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Antenatal and Women's Health Clinic

Posted on Fri 24th Apr, 2020 @ 4:26am by Makila i'Hartelhai & Alsina Telsamvi
Edited on on Sun 18th Aug, 2024 @ 6:54pm

753 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Brown Sector- Free Clinic
Timeline: MD 7: 0800

When she came back out into the waiting area, Makila was shocked to see all the seats filled with expectant mothers. The stench of unwashed body, and infection came with a few of them and Makila had to fight to control her facial expression.

"Good heavens." Her dark eyes swept the room, and dropped her shields enough to catch the expectant joy and anticipation that usually followed the heavily pregnant. In one of the seats was the young Ms. Telsamvi "Alsina, don't tell me you're responsible for this?"

"Oh aye Healer. Told 'em about the painkillers you brought. How you gave them to me and I slept so well he popped out like an oiled turd...and how you turned Amir so he might be born. I figured, if we come early you might be able to save 'em some pain." Alsina beamed at her, and Makila's knees went weak at how perfectly her intentions had been met. Alsina trusted her, and she'd shared the wealth of her experience. Alsina trusted her, so she ensured that everyone else did. Silently praising the elements for her incredible good fortune, Makila took a deep breath. She hadn't been prepared for the swiftness of the turnaround, and she shook her head softly her amazement and joy palpable as she cast her gaze to each and every woman. There were 4 Humans, 2 Bajorans, 2 Romulans and a lone Andorian.

"Elements be praised. Who was here first?"

"I was Healer, but for Amir. I'll be here till the last lady leaves, so Just start with Marissa there." Alsina gestured to the dark skinned woman who looked very uncomfortable.

"Right. Marissa?" she gestured with a slight bow to her exam room. A grunt escaped the woman as she waddled into the exam room.

"Everyone fill out a PADD, with your personal information. Please be as detailed as possible. I don't want to get lost when your time comes and I'm trying to find your homes."

The ladies set to with abandon, and she would later laugh to find out that they'd included landmarks and tiny hand drawn maps that would absolutely get her where she needed to be. How clever had that addition been? She wondered if that was Alsina's touch or perhaps Arik?

Makila was utterly exhausted, and she sat slumped on the desk she'd been taking furious notes on. Alsina had not been kidding when she'd said she'd told all the women. In total she'd seen 24 women from the ages of 16 to 70, and she'd had to ask some to come back on the next clinic day because there wasn't time to see them all. Some had brought their children. Most of them had been pregnant. She'd given out over a dozen hypos of prenatal vitamins to those in early pregnancy. Vitamin infusions had been set up for those in their later pregnancy, and health issues were dealt with as they came up. There were 3 UTI's, 4 STD's. 2 cases of pre-eclampsia which weren't severe yet. 1 case of complete placenta previa which she would have to convince needed a C-section, or referral to an OBGYN surgeon. That case truly concerned her, because if she went into labor she would very likely die. She would have to ask Alsina or Arik how to convince her, because..well it was dangerous. And on the list of deliveries she had 1 set of twins, 3 transverse babies and 2 frank breeches. Not a one of the women were given any information about the sex of their babies, because that wasn't done down here, but she included it in her notes anyway. They would have some medical records, vaccinations and proper care if it killed her to provide it.

The room full of women she'd had at the very beginning were all due in the next 3 weeks. The Bajoran's partner knew how to assist in the delivery, and had the chimes to aid in the baby's birth. That at least she didn't have to worry about. She was most concerned with the Andorian, for whom she knew nothing about their births or their traditions. She would have to study it and fast, because she was due within days.

Her women's health clinic had been an enormous success. clean up and do all the paperwork. Yawning hugely, she went to the replicator for a cup of Chai, and settled down at her desk. First the paperwork. Then the cleanup. Then...maybe she'd wander around and see if she couldn't catch a glimpse of that handsome security officer.


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Comments (2)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sat 25th Apr, 2020 @ 4:52am

I feel tired, just reading this! :) Excellent writing.

By on Sun 3rd May, 2020 @ 1:23am

Wonderful addition to what's happening in Brown Sector!