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Until Death Do Us Part, Prologue

Posted on Sun 12th Jul, 2020 @ 5:33am by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs
Edited on on Sat 13th Feb, 2021 @ 3:10am

639 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Dallas' Quarters
Timeline: Undetermined

Dallas sat at his desk in his quarters and was thinking about Kiara. She hadn't tried to contact him over subspace in a couple of days now so Dallas started to worry about her. They should have just about reached the planet so she shouldn't have been so busy that she couldn't say hello.

Dallas activated his computer terminal then tried to open a subspace channel using the stranger's communications array. After several tried he knew something was wrong.
Dallas was just about ready to contact his superiors and advise thm that there was something indeed wrong when he received a message over his com. "Commander Briggs, I have an incoming subspace communication for you."

"I'll take it in my quarters, send it. "

"Its about time..." He said softly as the computer screen activated first with the StarFleet emblem and switched to a hooded figure.

"Commander Briggs, I see that you are alive and well."

"Who are you and what can I do for you?" Dallas asked, a little irritated.

The man's face was mostly shrouded by the hood, but Dallas could tell that he had an evil grin. "You can die." He said flatly.

"Alright, what kind of a sick joke is this and who are you?" There was more irritation in Dallas' voice now that even the other could hear it.

He laughed out loud, "I assure you, Commander Briggs, this is not a joke. I pride myself on completing my contracts. Without ones reputation, he's nothing." The man paused for a moment allowing Dallas to realize who he was. "That's right Cimmander." He said when he saw the expression on Dallas' face.

"I underestimated you the first time. That was a very inventive way to use your leg. Unfortunately after that, I couldn't step foot on the station. Someone got a partial look at my face."

"You!" Dallas yelled out as he slammed his fists on the desk.
"I've been looking for you for a rematch. We took care of your lacky, he's dead." Dallas smiled smugly.

The man chuckled, "He wasn't mine, I finish things myself. My employer must have sent him to finish where I failed. Lucky for me you got him so I get a chance to end you and preserve my reputation."

"And for my curiosity, who is your employer?" Dallas asked.

The hooded figure shook a long, slender finger at Dallas. "That information I will never give out."

"I'll just have to beat it out of you when I see you next." Dallas leaned closer to the screen. "I'm sure you didn't contact me for a social call, what do you want?"

"I thought I made myself somewhat clear, Commander. I want you!" He said sternly.

Dallas laughed, "Okay, come and get me if you can."

The hooded figure reached up and slowly pulled down the hood that covered his head and face revealing black hair, pointed ears and slanted eyebrows over dark, cold eyes.

"You're a Vulcan, I would have never figured." Dallas said.

"I may be a Vulcan but I take pride in my work, I enjoy killing, it's exhilarating." The assassin replied with another evil smile.

"I have your precious Ambassador Kiara and if you want to see her alive ever again, then you will meet me." He shook his head,
"Scratch that, if you want her to live. You will never see her again, because I will kill you."

Dallas slammed his fists back down on the desk shaking the computer terminal, "If you hurt her ...!" but he stopped mid sentence when the assassin waved his hand.

"Spare me your idle threats, meet me alone at the coordinates that I send you, come alone and be there in two days or she dies!" The communication was cut abruptly and Dallas was left looking at the Federation symbol .


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Comments (1)

By on Tue 14th Jul, 2020 @ 9:48am

Whoa. I didn't expect that! I certainly hope Dallas doesn't go alone.