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The Zelda Alegari Chronicles, Part 6

Posted on Tue 16th Jun, 2020 @ 12:45pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Captain Andrus Grax & Lieutenant Damion Ildaran

1,144 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Intelligence Department, Interview Room 1
Timeline: MD 3, 1030

In our last episode, Chlamydia defined the challenge ...

"The difference between medicine and poison is often a matter of dosage," Chlamydia equivocated. "We believe the original research this is based upon was a sort of counter-Borg agent." She waved her left hand dismissively. "Be that as it may; yes. The current application is not just illegal, a category which may be applied almost accidentally. No; this application is evil."

Now ... can we follow it home?

Morrigan heard the word that defined what she felt each time she looked at the ring. "Yes, evil is a part of this entire event. You were not able to find the aenar, I presume? Him I did not see on the cobbled together base where we were taken. There was a feeling of vastness, and also of dark alleys, hidden places. I don't know if that's a concrete clue, or just the nature of sinister events. Sinister - the left hand. No one knows what it's doing but those to whom it is done."

"Evil is the whole of this entire affair," Damion muttered under his breath. "As for size--The Cairo was not a small ship. 'Twould require a sizable docking port and a sizable station to dock with. So it might have been the vastness you recall, or the station itself might have been vast. Whatever docked with this station you came from need not have been all of the Cairo, however. It might have been just a small part of the vessel. While I'm curious to know who has it now, there's no point in pursuing that unless we find it's relevant to this case. If its transponder hasna been disabled, though, we might be able to use that to find it. The ship was lost some twenty years ago, however. 'Tis a long shot, but worth a try."

"My own impression was not so much docked as ... incorporated as part of the structure of the station? I don't know if that makes sense, and things were getting hazy for Destiny, who was observing at that time." Morrigan shrugged. "I don't know exactly how that would happen, but it is the feeling I have when I look at her memories."

"Interesting," Damion said.. "Aye, it makes sense. I wonder if the whole station is cobbled together from parts? Could well be; probably is." He mulled that over. If so, he might be able to use that information to construct his legend, if it came to that. He wrote a note on his PADD.

"It is not uncommon among drifter colonies," Chlamydia said thoughtfully, her long night-black nails tapping absently on the table-top for a moment. Her research into Day's current whereabouts had given her the name of one such, rumored to be the largest of all time, Oblivion. That, however, was another bit of information she saw no need to share with... whatever her current name was.

Drifter colonies, Morrigan thought. That description fits ... it feels right. She didn't say another word, letting what she'd given them be enough. If they were smart and deserved to win whatever game was being played, using her and her sisters as pawns, then ... good for them. It would probably be better than the alternative. There was one more piece of information, but she would save it for the right question to be asked.

In the observation room, Paul glanced over at Andrus Grax and Adam Keller. "I'll bet this woman's an expert poker player, if she plays. I feel as if there's something more that she's holding back. Morrigan's not an altruist. If she were, you 'd have all the information you need by now. I think she wants your guy to work for the information, but I think she also wants assurances. She doesn't trust anyone in that room except for her attorney--and perhaps not even her. I doubt Morrigan would believe any assurances you gave her, but she would hold you to them once made."

"I agree," Grax replied. "I don't know about you, but I can read the different 'sisters' with varying degrees of success." He turned from the monitor for the first time since the interview had begun to address Graves directly. "I get nothing from Morrigan at all."

Paul sighed. "What I get from her is calculation and a degree of world weariness that I haven't seen even in the abuse survivors I've worked with. Yes, she is difficult to read. Morrigan has likely seen the worst of what Zelda Alegari has experienced, but she's no storyteller. She doles out information one bit at a time, like dog treats. I keep having to remind myself that, for Morrigan, this is strictly negotiation, not therapy. If we were to walk away now, I suspect Morrigan would not watch us leave and then call out, 'Wait!' She would simply let us go. She wants us to come to her, not the reverse. To convince her to share her information, she will need to see a clear and unassailable advantage to herself in dealing with us."

After several minutes of silence, in which everyone seemed to be contemplating something from the interrogation, Morrigan ventured, "Is that it then? Are we finished? Are we free to go?"

Damion chuckled. "I'm told they used to call silence in a proceeding 'dead air.' No, this isna over; I'm just thinking. Our records say you traveled here as a passenger on a vessel called Jewel of the Stars about two months ago. Once disembarked, you--or Zelda--were well enough funded to rent an apartment for yourself, to decorate it with pictures, and to purchase an impressive amount of plants. We've not covered what it was these people wanted you to accomplish whilst you were here.

"When Security apprehended you, we thought you were communicating with some of the local pirate population. Discovering the ring changed that line of thought. You were brought here to remain on this station for an extended time--several months, at least--and to accomplish something for the folk who grew that ring onto your finger. What is it they wanted you or your sisters to do for them, Morrigan?"

Ah. There it is, then. I didn't really think they'd miss it, but I hoped .... "I'd like to take a break, talk to my counselor, and, uh, use the facilities, if I might. Feel free to send a guard with me, but I want this over with, and not giving you something you want isn't going to go well for me. However, I need a break."

Damion had to stifle a laugh, the request was so cliche. But he kept his face neutral and nodded. "You and Miss Addams go right ahead. I ought to talk with my department chief, anyway."


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