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Camelot Part 2, The Wizardess

Posted on Sat 25th Jul, 2020 @ 4:06am by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho

898 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Kendar
Timeline: Backstory, About three weeks ago

Eleanor and her two children carefully loaded Elliot into the back of the horse-drawn cart that was one quarter filled with hay and spread out evenly to support Elliot’s unconscious body. They began to make their way through the small village towards the keep.

The keep was nice and tall, jetting into the sky and could be seen for miles along the countryside. It was a monument to peace and authority. A single drawbridge allowed access to the keep and could be pulled up by chains in the event that the keep was attacked. A giant iron gate could also be dropped to prevent unwanted intrusion, but it was up almost all the time.

The horse’s hooves clunked on the wooden drawbridge as the cart crossed over. Eleanor explained to the guards that that blocked her way that she needed a healer for the injured stranger in the back of her cart. The guards knew her face and knew that she was a friend of the Queen and so she was allowed to enter the castle.

Eleanor and the kids made it to the front entrance of the main building and got help from a couple of other guards. They carried Elliot to a room in the castle and summoned the Queen.

Isabella came quickly and greeted her with a smile and then a hug, “It pleases me to see you, my friend. It’s been a while since we visited. Stay and join me for dinner…” Isabella hugged the children in turn, “They sure are getting big.” Isabella paused when she saw the look on Eleanor’s face, “What is it?”

“I need your help desperately. I found this man in my field and he won’t wake up.” She indicated Elliot who now lay on a sofa. “I can’t seem to find any injuries to mend so I figure that his injuries are inside. I ask that you have your healer try to heal him, please.” Eleanor pleaded. She didn’t like to see anyone hurt and always did what she could to help others.

“Eleanor, you know that if we use this healer that it will come at a price and we don’t know what that will be just yet, but its not cheap.” Isabella cautioned her.

“I don’t care, I’ll pay it. He needs help.” Eleanor replied.

Isabella nodded and looked at the guards, “Take him to Tamora’s quarters, be gentle.”

“Yes, my queen.” The guards said in unison and they both together took Elliot and headed up the staircase to the room where the Sorcerer lived.
“Stay here and make yourself at home.” Isabella said, “I will have refreshments brought to you. Right now, I must talk with the healer and see what she can do for him.” Isabella headed up the stairs to see the Healer.

The guards opened the door to the dark room where the Sorcerer lived. Shelves along the walls contained all sorts of glass containers of various sizes and shapes containing all kinds of objects that were mostly unrecognizable except for the occasional eye or finger or tongue. Small creatures caged on a shelf squeaked as if demanding attention. In the middle of the room was a work desk and on top were glass beakers of various colored liquids that boiled and bubbled with various rhythms.

Tamora sat on a rug in the middle of the room in silent meditation. The guards placed Elliot on a sofa and quickly left. Only Isabella remained in the room waiting for Tamora to finish whatever she was doing. She knew not to disturb Tamora while she meditated as disastrous things had happened in the past.

After a few minutes, Tamora’s eyes fluttered open, “My Queen, to what do I owe this honor?”

“I have an injured man who needs healing. He has no external injuries and won’t wake up. Will you help him?” Isabella asked.

Tamora stood and walked majestically over to where Elliot lay. She knelt down beside the sofa and closed her eyes. She ran her hands down the total length of Elliot’s body several inches above not touching him. She had started at his head and finish back at his head. “He is damaged on the inside and it will cost.”

“I understand, please do what you must to help him recover.” The Queen said.
“Okay then, help me lay him on the floor flat.”

The two women together moved Elliot gently to the floor and made sure that he was flat on his back.

“Now leave us, my queen, I will call for you when it is done. It could take several hours to perform the ritual and repair him.”

The queen nodded, “I will be patiently waiting to hear from you.” She quickly turned and walked out of the room closing the door behind her.

Tamora was called many things, a Wizardess, a Magician, and even a Sorceress. Many feared her for what she could do. Many thought that she was considered to have black magic. The ignorant didn’t know that her powers were always used for good.

She stood up and walked over to her work table where she kept and worked on her potions and various artifacts of varying degrees of magical capabilities and began preparing something that would help the sleeping man.


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Comments (2)

By Yuliette Marayan Dr. on Tue 28th Jul, 2020 @ 12:54am

ooo trek meets some sword and sorcery. or sorcery at least. Looking forward to the follow up!

By on Tue 15th Sep, 2020 @ 9:35pm

An interesting departure or a scifi story - into fantasy. Tamora sounds like a fascinating character to study. More, please!