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Salute, Part 1

Posted on Fri 3rd Jul, 2020 @ 10:44pm by Captain Jason Harrington

1,017 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 11, 11:30

The Antero docked at one of the further most docking points of SB109. Once the ship was secure and Jason was sure that the cargo was being unloaded, he left the ship with his First Mate in charge.

Forty minutes later, Jason checked into a very nice hotel on the Promenade called the Starliner. Another twenty minutes after that he stepped out of the shower and began to get dressed in some nice clean slacks and tunic. His tummy began to rumble reminding him that he was actually hungry and needed to eat.

He left the Starliner and headed left out onto the Promenade in search of the nicest place he could find to have a meal and some drinks and to basically relax. Normally, he would have settled for just about any establishment, but this trip wasn't a regular, uneventful trip. He promised himself that he would find the perfect place to eat a great meal and to toast a certain Klingon Ambassador for saving his life and the lives of his crew. He also decided that he would look up Ambassador Krell once Krell came back to the station and take him out for all the blood wine he could drink.

Jason knew the place when he stopped out front. "Orchids & Jazz ..." he murmured softly as he read the name. He walked up to the entrance and stepped inside. His ears were greeted by soft jazz music playing in the background.

The early crowd was starting to arrive, but business hadn't picked up to full speed yet. Velasquez, acting as host and doorman for the moment, saw a man with the stamp of authority clinging to him step up to him.

"Welcome to Orchids & Jazz," Reon said. "How may we serve you today?"

Jason smiled at the man that greeted him, "I would like a table for one in a rather secluded/ private area if you have it?" Jason liked the looks of this establishment and if the food and drink were as good as it looked, then he would be a frequent patron whenever he was aboard SB109.

"Certainly. How about a seat in the loft? The lunch crowd hasn't hit yet, so you can be against the back wall in a booth, or in a table that overlooks the lower floor and dance area. Alternatively, all of our tables are relatively secluded, being rounded booths and shaded by plants deliberately situated to provide our customers with privacy," Velasquez said with some pride. "The only place that is more open is along the dance floor, where tables are more designed for those who want to dance, and possibly be seen. Do you have a preference?"

"Yes." Jason said with a nod, "I would like one of the tables that overlook the lower floor, please." Jason was impressed with the establishment and its venue. He was very interested in seeing how the place was at night and in full swing.

At that moment, Jade walked up to the entrance, smiling at the man waiting and then at Reon. "Jenna's busy for a few minutes, so I'm pitching in."

The doorman tapped the screen to mark a table as taken, and said, "This gentleman has chosen a loft table overlooking the main floor. I believe it's his first time visiting us."

Smiling at the good looking man, Jade said, "Welcome to Orchids & Jazz. I hope your first visit inclines you to return often. If you'll come with me, I'll show you to your table." She led him around the wall that separated the entrance from those seated in the restaurant, and then spoke again.

"We don't use printed menus here, partly because we have a wonderful chef who gets creative license to create whatever she'd like when the mood strikes her. There's an electronic menu, which we update as needed, on the wall of every booth and table.

"Today's special involves filet mignon, wrapped in crisp sugar bacon, topped with mushrooms marinated in the beef juices. That's served with a baked potato and condiments of your choice, plus your favorites from our prime vegetable selections. Or choose anything that's on the electronic menu. How's this table?" She had led him up the stairs and to a table about halfway along the balcony wall, with a perfect view of the stage. "Our entertainment will begin shortly, and you'll see why jazz is in the restaurant name."

Jason smiled at the beautiful waitress, but she seemed so much more than a waitress, or was she a bartender. Jason shook his head and thought to himself, ~No way.~ "This will do nicely." he thought for a quick second, "I don't suppose you would have any Klingon Bloodwine would you?"

"As a matter of fact, I do," Jade said. "We have most things anyone in the galaxy might want. Or the Federation, at least. Most of it is not replicated, though there are a few things that are. Blood wine isn't one of them. Would you like that chilled or warm?"

"Well, I definitely want today's special, it sounds magnificent. I know Klingons like their blood wine warm, I think I would like mine chilled, please." Jason smiled at the woman almost in thought, "And I would ask that you join me for that drink, though I may eat alone sometimes, I certainly don't like to drink alone and if you ask me, I don't think that you are a waitress. There is something about you that...." He paused again as he tried to figure it out. "I can't put my finger on it so I will have to go with the fact that you are not dressed like a waitress nor do you carry yourself like a waitress." Jason couldn't figure it out just yet, but there was definitely something about her.

Jade smiled mysteriously, "You would be correct. Let me get that drink for you, and we'll chat while your food is being prepared." It took only moments for her to enter the order and get the chilled bloodwine for the gentleman and a lemon Coke for herself.


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