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All the Children Part Three

Posted on Sun 9th Aug, 2020 @ 1:57am by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs

863 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: USS Berlin, Deep Space
Timeline: Back Story, about 3 Weeks Ago


The quarters were well decorated and seem to have a woman’s touch. Also, Quinn could tell even in the dim light that this was quarters thst belonged to a family. As Quinn walked cautiously towards the bedrooms he did notice the clutter of dirty dishes all around the replicator and the empty wrappers from standard Starfleet rations. Noise coming from the right bedroom caught his attention. He leveled his phaser, holding it at the ready as he slowly crept towards the door. He slowly reached out with his free hand and with some effort he slid the door open…

And now the story continues...

A young boy sat on his bed eating a ration bar jumped at the sound of the door to his bedroom opening. He knew he was alone on this ship, everyone had gone to sleep and he couldn't wake up anyone. He had forgotten how long ago that was, but the lights went out shortly after that. He cried and cried for days and eventually he ran out of tears.

Quinn saw the boy dart down to the side of his bed as he futilely tried to hide. The young boy peered up over the bed at Quinn.

Quinn held up his left hand and holstered his phaser with his right hand then held it up in front of him to show that he meant no harm, "Its okay, we're from the Thunder Child and we're here to help. Can you come out and talk to us?"

The young boy was still skeptical about the new visitors, he was scared. Slowly he faced his fear and climbed out from behind his bed then sat back down on top of the blanket as he watched Quinn and the female Andorian. He seemed to watch the blue woman with antennae intently.

Quinn pulled out the chair at the child's deck and sat down hoping that by making his stature smaller that he would be less intimidating. "My name is Quinn, what's yours?"

"Art..Arthur." the boy managed to get out as he shook, not with fear, but because it was cold. Mail power was still offline.

"Why don't we get you out of here and back onto my warm ship. What do you say, Arthur?" Before Arthur could answer Quinn, Quinn shook his head. The room was spinning and he felt that his head would explode any moment. His vision went dark, "There's something wrong with me..." His sentence trailed off as his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell over backward.

Arthur began to weep, "That's just how my father fell asleep and I can't wake him."

Tyri tapped her comm badge, =A=Thunder Child, this is Lieutenant Sh'ivha, we have a problem. Commander Quinn just seemed to have passed out after complaining of a bad headache.=A= Tyri stepped over to where Quinn fell and knelt down to make sure he was still alive. =A=His breathing is slow and but steady, it's almost like he has fallen asleep. I am getting a headache now.=A=

=A=This is Zed, were you able to make contact with the life sign? Maybe they can help with your situation.=A=

=A=Afirmative, it's a young boy, but I don't think he will be able to help.=A= Tyri said.

=A=And how is Lieutenant Bishop?=A= Zed asked.

=A=We left him on the Bridge to try and access the computer, let me check his status, stand by.=A=

Tyri tapped her comm badge again, =A=Sh'ivha to Bishop, report.=A= She waited a moment before repeating, =A=Sh'ivha to Bishop, what is your status?=A= She tapped her comm badge again closing the channel, =A=Sh'ivha to Commander Zed, I have no contact with Bishop, he's more than likely incapacitated by whatever this is.=A= Tyri felt faint and had to sit down, her head began to swim, and then she fell over, unconscious.

=A=Lieutenant Sh'ivha...=A= Zed called out, =A=Sh'ivha, report.=A= Zed knew without a doubt that Lieutenant Sh'ivha had succumb to whatever it was on the Berlin. Now her options were limited. She couldn't afford to create more casualties. What this was had killed enough people already and they still had no idea what IT was.

With the Voyager incident, Starfleet took note and made some changes and implementations especially with key systems that were needed in emergency or catastrophic situations or in some instances to prevent situations. Thunder Child was equipped with holo emitters on every deck, every room. There wasn't just an EMH that functioned as a Fill-In Doctor, but there were also two additional holograms that acted as nurses and could assist the EMH in situations where organics would be in danger.

Zed looked up at the ceiling, "Activate the EMH." An attractive woman appeared out of thin air. The woman wore a skin tight black jumpsuit made from an unknown shiny black material with a stripe running down the side. She had shoulder length dark brown hair and had dark brown eyes. She smiled and spoke in a pleasant voice, "So, how can I help you, Captain?"


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