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Party Sponsored by Renato, Part 1

Posted on Sun 9th Aug, 2020 @ 5:30am by Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Yuliette Marayan Dr. & Renato Solis & Lieutenant Commander Lanis Dhuro MD

946 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Brown Sector Deck 2245 Renato's
Timeline: MD 14, 1520

Lanis blinked as he saw yet another person coming down the 'street,' this one bearing a covered dish. "Paul! How did you find out about this party before I did?"

Paul's eyes widened in surprise. "Hello, Lanis. I didn't expect to see anyone here I knew, except Renato. Is there a place where I can put this?"

"I'll scoot some platters over," Lanis said, doing so. "What'd you bring?"

Paul set the dish down and detached the serving utensil that came attached to the bowl. "I brought some oskoid salad and dressing to go with it."

"Looks tasty," Lanis said.

Paul stifled a laugh because he could tell Lanis was lying. Apparently, yellow lettuce with purple veins running through it didn't appeal to him.

"Let me introduce you to someone. Neone, this is Paul Graves, a friend of mine. Paul, this is Neone."

"Hello Mr. Graves. I'll try some of your salad." She rearranged her remaining edibles and turned her plate around to an open side for the interesting looking leaves. "How do you know one another?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Neone. Good to see you're more adventurous than Lanis." Paul's dark eyes sparkled with mischief as he served Neone some oskoid salad and Lanis gave him a mock-dirty look. "We sort of work together."

"It looks like leaves dying of a horrible plant disease, Paul. Your people may think it's a delicacy, but...."

Paul chuckled. "Uh-huh. Peldor Joi, by the way, Lanis--"

A low, pleasant gong sound washed over the open air gathering, eyes turned to the immaculately appointed Lexy, in her ceremonial white robes. Straps held the small Tin plate from her arm as she struck it softly in a circle around its middle. Tiny tintinnabulations cascaded into a single ringing warble as the crowd fell silent. She stood with her family on the stoop upraised slightly over the seating area, and beaming in a wide grin she returned to her mothers side. Kya took her in, chided her with humor as she had forgotten the blessing. She called out louder than she should, "Peldor Joi!"

As everyone's attention remained, Renato walked past Kya and her daughter, observing her son had a sharp wound across his face. Likely inflicted from a wooden rod stolen from the burn pile. He smirked, always keeping a smile made people like you more. Dressed plainly, in long black trousers and a simple red cloth Jacket over white shirt, he wore the air of a commoner like a pelt.

He grabbed Kya's hand on the way, since this was her day as well. She encouraged him, as this was a day long fought for. Going public meant they would be getting more people. This was also a sales pitch and subtle ask for support.

"Welcome, and Peldor Joi to you all. My name is Renato Solis, this is Kya Monclar, her daughter Lexy and son, Hasksin. They were the first family to move into my little place here, before we had a purpose for it. They gave me purpose, and in that we founded this place. Once, long ago, this ward was used for surplus workstation outlets, and largely relegated to cargo overflow. Time and the tireless work of the community here have turned this into a Community center providing food and housing for over two hundred souls." He waited for any reaction, he hoped they would ask why people needed shelter and food, why this decrepit place hosted a feast cooked by hands.

Out of the back of the crowd, an unidentifiable voice called out, "What people? And where does the food come from? Aren't they on rations like the rest of us?" It sounded more curious than confrontational, but you could never tell what might happen.

"Thank you, the rations we all are given are the staple food source for those who have no means. Years have passed where the food security and shelter for our neighbors was a matter of self-reliance and cunning. Time spent pursuing the day's meal cannot be spent bettering oneself, so we offer ourselves to all who live in this community. When we were on our own, we learned to plant gardens; aeroponics and deep root system gardens are now a fixture here, and we can exist beyond ration bars. We have emerged triumphant from a long winter, and wish to share the bounty of our Spring.

"Here, you can find education, housing resources, try to connect with lost family, or make a plan for what comes next. We also wish to thank Dr. Graves for making my work possible, and Doctors s'Siedhre and Anderson, as well, for their efforts to fix the conditions we face. We, as a community, will do well this year, so our children can do better next year. If anyone needs to speak to us about our services, this door is always open. Appetizers will be placed shortly, drinks are over on the far side near the Carnival entrance. Full meal will be begin at 1600. Welcome to our homes, please get to know us, and Peldor Joi."

Alora had come to the party late, a particularly complicated repair in a shop of a Brown Sector friend had delayed her but she was here now and excited to be so. The food and conversation were hopping, she was really happy to have been able to make it. This was a great sign things were going reasonably well here and these people knew how to party. There were hundreds of people watching the speech as she stood there in her civilian garb and leather jacket, leaning against a pillar just taking it in.

To be continued ...


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