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Posted on Tue 30th Jun, 2020 @ 12:17pm by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho

696 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Kendar
Timeline: Backstory, About 3 weeks ago

Come on Lieutenant, stay awake.” The computer said as it continued to monitor Elliot’s vitals. “You have a nasty concussion and you need to stay awake.”

Elliot was unconscious and could not respond to the computer.

“Okay, that’s it. I’m altering course to find you some type of medical help. You can’t be dying on me, Lieutenant.” The female computer voice was different than any other ship computer. Her algorithms were complex and allowed her to do pretty much anything on her own.

“Okay, Lieutenant, I found a planet that’s class M. There seems to be some Human settlements. Even though they are not technological perhaps they can render first aid to you. I’ve been scanning and there is nothing else even close. You will die before we can reach any other system with advanced medical technology. This is your only shot.”

After about ten minutes the Prototype achieved geosynchronous orbit around the fourth planet in the Kenari system. The prototype scanned the area below and found a farm with a female adult and two children that seemed to be working the land. The computer ran a model scenario of what circumstance would be better for Lieutenant Jericho and decided that he would have better chances with what the computer assumed was a single female adult, figuring that the female would take care of the lieutenant instead of turning him in.

‘Remember lieutenant, use the wrist communicator to contact me when you are better and I will get you home. I will be on low power mode in orbit until you call for me.”

Elliot couldn’t hear a word the computer said about anything.

“Okay, I’m transporting you down now, good luck Lieutenant.” The computer said before transporting him.

Elliot materialized in a field of tall grass near the house. The woman was cutting the grass with a sickle. It was a tedious job but had to be done. Eleanor stopped for moment and took off the large hat that blocked the sun from her neck and face. She wiped the sweat from her brow with the back of her gardening glove and looked around for her kids. Josh was in the chicken pen feeding the chickens and Billie was removing weeds from the garden. Since she had lost her husband 2 years ago, the kids had really pitched in to help out around the far.

She turned around and glanced at the castle in the background. Queen Isabella was young, but since she had taken over the kingdom after the untimely death of her mother Queen Ava, she had really done well and things were improving.

Eleanor put her hat back on and turned back around to cut more of the grass, but let out a gasp when she saw a body close by. She ran over to the man lying there and knelt down beside him as checked for life. He was breathing but something was wrong with him. She turned him over slightly and shook his shoulder, “Are you okay, sir? Hey, are you hurt?” Elliot didn’t answer, he was still unconscious.

Eleanor looked around for her children, “Josh, fetch the horse and cart! Billie help me with this man, I think he needs a healer. Fetch some fresh water and a clean cloth.”

“Okay mom!” Billie said as she ran for the house in search of a cloth rag. After only moments she reemerged with the cloth and ran for the well. Josh was nearly done hooking up Nathan the horse to cart.

Billie knelt down beside her mom with the bucket and wet the clean rag. She rang it out a little bit and handed it to her mom, “Here you go, what happened to him? How did he get here?” Billie had a dozen questions to ask about the stranger.

“I really don’t know. I turned around and he was there. I think that he is injured and we have to get him to the castle.” Eleanor said as she wiped the dried blood off of his forehead and face. She looked up at Josh as he brought the cart over.


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Comments (2)

By Yuliette Marayan Dr. on Thu 2nd Jul, 2020 @ 4:05am

The shuttle has Onstar/ Siri! Useful. five star product review.

By on Sat 4th Jul, 2020 @ 11:56pm

An interesting development I hadn't expected for this half of the team! Yay for prototypes!