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Crimson Flame

Posted on Thu 7th May, 2020 @ 3:04am by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs

578 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Undisclosed not so Secret Pirate Base
Timeline: MD: 3 2200 hours

Captain Benjamin Rhodes, the leader of the large Pirate faction known as the Crimson Flame, sat in his office and sipped on a coffee after reading the report that was handed to him earlier and he couldn’t help but wonder why the Klingon ship had found the base inside the nebula. Initial reports indicated that the Klingon vessel conducted extensive scans of the base before being chased away, she was not a pirate ship.

Someone rang his door chime. “Come in!” he called out as he looked up to see who it was. “Adam, please come in and have a seat.” He said to the human with salt and pepper hair that was the Commanding Officer of the Mirage, an Orion Interceptor.

Adam plopped into the seat that was right in front of Ben’s desk.

“What do we know so far?” Ben asked.

“It’s the IKS d’k tahg, a Bird of Prey and her Captain is Ambassador Krell. He’s the Klingon ambassador assigned to Sb109. We still don’t know why they were here and what they were looking for.” Adam explained.

“Starbase 109 will be alerted to our presence, we need to move,” Ben said.

“I agree, we need to move are base to the Argos cluster, there are some large asteroids floating about and there is enough electromagnetic interference to mast the energy output of the base. There is a nebula close by that can hide us until the base is completely built.” Adam said.

Ben nodded, “Okay, give the word to evacuate. We may not have much time before Starfleet finds the base or what’s left of it anyway. I’ll set the self-destruct before I go.”

Adam stood, “This has been a pretty good base, I’m going to miss her.”

“Me too.” Ben said, “It’s been a good one, see you in the cluster.”

Adam turned and headed for the door. His next task would be to give the order for everyone to evacuate the base and head for the Argos cluster then he would head for his own ship and get underway.

Ben watched as his friend left. He hoped they would see each other again; he was a good friend and basically the second in charge. Ben opened a channel to his ship the Renegade, =A=Bridge, recall the crew and prepare to get underway, we won’t be coming back here. Its time to find a new home. =A=

=A=Understood, Captain, recalling the crew now, see you soon, Renegade out. =A= Said the female voice.
Ben stood and looked around his office. The only thing he decided to take was a very old book that rested on a table, everything else would stay and get destroyed by the explosion. He exited his office and headed for his ship.

Over the next few hours, ships left the nebula and headed in different directions to confuse anyone that might be able to track their ion trails. The last ship to leave the nebula was the Renegade. Ben sat in his chair on the Bridge and had the view screen facing aft so he could see the beautiful colors that the nebula made. He reached down on his armrest console and pressed a button. Deep in the nebula, the base exploded in brilliant flashes of light. Outside the nebula, only mild flashes were visible. Once Ben was satisfied he ordered the Renegade to go to warp.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Fri 8th May, 2020 @ 1:46am

I've been very much enjoying this story, Mike!
