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Super Soldier Part II, Damon Tavor and Elaine Kaleh

Posted on Sat 15th Aug, 2020 @ 9:32am by Ensign Elaine Kaleh & Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs

1,364 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Central City, Antares IV
Timeline: About two years ago

Damon led the beautiful woman out of the crusty bar that was pretty much all scum and began looking for a nice place where they could eat. Damon wasn't used to these kinds of places and was uncomfortable being here. He finally found a location that appeared to be pretty nice on the outside at least. It was about 4 blocks down from the bar that they had just left. Damon looked up at the name, "Kobayashi? that sounds Japanese." The woman still had her hand on his arm so he gently caressed her hand with his free hand.

"It's fusion, but they have sushi rolls that are quite good" she answered, the intelligence back in her eyes once more. She was clearly done playing the vapid whore. "They usually seat me in the back, as the owner of the place is a friend."

Damon nodded, "Then you probably know what's good to eat?" Damon had never tried any type of sushi before, the stuff always looked funny.

"Don't you worry about a thing handsome. Ellie will take care of you" she gave her nickname as she flirted gently with him. She toed the line of appropriateness quite carefully and had in the past actually used her body to suss information out of a target. She was anything the fleet needed her to be- soldier, spy, whore, or assassin. She played her role exceptionally well.

Damon smiled, "Then I leave myself in your capable hands." The couple entered the establishment and waited to be seated.

They were settled momentarily into the back of the restaurant under a painting of a dragon. Turning to the waitress she smiled softly "What's the chef got fresh?"

"He's currently making rainbow rolls, and we have a guest chef Bodan that is preparing all manner of dishes as tapas."

"Please bring enough for 2."

"So, what's a Rainbow roll?" Damon asked as he watched the waitress walk away.

"Its a type of uramaki sushi roll filled with cucumber, avocado, and crab as well as multiple types of fish, tuna, salmon, white fish, yellowtail, snapper, and eel. They often array them in colorful patterns, but the flavor profile changes depending on the chef. They're truly divine." Her smile was one on anticipation as she poured a small bowl of soy sauce into individual bowls. Into hers, she stirred a lump of wasabi. "Do you like spicy?"

"Possibly..." Damon said hesitantly before adding, "I guess it would depend on exactly how hot it actually is, but I'm game as long as I have something to put the fire out with if its a little too much." Damon didn't was his tongue to be burned off but was willing to try different things. He found the woman that he was with very attractive and wanted to impress her.

Laughing softly Elaine made a note to order them some fruit drinks so he wouldn't have to lose face if he found it too spicy. "This is not on the level of pain being a flavor, it is spicy but pleasantly so and it doesn't linger on the tongue."

Damon nodded, "It sounds like I will like it then." He thought for a quick moment, "Perhaps we should have a refreshment with alcohol in it." After today's events, Damon could use a good drink to help him unwind.

"Definitely darling, but after dinner..." Her eyes flicked briefly to the door and back indicating that they weren't alone or unobserved just yet it was not yet time to let their guard down. "I do suggest the fruit combinations to compliment the rainbow. The waitress will bring us something....appropriate"

Damon nodded, "Very well, we will see what you have in store for us and I look forward to sampling what comes out." Damon smiled to himself, so far he was actually enjoying himself and he liked the company that he was with.

Wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue she gazed through her eyelashes at the attractive contact before her. The waitress brought various kinds of sauce, thinly sliced ginger and a sweet red bean paste as well as a set of chopsticks for them both. Elaine unwrapped hers and smiled at the pattern "Im going to have to keep these, they're quite pretty."

Damon took notice when the beautiful Romulan licked her lips, he couldn't help it. It wasn't very often that he came across Romulan women or any Romulan for that matter, but she was extremely incredible and it was hard for him to keep from staring. He finally glanced down at the chopsticks in front of him and slowly unwrapped them. He began to fumble with them as he tried to awkwardly hold them in one hand, "I have no idea how to use these things. I hope they have a fork or I'll hungry." He glanced back up at her and smiled.

Ellie came close to him and she positioned them in his hand. "Like this, where this one is an extension of your thumb and this one moves, like a crab pincer. She demonstrated and grasped a sushi roll, dipped it in the sauce, and offered it to him. "Or you can let me feed it to you." it would improve the idea that they were lovers in the eyes of the watchers if she fed him.

Though brief, he found her touch to be very pleasant. Without hesitation, he consumed the sushi roll. As he chewed it, he nodded in approval and waited to speak until he had finished eating, "That's very good, I'm impressed. Though it is very tempting to have you feed me, I want to give those wooden sticks a try. If I'm a failure with them then I may just let you."

She laughed softly "I am quite sure you'll get the hang of it." She repeated the motion to bring a roll to her bowl of sauce and pop it into her mouth. Her eyes fluttered closed at the explosion of flavor. "Delicious."

"In that case, I may have to pretend that I don't know how." He smiled back at her.

"You...are a tease" she whispered into the space between them, lowering her eyes so she could look up at him through her eyelashes. "I do rather like it."

Damon leaned in close and kissed Ellie on the cheek and whispered back, "You are an unexpected pleasure."

Reaching her hand under the table she squeezed just above his knee, her fingers trailing slow circles over his muscular flesh. "I can indeed be that."

Damon chuckled softly, "I bet you can, beautiful." He looked around for a moment, "I wonder where the main course is.."

"It'll come out when we're done with our roll. They like to keep watch so that the food comes out at the appropriate time. The service is quite excellent here."

"It's a good thing that I'm enjoying the food here and especially the company or I'd really be ready to get off this rock." Damon whispered into her ear.

Ellie smirked up at him through her lowered eyelashes and whispered "Don't you worry handsome, I'll make it worth your while." Her hand slid slowly up his thigh. She was close enough to kiss him, and she licked her lips in anticipation. It was one thing to pretend to be lovers, but it was another thing to actually have some chemistry.

Damon looked down at her lips, they were an attractive color of pink and were slightly full. He could feel some chemistry between them ever since he laid eyes on her. He had wanted to kiss her tenderly since the bar but waited. Now the wait was over, he felt excitement for the first real kiss and leaned in as he parted his lips as they touched hers. He gently cupped her check with his right hand as the kiss deepened.

She broke the kiss but didn't move away from him, her nose brushing his when she finally looked up at him. "Want to take our food to go?"

"I'd love that." Damon whispered softly. His nose tingled at the touch of her causing him to smile pleasantly.



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