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Purulent Dreams, Part 2

Posted on Sun 14th Jun, 2020 @ 4:52am by Purulence Addams

896 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Chlamydia Addams' home, Deck 1554
Timeline: MD 15, 0720

In Part 1, after Purulence dreamed sweet dreams, and fixed breakfast, ...

"And might you feel inclined to share these notes?" Chlamydia asked. She really was running late, but she had a feeling this might be important -- and she had been a very small child, indeed, when she'd learned never to ignore that feeling.

And now ... does dream writing really work?

Purulence sipped from her tea to wash down the bite of waffle and bacon. "It's in my sketchbook--but it's all a jumble of words and thumbnail sketches." She wiped at her lips with her napkin and then collected her sketchbook from the counter top. She opened it to the correct page and handed the book to Chlamydia. "Maybe you can make some sense of it. I was going to look it over again after breakfast."

Victoria Briggs—Notes from Dream (dated and timed)

Scary hit-man—ever catch him?
"No, they never did. Can't win them all, can we? They sent someone else, but he didn't succeed, either."
Who wants to kill her husband so badly? Why? WTH??

"I don't think I dream, because I don't seem to sleep. Tell me, what makes a good dream."
No drama in marriage. Husband’s name is Dallas? Is that right? Not Austin, maybe?

“Life is short. Don't waste it being afraid. Make what you want happen."

"When the explosion happened, I was in a void. I don't feel dead. I still have emotions. I still miss my life with Dallas. Sometimes, I even feel pain.”
If she's dead, how can she feel pain, much less emotions?

“I'm not the point here. YOU are. So if this Ignatius fellow makes you happy, go for it.”
Me: "But you
are the point here. You came to visit me for a reason. How can I help you?”

“I have to go back now. Remember what I said."

(sketch of woman sitting on bed) (indistinct sketch of lab equipment.)

Chlamydia ate one of her toast triangles as she glanced over the notes. "Dallas is correct; Dallas Briggs. Though one supposes Austin and Houston might be his brothers." She tapped her right forefinger, the one that wasn't occupied with toast, on the page. "Ghosts do not sleep; having denied Death, her brother's realm is likewise closed to them. I have never observed them to display strong emotions, either, though Paul assures me that most ghosts are naught but emotion, so I have no decisive comment there."

"He must have meant that ghosts are often connected with either a traumatic event or a strong attachment to a place," Purulence said. "You know, like ghosts hanging around the battlefield where they died or the house they occupied during life. I can see where he might make that mistake. Ghosts don't feel emotions, but they are tied to them. I don't think he's ever seen a ghost himself, so how would he really know?"

"I thought you said he brought Victoria to you the first time," Ischemia said. "Wouldn't he have to have seen or at least felt something then? He's a strong empath or something, isn't he?"

"Right," Purulence said. "He could feel her emotions, but he couldn't talk to her."

"So ... what do you think it all means, Sissy?" Ischemia asked, pushing her plate aside. "Do you think it was a dream? It sounds as much about you as about her. Though why you'd be looking for advice from a not-ghost, I can't imagine."

Purulence shrugged and took another bite of peppery-sweet bacon. "I don't think my romantic foibles are important enough for a disembodied spirit who barely knows me to go out of her way, just to discuss them with me. I presumed something was going on with her--but she disappeared before I could get her to tell me."

Ischemia thought that over. "I'm not so sure. You were one of what? Three people who sensed her? If she planned to leave, she might have simply felt she needed to see you before she left ... a goodbye of sorts ... a contact of sorts? Imagine things from her side. She has pretty much nothing left of life, whatever she is, can we agree on that?"

Purulence eyed Ischemia. "She couldn't interact with most people or things, true. If it was good-bye, I'm honored she came to me, and I will treasure her memory always. But where would she have gone? Out into space? That would be horrible. Whatever happened, though, I don't think it was under her control. It felt too wrong."

Chlamydia controlled her instinct to pontificate about spirits eventually moving on from the near shore; her sisters had heard all the same information while they were collectively growing up as she had. "As interesting as all this is, I truly am late. Ta, witches." She gathered the remaining slice and a half of toast, stuck the half-slice in her mouth, waved with her fingertips, and sailed out of the kitchen.

"Wait! Napkin!" Purulence yelped and pressed one into Chlamydia's hand as she left the kitchen. She replaced the jar of 'Mr. Ick' honeybutter in the cupboard. For all she knew, Six may well have already found Chlamydia's stash, but there was no point in making it easy for her.


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