a moment for questions.

O'Dell raised her hand, and went ahead at her boss's nod. "Sir, does the computer analysis show any commonalities among the women? Race, location, job ... even looks?"

Dallas glanced back to his PADD that had all the information on the women subjects. "They are between the age 23 and 36, they are all Starfleet, all assigned to SB 109 in various departments. They all claim that they had returned to their quarters after a night out. All were attacked as they stepped in their quarters. My guess is that he followed them back to their quarters from the Promenade."

Shanna nodded, taking notes on her PADD. "I wonder if they are victims of opportunity, or if he's picked them specifically for some reason," she mused. "Maybe a couple of us can go over the files and look for things a computer program might not pick up on from the reports. It doesn't exactly ask questions about the data."

Zoe agreed with Shanna. There had to be something. Even random attacks had some pattern: hair or eye color, where they went on the Promenade, or even where they worked out. Something thta some digging might uncover.

Dallas nodded, "That sounds like a plan, Ensign. I will leave you in charge of that investigation. You may pick two others to help you with it." Dallas looked around the room, "I'm afraid that I do have to cut this meeting short and now I must tell you all what's going on."

He paused for a moment, "As you all know, the station has had some assassins lately. We were able to deal with the second one, but the first one that tried to kill me got away." He paused again, "Well he's back, sorta." Dallas held up his hands for everyone to allow him to finish, "He has done something to Commander Lena and Lieutenant Jericho and they never made it to where they were going. He's using them to lure me to him so we can fight to the death."

"Not being melodramatic or anything," Pete muttered. "No offense, Boss, but how do you know he wants to fight you to the death? And how do you know he really has them? I mean, maybe they got delayed somewhere, and he's just taking advantage of the opportunity?"

Dallas turned to Ensign Riley, "How do I know? Because he said as much. How does he know about the diplomat and pilot? The mission was confidential. They just don't stop and have drinks on any planet that has shady bars. I trust my gut feelings and the Brass on this station has to. The assassin has them or is holding them somewhere, and I have to beat that information out of him or die trying. I don't expect all of you to completely understand and you don't have to."

Riley took a different tack. "You don't have to do it alone, Boss."

"Have you informed the diplomatic department?" Albright asked.

This exchange felt like it was way over Shanna's pay grade, and she sat silently, her eyes bouncing back and forth between the others. Since she was new to the department, she didn't have a clue what they were talking about, but she realized there was some history she'd need to find somewhere. Things sounded a little scarier than she'd expected on her first assignment.

Dallas smiled, "I informed the station's XO, and as far as I know, she was going make all the notifications." Dallas turned from Albright to Riley, "Yes, I have to do this alone. This assassin is not stupid. If he suspects or sees anything, he'll be in the wind and we may never find Commander Lena. I'm not willing to risk it." Dallas did have an ace in the hole though, a very large one that in the event that Dallas perished in the duel that this thing would find Commander Lena and bring her back safely.

"So, I think we are done with the meeting, please enjoy your breakfast." Dallas stood and glanced at each person for the last time. "If I don't make it back, It's been an honor working with all of you." Dallas quickly turned and exited the Briefing Room before anyone could say anything. He had little time to finishes his plans.

Hardgrove took a sip of coffee to wash down all that he had just heard before digging into his breakfast as if nothing had happened, after all, what could he do, but continue with his job.

Allbright shook her head. "He better make it back. I hate training bosses."

Pete snorted. "And he was good, too."


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