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Just in Time, Part 1

Posted on Fri 19th Jun, 2020 @ 5:40am by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Meghan [Maggie] Jericho

1,036 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Near Space
Timeline: MD 3, 1955

Previously ...

Maggie lay on the deck of the shuttle, too cold to move. She wondered why there was no response, but she was too tired to try again. It was too cold and she was hungry. In less than an hour, she wouldn't care anymore. She was sure hypothermia had already kicked in. What would happen to her; to her baby? "Elliot, where are you?" A tear rolled down her cheek. Maybe this was the gods telling her that she wouldn't have to live without him after all. She closed her eyes. Sleep, the only way to escape; just go to sleep and don't wake up.

And now ... how can Maggie Jericho and her baby be rescued in time?

It took some time for Perry and McCord to work out all the changes that needed to be made. Knowing there was someone who needed their help as soon as possible, they pushed quickly, feeling the pressure of whatever might be happening along vector 147.6 every moment they delayed.

"Is basic going to be enough to allow us to make this rescue, Henry?" Riko asked, fitting a cover back over the area where she'd been working.

Making the final adjustments at the pool table, Henry looked at his friend. Looking into her eyes and trying to find a way to be optimistic. "It is going to have to be, my friend. We are really crossing our fingers that everything turns back on after the reboot. We have literally re-wired the brains of the yacht and are hoping the neurons fire all without a hitch."

The Commander walked over to yacht's navigation console and began making his final checks. "If worst comes to worst, Riko, life support, engines, and navigation systems are the only thing I'm hoping for. I can tell you sensors will not be at full spec, along with some other systems."

"Then I hope this rescue call out is genuine," McCord said, standing and stretching the kinks from her back. "I don't want to waste anything on a wild goose chase, and I don't want to get caught without some means of defense if this is one of those pirate pranks."

"I don't either my friend," Henry said as he made his final adjustment. The engineer reached over and pressed the LCARS for the ship's internal communication system. "O.K., everyone. Soon as you tell me you and your stations are secure, we will begin the reboot."

Jasmine checked again to see that the coordinates were locked in and responded. "Science station is secured."

McCord followed with, "Engineering is good to go."

Anthony looked around the galley where they'd had something to eat and had meetings earlier. "Everything secure and ready on the deck."

Hari shrugged and put his hands up. "All bulkheads refastened and secured."

"O.K." Henry said as he walked over to the wall panel housing a power shutdown switch. "Here we go in 3.... 2..... 1...!!" The engineer pulled the switch and the ship was covered in instant darkness. Although he couldn't see a foot in front of him, Henry instinctively looked over to where he last saw Riko, knowing she, too, was looking in his direction.

"Well this is is a tad bit creepy," he said, trying to lighten the fear and tension growing in the ship.

"Okaaaay, then," McCord said. "First, before we all panic like ancient humans in a cave, flip it again, Henry. Leave it off for 10 seconds and turn it back on. If we're still in the dark ... then proceed to scream and panic." Though there was some humor in her voice, she was seriously hoping this would work, because there was someone out there depending on their help ... maybe.

"Copy that Riko. I am just waiting for all residual energy to dissipate from the systems." Henry said as a thought suddenly struck him. "Hey, this kind of reminds me of the time we got stranded in that shuttle during that ion storm on Rigel 4. Remember when the lightning struck the shuttle and we lost power?"

"I remember, but other than it being dark, how does this remind you of that? If I remember correctly, one of the Winter sisters got us out of that one!" McCord laughed. "What I wouldn't give to have all of them here right this minute."

Jasmine didn't care for the total darkness and Oscar quickly picked up on this. There was a quick yip from Oscar as he tried to reach Jasmine in the dark, to let her know he was there and that she was okay.

"It's okay, Oscar. I'm okay." She wanted to say she was fine, but she wasn't.

Hari Seldon moved easily in the dark and knelt down next to the CSO. Then he flipped on a small LED that he carried in his pocket. "Put out your hand, Commander, and I'll put this in it for you." Even as an advanced AI form, he felt no emotional need to help the scientist. It simply seemed logical that if she were afraid in the dark, which the uptick in her vitals seemed to indicate, and he had the means to ease that, he should do so.

"That should have fully discharged any residual problem from restart," Riko said. "What say we try again, Henry?"

"Here we go!" The engineer said as he flipped the main power back on. And just like that, light began to pour through the various consoles and lighting fixtures throughout the yacht. With only one mild flicker, the ship came alive.

"Riko, check on sensors while I check navigation." Henry jumped into the pilot's seat and began running a diagnostic on his systems. "Jasmine, get a lock on the last signal and feed it to her at navigation."

"Aye, aye, Sir," Riko responded, throwing sensor readings up on her console, one after the other. In a few moments, she called out, "All sensors are reading normal, and testing accuracy shows 100%. I think we're back online!"

"Priming warp engines now," Henry said. " It may take a few minutes for them to build up, but I think we will be able to go and rescue that civilian as soon as all the checks are complete."


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