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Safe Shores

Posted on Sun 9th Aug, 2020 @ 11:31pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Meghan [Maggie] Jericho

1,280 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Bushido, Samurai Captain's Yacht
Timeline: MD 3, 2300

Handing a cup of warm spiced tea to the rescued woman, Lt. Meghan Jericho, Riko asked the question everyone had. "Where were you headed when disaster came your way?" There were actually many more important questions she had, but for now, maybe that would open the story.

Meghan wasn't sure how much information she could give. The mission wasn't really over, because she had the plans for the prototype in her pocket, but these were her saviors and they were Starfleet officers. She could tell them some, maybe not all.

"We were on a mission, my husband and I, to retrieve something from pirates that they had stolen." She started her story. "I took the plans, he took the prototype, but..." She swallowed back her tears and felt her heart pause a beat, "We were caught, there was only one way to escape. He pushed me away, ordered me to go."

Her hands trembled as she sipped the hot tea. "I made it to the shuttle, but there was an explosion. The shuttle was rocked as I took off - the nacelles were damaged. I can only assume that my husband was killed in the blast. The asteroid was all but destroyed."

This was one of those times when Hari was glad he didn't have emotions. The woman's story would be ... heart wrenching, he thought the term was. As artificial intelligence, he could listen to the story, and he could be objective. Were there holes in the story? Large enough to fly Bushido through them. That didn't mean she was lying, only that there was a lot more to the story. He didn't suppose they needed the details, though.

"I'm sorry for your loss," McCord said. She knew what it was to lose good friends. She'd lost several in the attack on Samurai. She didn't know what it would be like to lose a husband, and to be pregnant at the same time. There were good counselors on the starbase, that was one good thing.

Henry stood listening to Meghan's account of what happened, and his curiosity began to get the best of him. He walked over to one of the command terminals and began pulling up the personal files on their new crew member. Then it happened. "Access Denied." The computer said as if flashed a Sigma Six security warning. "Well, I have seen this before." Henry said to himself as he turned from the console and looked in Riko's direction. Once she made eye contact with him, he gave a curt head nod, motioning her to come over when she was done speaking with Meghan.

Riko gave a small nod and turned back to Lt. Jericho. "For now, is there anything else we can do for you? We'll be back on base in a few hours, and get you better medical care."

"Thank you." Maggie pulled the blankets over her shoulders. "I just want to sleep, I think." In her dreams, she would be with Elliot and none of this would be real; at least for a little while.

Henry sat staring at the computer terminals Sigma Six warning screen. He wondered what this pregnant Starfleet Officer could be doing on a Sigma Six missions. As far as he remembered, Sigma Six class missions were some of the most dangerous missions an officer could go on. Only a few in Starfleet actually knew what Sigma Six was. The only reason he knew is that he was tasked with a Sigma Six mission during his time on Samurai. Henry always hated a mission that could be carried out behind a Captain's back.

McCord moved over to sit next to Henry, who was in the pilot's seat. "What do you have?" she asked, waiting to be invited to view his screen. She had a feeling their passenger was much more than she appeared, but ... it was beyond her pay grade.

"Recognize this?" Henry said as he point to the screen, looking for the reaction he knew was going to come from his closest friend. "I knew Sigma six would find it's way back into our lives Riko. Now the question is do we want to know what her mission is, or do we need to know what her mission is."

Riko debated with herself. Yes, she was curious. Who wouldn't be, under the circumstances? But she didn't really have a need to know. It wasn't her department, it wasn't her business what Starfleet did. "I'd say that's a want, Henry," she said, putting her hand on his shoulder. "She's been through a lot, and I'm curious, but I doubt she's going to tell us anything, and most likely, she shouldn't. I think we have to let this go. It's beyond our clearance levels, whatever it is. Mine, at least."


Jasmine had no idea what was going on with Henry and Riko, but she really wasn't concerned. She trusted them and whatever they were doing, was their business. She was, however, concerned with their new guest. The woman had been unconscious, nearly frozen, and starved for who knew how long. Now they found out that she was with child and watched as her husband was most likely blown up in an explosion on some asteroid.

Trying not to wake her, Jasmine pulled an extra blanket up over her.

"Thank you." Maggie was grateful for the warmth and concern.

"I didn't mean to wake you." Jasmine apologized. "But, I know what exposure feels like and maybe the warmth of the blanket will give you a small amount of comfort as well." She patted the woman's shoulder gently.

"You didn't wake me." Maggie sighed. "As tired as I am, I'm afraid sleep is going to elude me." A small tear leaked from her eyes. She peaked over at the others. "I don't think everyone is satisfied with my story. I wish there was more to tell." She reached into her small pocket. "Here. This is what we were after."

"I'm sure you should hold on to that." Jasmine reassured the woman. "The Captain of this ship would not expect you to give up something that you're supposed to keep secret and safe." She slowly pushed the woman's hand back to her.

"You don't understand." She started. "I don't want it. And as long as we have it, they will look for it." Maggie sat up. "Our job was to find the prototype and the plans and steal it back or destroy it." She looked over at Henry and Riko, "The ship must have been destroyed. They'll want the plans for a new one, so they'll come looking."

Glancing at Henry, Riko nodded and reached out her hand for the data chip. "This answers a lot of questions. We'll keep this safe until we dock on 109, but I have a feeling we're going to have to sneak you off this ship, so no one knows you've returned, in order to keep you and this," she held up the chip, "safe. I think Commander Perry is high enough up the chain of command to arrange the safety of you AND the information. Thank you for your service to the Federation. Leave this to us and think about yourself now."

Henry sat there at the terminal thinking of what could be done. If there was a mission to accomplish, he wanted it to be completed. But, did he need to get involved? This wasn't his mission. But it was a mission.

Henry set course for Starbase 109 and the got up from the terminal. "O.K., our course has been laid and we are ready to head back to the starbase if everyone is ready."


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