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Elliot and the Prototype

Posted on Thu 28th May, 2020 @ 9:30am by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho
Edited on on Sun 31st May, 2020 @ 9:47pm

612 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Unidentified Secret Pirate Base
Timeline: Back Story, about a month ago

Elliot glanced around the hanger for hostiles, he didn’t see any, at the moment. In this dimly lit hanger were quite a few containers stacked up along all sides of the room and in the center was the sleek looking Delta Flyer shaped Prototype. It was a non-reflective black and appeared to be untouched.

Elliot cautiously walked towards it and then made a complete circle around it. He stopped just behind it and pressed the button to open the large rear door. With a soft hum, the door opened. Elliot stepped inside as he was greeted by a female voice. “Good afternoon, Lieutenant Jericho. Welcome aboard the Prototype NX-10X. You require imitate medical attention. I am detecting a four-centimeter puncture wound to your left upper thigh, which you have patched for now, two broken ribs, a grade 2 concussion and numerous contusions. Activating the EMH…”

The EMH began to come on line in the form of a female with short brown hair and in a jump suit. “Please….state…the….” The hologram began, but there was something wrong the program as it sputtered and fluctuated rapidly before disappearing completely.

“I am detecting a corruption in the EMH program, someone must have tampered with it. The EMH is not able to come online.”

“Never mine that.” Elliot said, “Prepare for takeoff. We’re getting out of here.” Elliot grabbed his ribs, and muttered through gritted teeth, “No wonder it’s hard to breath.”

Elliot coaxed himself into the Pilot’s seat, “Okay Prototype, let’s see what you got, take us out.”

“Okay Lieutenant Jericho, departing from where ever we are and heading for space.” The computer responded. The Runabout type vessel nimbly maneuvered in the hangar and headed for the invisible shield which made up the southern wall and held in the atmosphere. It automatically allowed spacecraft to go in and out of it.

The small craft cleared the large asteroid and went to full impulse once it was clear of the asteroid field. “Heading and speed, Lieutenant?” The computer asked.

“If I remember correctly, we need to return on a heading of 141, warp five, for now.” Elliot said.
“As you command Lieutenant…” The computer replied and went to warp.

The small ship went along quietly, Elliot had been drifting in and out of consciousness and the computer had tried to keep him awake because of the concussion. “Lieutenant, you must stay awake, tell me something about you.”

“Uh, there’s not much to say about me. You already know that I’m a Lieutenant in Starfleet.” Elliot thought for a moment, “I am married, my wife’s name is Meghan and I hope she is okay, I mean I hope she got away safe. I hope that I made the right choice in us separating when I had to start blowing things up. There were just too many Pirates to deal with.”

“Don’t start second-guessing yourself Lieutenant and don’t beat yourself up for your decision, you made the right call. Tell me about her..”

Elliot thought for a moment to collect his thoughts and gather his words. “Well, she is beautiful, intelligent, resourceful. She’s a pretty good pilot and can defend herself when she needs to. She’s actually brilliant.” Elliot smiled when he thought about her, “I love her so much that I don’t know what I would do without her. If I sent her to her death, I’m not sure that I could live with that.”

“Don’t worry about her too much, Lieutenant. By what you said so far, I’m sure she will be fine.”

Elliot groaned, “I hope you're right.”


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 30th May, 2020 @ 7:04pm

I have to like a character who is so positive about his wife, and unthreatened by her intelligence. Good to see the next chapter.